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Why does TPLF badly need the next election to be held?

Post by MatiT » 20 Aug 2019, 19:32

Why does TPLF badly need the next election to be held? via @Zehabesha

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: Why does TPLF badly need the next election to be held?

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 20 Aug 2019, 20:32

Tigray does not have to have the election specially in Tigray, woyane is 100% winner no single vote go to anyone specially Arena and Aregawi, the people will kill them let alone to vote for them to work for Amhara. No single Eritrean would vote for anyone to work with Amhara, it is the same in Tigray. If the election hold on schedule Tigray will work with the winners if they do not work then there another strategy to travel. If the election postponed Tigray also has a strategy what to do at that time for Tigray future. So, there will not shock for Tigray but others may be shocked by the decision of Tigray for its future.
There is nothing Tigray to fear for all scenario we have a strategy in place to be executed but the sole loser will be Abiy the Eritrean mercenary will be gone if not they will put him in prison for murdering people and for his double agent for foreigners, he may be an agent spying Ethiopia for Eritrea, Egypt and other countries per Andargachew TSege confirmation Abiy was providing him highly classified information about the country.

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Re: Why does TPLF badly need the next election to be held?

Post by gearhead » 20 Aug 2019, 21:56

We are going on a hypotetical because EPRDF has already declard its position. The article is correct in identifying TPLFs intention, unfortunately it is based on the wrong calculation! Voters are immune to internet chatter and as such; ADP and ODP have the best established channels in their respective regions. Segments of OLF and NAMA with whom TPLF has deep connenctions will have less of an impact as a result of this alignment, come election time. The way it is going, they wont win more than 10percent in their respective regions. In truth OFC and EZEMA will have a better showing than these radical groups.

It is never been about Abiy winning this or that. However, I believe he still has a better chance than any to keep his PM position if the electin is held on time. Either way, adding time wont change his odds for the better, in any shape or form!

Jawar wont endorse anyone amongst those who stay in the overall oromo political spectrum!! Remember, jawar is just a voice, a media that coalesces the a spits out the centric voice! He is not a political party and as such has no opinion of his own!
MatiT wrote:
20 Aug 2019, 19:32
Why does TPLF badly need the next election to be held? via @Zehabesha

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Joined: 26 Sep 2013, 09:27

Re: Why does TPLF badly need the next election to be held?

Post by kibramlak » 20 Aug 2019, 23:00

Tplf salivates for ethnic violence to happen during the election event,, thats their main dream

Posts: 5577
Joined: 08 Jun 2014, 16:29

Re: Why does TPLF badly need the next election to be held?

Post by gearhead » 21 Aug 2019, 01:26

hmmmm....they have been so sheltered by the omnipresence of meles during his long reign, and the security/military structure he left can safely bet that their political senses are dull if not atrophied completely. I am not sure if they really know what they can practically want!

By hook or crook, the near terrorist organizatins of NAMA, OLF and G7 will not have the structure to run for more than 10% of seats in their respective regions, and /or capture more than 25% of seats combined. Sure, they can, and should have some ministerial positions where they are qualifed but that is about what election change management requiers!

If TPLF continues its obstructionist agenda, many measures short of military intervention should await TPLF.

Case closed!
kibramlak wrote:
20 Aug 2019, 23:00
Tplf salivates for ethnic violence to happen during the election event,, thats their main dream

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