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No wonder Eritreans despise Amharu: Compare and contrast Ashenda Amhara and Tigray???

Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 17:38
by Halafi Mengedi
Amhara Ashenda (Chinetachew Yaragefu Ahiyoch Yimeslalu???)

Tigray Ashenda

Re: No wonder Eritreans despise Amharu: Compare and contrast Ashenda Amhara and Tigray???

Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 17:44
by pushkin

Re: No wonder Eritreans despise Amharu: Compare and contrast Ashenda Amhara and Tigray???

Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 17:53
by Halafi Mengedi
pushkin wrote:
17 Aug 2019, 17:44
Do you know that you are uglier than Amhara, Amara still maintains their feature they way they look for a centuries but you are all Diqalu big mouth and leaps and flat nose thanks to videos I see, specially your women are totally ugly. You are non Agaazian any longer except the language Tigrigna.

Re: No wonder Eritreans despise Amharu: Compare and contrast Ashenda Amhara and Tigray???

Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 17:58
by Kuasmeda
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
17 Aug 2019, 17:53
pushkin wrote:
17 Aug 2019, 17:44
Do you know that you are uglier than Amhara, Amara still maintains their feature they way they look for a centuries but you are all Diqalu big mouth and leaps and flat nose thanks to videos I see, specially your women are totally ugly. You are non Agaazian any longer except the language Tigrigna.

Re: No wonder Eritreans despise Amharu: Compare and contrast Ashenda Amhara and Tigray???

Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 19:30
by Halafi Mengedi
When one society give up and could not do anything except crying and making photo shops of war, we can take that too.

Re: No wonder Eritreans despise Amharu: Compare and contrast Ashenda Amhara and Tigray???

Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 20:16
by Degnet
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
17 Aug 2019, 17:38
Amhara Ashenda (Chinetachew Yaragefu Ahiyoch Yimeslalu???)

Tigray Ashenda

etrebeh seb entetekewn etom kelte seleste Eritrawian ina behalti aegum selam keliomna zelewu mehesebeka neiru,pushkin hamema,wedi lemani/resah fetret/bedeknet zeabeyu komalat,pushkin/Kuasmeda.Nothing is noble in breaking heart.[ deleted ] mind

Re: No wonder Eritreans despise Amharu: Compare and contrast Ashenda Amhara and Tigray???

Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 22:01
by Halafi Mengedi
One of the ugly looks like your mother Godolo Reb'ee???

Re: No wonder Eritreans despise Amharu: Compare and contrast Ashenda Amhara and Tigray???

Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 23:26
by Axumawi
I am wondering what the Hamasien call their Awalid Guaqume.

They have no idea that they had more Ashenda and for longer before the Amhara ever heard of it.

The Amhara could not have Ashenda, except they hate the name Agew.

Even among the Agew Ashenda is only practiced by those who were in Tigray Kiflehager/gizat..etc or live in direct contact with Tigray. Agew people outside of these areas do not have Ashenda.

Re: No wonder Eritreans despise Amharu: Compare and contrast Ashenda Amhara and Tigray???

Posted: 18 Aug 2019, 01:17
by Halafi Mengedi
Axumawi wrote:
17 Aug 2019, 23:26
I am wondering what the Hamasien call their Awalid Guaqume.

They have no idea that they had more Ashenda and for longer before the Amhara ever heard of it.

The Amhara could not have Ashenda, except they hate the name Agew.

Even among the Agew Ashenda is only practiced by those who were in Tigray Kiflehager/gizat..etc or live in direct contact with Tigray. Agew people outside of these areas do not have Ashenda.
It is not even all Agews know this except the Tembien woreda of Soqota and the Agew Soqota were playing with the Tembien tigrayans every year and they used to speak fluent Tigrigna before they moved to Amhara zone. Ashenda is not part of Agew culture, it is pure Tigray culture, no Agew would say that except the shameless inferior lost tribe Amhara pushed them to angle themselves to be part of Tigray culture and history as they do since their inception. There is nothing Tigray adapted Amhara culture but Amhara identity are pure Tigray everything they do, food and dress and they dance the Agew culture with Amharic.

Re: No wonder Eritreans despise Amharu: Compare and contrast Ashenda Amhara and Tigray???

Posted: 18 Aug 2019, 21:36
by Halafi Mengedi
How is your Ashenda coming worada inferior me too, Gexkin Tirhaq???

Re: No wonder Eritreans despise Amharu: Compare and contrast Ashenda Amhara and Tigray???

Posted: 18 Aug 2019, 21:39
by Fed_Up
አጋሜዎች ፕሊስ ራሳችሁን ቻሉ እኛን ኤርትራኖችን ለቀቅ / ተፋቱን

ፋንድያ ሁላ

Re: No wonder Eritreans despise Amharu: Compare and contrast Ashenda Amhara and Tigray???

Posted: 18 Aug 2019, 21:42
by Halafi Mengedi
Fed_Up wrote:
18 Aug 2019, 21:39
አጋሜዎች ፕሊስ ራሳችሁን ቻሉ እኛን ኤርትራኖችን ለቀቅ / ተፋቱን

ፋንድያ ሁላ
Can you point us which is your wife Qondaf Ms Adgi Tdqs???

Re: No wonder Eritreans despise Amharu: Compare and contrast Ashenda Amhara and Tigray???

Posted: 18 Aug 2019, 21:44
by Fed_Up
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
18 Aug 2019, 21:42
Fed_Up wrote:
18 Aug 2019, 21:39
አጋሜዎች ፕሊስ ራሳችሁን ቻሉ እኛን ኤርትራኖችን ለቀቅ / ተፋቱን

ፋንድያ ሁላ
Can you point us which is your wife Qondaf Ms Adgi Tdqs???
ምስ ዝሞተ ኣረጊት ኣይካታእን'የ

ኪድ ደቅስ -- ሓንዛል ኣረጊት