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Re: Raya southern Tigray GDP is higher than the aggregate of Eritrean Akat and Qolqal economy???

Post by tarik » 18 Aug 2019, 14:17

Halafi M. denqoro agame

Good Day Sir

Hey moran, RAYA IS AMHARA not cursed-land-tigray! u thief, u ppl all u do is steal and lie and prostitutute and beg. U stole badme, and amhara land, but we all will get back our lands soon. We Eritreans we shall get back what is ours. U r really cursed ppl indeed. :roll:

Good Day Sir

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: Raya southern Tigray GDP is higher than the aggregate of Eritrean Akat and Qolqal economy???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 18 Aug 2019, 14:22

The massive projects of Tigray Sugar Corporation – Welkayt Sugar Factory

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Re: Raya southern Tigray GDP is higher than the aggregate of Eritrean Akat and Qolqal economy???

Post by Axumawi » 18 Aug 2019, 22:59


When did you abondon being Oromo?

Now you are Amara not Amhara of course.

very funny.

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Re: Raya southern Tigray GDP is higher than the aggregate of Eritrean Akat and Qolqal economy???

Post by Axumawi » 18 Aug 2019, 23:14

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
18 Aug 2019, 14:06
Big thank you to Israel

From draught famine and starvation to most greened gold medal at United nation in 20 years.

When Raya is being starved by Haileslassie and Mengistu they were Tigre
When Raya is green by Weyannie they are Amara

What a funny thing ignorance is?

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Re: Raya southern Tigray GDP is higher than the aggregate of Eritrean Akat and Qolqal economy???

Post by Abdelaziz » 19 Aug 2019, 02:13

Weyzero L'otinesh tarik, you must be su'cking some midget Amharu ga'ys, how else will you state such absurdity that even the Amharu rivanchists never claim as part of their weyane-invented Amharay Kilil? Mekonni had never in its history been outside Tigray. Mekonni is in Raya-Azebo Awaraja, ergo, its capital is Maichew(not Alamata or Qobo: which were stolen by GUdelaAmharu). You idiotic emotional Kelbi Hamasen, you will never get Badme, instead you will have to give away the Gash-Setit part up to Omnihajer,, you are illegally squatting there only until a nationalist Tigraway such as KIdane Amene takes power in Tigray and evicts you by force. Tigray can do it in 24 hours. And Tigray will definitely regain its Alewahamilash, and Angereb region. Wey Gud!

Enjoy Nigisti Hayelom's famou Raya song with a theme centered on Mekonni/wedi Mekonni. . Mekonni was a small village back then and Nigisti was a young , extremely beautiful and highly talented artist back then. Now Mekonni is growing very fast and in 10 years it is set to be a city bigger than any Amharu or cursed ar'teran citieis (if any ). Wey Gud!

Amazing Nigisti Hayelom, she is an iconic pan-Tigreanist, a true pan-Tigreanist heroine. This is one of my favorites from her memorable old songs.

So you see Weyzero Tarik anchi Hamasenay tr'an'nny Le'zbo, Give it up, Badme was, is and will always be part of Agazian-Tigray, cursed [deleted] will never get Badme. Wey Gud! The above Nigisti Hayelom song was made long before the so-called fake badme war. This shows who invaded who. Wey Gud!

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