He told to the owners of the country Kilil presidents and representatives Issayas Afewrki is a crazy man does not know what he is thinking and talking and we do not know about this mad man but the PM knows Issayas is preparing secretly to ignite war, if the PM know that why he does not shut Eritrean embassy in Addis Ababa and clean all the spies and mercenaries from the country and stop flying to Eritrea immediately and seal the border until this crazy and mad man Issayas gone per the PM Abiy words he told at the EPRDF meeting???
The other most important question to the kilil presidents and legislators what is the reason you are watching idle to a crazy man PM Abiy still in power to represent you when he told you right in your face quote "I can call the military and arrest you and I can serve you poisoned food or drinks now" this is the highest treason committed by the leader of the country yet he is not in jail. This is not a joke but expressing what is in his mind to do to every one of you if he gets a chance in the near future. He must resign immediately and bring him to justice and lock him up in prison for the comments he made what he wants to do to you. Is either any other clue you are waiting who Abiy is and what he will do next after what you heard of him coming out from his own mouth right on your face at gathering or meeting to make decision for the entire kilils or union???
Below are quoted by PM Abiy at the meeting what he said to the owner of the union:
አያስፈልግም እንጂ እዚህ ስብሰባ ጠርቻቹሁ ወታደሮች ጠርቼ ልገድላቹሁ እችላለሁ። ቤቱ ግማሹ አጉረመረመ። ግማሹ ይስቃል። በመሃልም እንዴት እንደዚህ ትላለህ ያሉም አሉ። ሊቀመንበሩ ቀጥለውም መርዝ በውሃ አድርጌ ልጨርሳቹህ እችላለሁ አሉ። ግን ምንም አያስፈልግም አሉ ተመልሰው። ውይይት ይሻላል አሉ። ሊቀመበሩ ከአንዱ አጀንዳ ወደ አንዱ እየዘለሉ ቀጠሉ። የኤርትራው ኢሳያስ አንስተው እብድ ነው ምን እንደሚያስብ አይታወቅም። ከሱ ጋር መስራት አስቸጋሪ ነው አሉ። እንፈራረም ብለው እሺ እያለ እያገተተው ነው አሉ። ካቢኔውን ሰብስቦ አያቅም። ምን እንደሚያስብ መገመት አይቻልም። ኤርትራ ውስጥ ለውስጥ ሰራዊቷን እያዘጋጀች ነው። ክረምቱ ሲያልቅ ወረራ ፈፅሞ ወደ ጦርነት ሊከተን ይችላል። ሱዳን እንደምንም ብለን አስማማናቸው ምንም ትምህርት የሌለው ግመል ነጋዴ የነበረ ጄነራል አስቸግሮን ነበር አሉ። አሁንም ማንም ሳይጠይቃቸው የጁቡቲው ኢስማኤል ገሌ ነው እያስቸገረን ያለው። ገና ከኤርትራ ጋር ታርቀዋል ብሎ፣ ወደብ አገልግሎትን ጥለው ይሄዳሉ ብሎ ፈርቶ ክፉኛ እያየኝ ነው። የትናንሽ አገር መሪዎች አስቸጋሪዎች ናቸው። ከአጀንዳ ውጭ ቀደዱ አሉ፡፡ ነገሪየው የትልቅ አገር መሪ ነኝ ቀለል ቀለል አታድርጉኝ ዓይነት ነው መልእክቱ።
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A crazy PM Abiy still leading the country when he told I can poison you, I can arrest you all, to the country owners???
Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 18 Aug 2019, 10:15, edited 1 time in total.
- Senior Member+
- Posts: 46892
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Re: A crazy PM Abiy still leading the country when he told I can poison you, I can arrest you all, to the country owners
Tigrayans are not handicap people who can be threaten by photoshop pictures, Tigrayans fought the Bologna maids masters and buried them at their soil, Wersege is exhibit one.
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- Joined: 30 May 2010, 23:04
Re: A crazy PM Abiy still leading the country when he told I can poison you, I can arrest you all, to the country owners
If you have real brain to think and see what that crazy man thinks why should you have meetings with him moving forward???
Would you trust him to talk very sensitive things to him and would you drink anything this man serve you at the meeting going forward???
Then why you have him as PM of the country he cannot bring all stakeholders of the country in one room to strategize for the future of the country since the must untrustworthy man acts and talks like not just child but crazy man belongs to Amaniol Hospital???