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Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 03:00
by Kuasmeda

መሪሒነት ትግራይ ጉጅለ ዓድዋ ምኳኑ ብዝገበርናዮ ምፅራይ መፅናዕቲ አረጋጊፅና። እዙ ዓድዋ ዝብል መበለፅን መሕብእን ከምዝጥቀሙሉ እውን ተፈሊጡ ኣሎ። እዙይ ማለት ህዝቢ ዓድዋ እውን ኣብ ከቢድ ቕልውላው ከም ዘሎ ብፅንዓት ተረጋጊፁ ኣሎ።

ብፍላይ ጉጅለ ስብሓት ነጋ ነቶም ተወለድቲ ዓድዋ ንበይኖም እናሰብሰበ እዚ ውድብ ናትኩም እዩ ካልኦት ተጎተቲ እዮም ብምባል ከም ዘጭበርብሮም ብመፅናዕቲ ተፈሊጡ። ልክዕ ከምቲ ኣብ ኣ/ኣበባ ህወሓት ማለት ህዝቢ ትግራይ እዩ ትብሎ፣ ኣብ ትግራይ ድማ ህወሓት ማለት ህዝቢ ዓድዋ እዩ ከም ምባል እዩ ዝኸውን ዘሎ። ዝወረዶ ህዝቢ ዓድዋን ህዝቢ ትግራይን!!!

እዙይ ኣረሜናውን ባርባራውን ምጭዋይ ቓልሲ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ምዃኑ ፈሊጥና ክነስተኻኽሎ ኹሉና ተጋሩ ብሓባር ንረባረብ።

ትግራይ ናይ ኩሉ ትግራዋይ እምበር ናይዚ ጉጅለ እዙይ ጥራሕ ኣይኮነትን። ናብ ውሽጥና ብምርኣይ ፀገምናን ሕመቕናን ንፍታሕ። እዚ ጉጅለ እዙይ ኣብ ርስቲ ስልጣን ተኾይጡ ንህዝቢ ትግራይ ዝዕፍነሉ፣ ዝባጭወሉ፣ ዘፈራረሐሉን ሰንስን ዘብለሉን ምኽንያት የለን።

ዳይ ናብ ምዕብልቲ፣ ሓቋፊትን፣ ነፃን ፍትሓዊትን ትግራይ!!!

ደህንነት otnaa 70 እንደርታ


Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 03:17
by Digital Weyane
My Digital Weyane brother Awash and I are natives of Adwa, but we are not mafiosi. We are however Digital Human Rights activists ordained by our great leader Meles Zenawi to fulfill the promises he made for the creation of Republic of Greater Tigray by breaking the backbones of the Eritrean people, whom we wish to bring to their knees using our lethal laptops.

Our native town of Adwa is the origin of democracy. Awash and I have filed a class action lawsuit at the International Criminal Court against the Greeks who stole our democratic ideas and sold it to the world for profit.


Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 03:50
by pushkin
Tragedy of Political Egocentricity & Identity crisis in Kilil Tigray

Modeling Sebhat Nega’s Network Betrayal to the Golden struggle of Tigray. It calls for a firm stand to repel the wishes of self-serving individuals and groups, who are suffering from egocentricity and antisocial personality disorder (APD) traits. Psychologists characterize such individuals as:

1. reduced awareness of the emotions and emotional responses and needs of friends and family;

2. reduced monitoring of social interactions and responses from others – not responsive to feedback from others;

3. failing to get information about other people’s needs, feelings, goals, etc.;

4. focusing only on own thoughts, feelings, and needs;

5. difficulty with self-monitoring of their own behavioral urge;
problems in communication and social skills, leading to only their own needs expressed in a more direct, demanding way, without any social niceties;

6. impatience, or inability to wait for needs to be met by other people around them – things must be met NOW!

7. impaired judgment and reasoning, because they see the world only from his own point of view or that there is only one-way of doing things, because of: (a) the sense of entitlement, (b) apathetic to others, (c) blamefulness of others, (d) manipulative and conning, (e) socially irresponsible, (f) disregardful of obligations, (g) nonconforming to cultural norms and values, and (h) irresponsibleness.

8. Feudalism and selfish greed, killer and murderer thousands of innocent Tigreans.

9. Building a dynasty of robbers and stealors by making Tigray community impoverished, suffered and destroyed both secretly in and public from the scratch of the TPLF establishment until recently in the Amhara and Oromia regions.
10. Sebhat killed and murdered so many Tigreans. Among the murdered Tigreasn were: General Hayelom, Tegadalay Habenom, Tegadalay Teklu Hawaz, Tegadalay Awete all were murdered while Derg was dismissed and removed from Ethiopia.

All of the above personality traits characterize Sebhat Nega’s behaviour very well. In effect, this piece constructs Sebhat’s behavioural traits into a specific model. To start with, here is a sketch of his personal background: His schoolmates from the Elementary School to the Comprehensive High School of Queen Sheba, Adwa, describe Sebhat Nega as an arrogant, selfish, greedy, confused with identity crisis and excessively egocentric person who suffered from APD. They tell stories that he sadistically enjoyed seeing girls from his neighborhood crying in classes, because of his abusive words and acts.

This is why he is currently making a lot of Tigrean women suffered and degraded as well. To his own dismay, however, these victimized girls used to outshine him academically. Queen Sheba being a source of many renowned-brilliant minds, the same cannot be said about Sebhat Nega; his academic standing was below average. He never occupied any professional position that requires intellectual merits. This is despite the fact that he is in his over 80 years of age.

Because of his selfish, identity crisis, egocentric and APD personality traits, Sebhat Nega has murdered several innocent fighters during the armed struggle as TPLF’s Central Committee. He systematically made brave fighters and initiators of the struggle such as Dr. Aregawi Berhe, Mr. Gidey Zeratsion forcefully leave the Front at the most critical time, the early 1980s, when our people were suffering from the catastrophic famine and, yes, from the brutality of the Military-Communist Regime of Mengistu Hailemariam. A true Tigraian patriot does not disintegrate and betray his comrades but that is exactly what Sebhat Nega did in collaboration with his mafia groups.

Because of his selfish, identity crisis, egocentric and APD personality traits, Senhat Nega has murdered several innocent fighters during the armed struggle as TPLF’s Central Committee. He systematically made brave fighters and initiators of the struggle such as Dr. Aregawi Berhe, Mr. Gidey Zeratsion forcefully leave the Front at the most critical time, the early 1980s, when our people were suffering from the catastrophic famine and, yes, from the brutality of the Military-Communist Regime of Mengistu Hailemariam. A true Tigraian patriot does not disintegrate and betray his comrades but that is exactly what Sebhat Nega did.

Sebhat Nega and his network has severely betrayed our people during their bitter-armed struggle and is doing just that NOW:

(i) He does not care about the 60,000 or so martyrs who perished in the battlefields nor the Tigray community in general but just about his feudal family in power.

(ii) He disregards the well being of the living heroic Tigraian legends, our disabled veteran heroes and heroines. He used and threw our patriots for his own advantage and power in a very catastrophic manner.

(iii) He has either forgotten or does not want to remember the tragic suffering our people had to go through during the catastrophic famine period of 1984-85.

(iv) Yes, Sebhat Nega family does not care about the Hawzien tragedy, which was organized by his team and the fascist elements in Derg: “On a market day of Wednesday, June 22, 1988, the Ethiopian air force bombarded the town for the whole day by airplanes and helicopters and killed more than 2,500 civilians (Human Right Watch/Africa 1994)”.

This is a tragic model of a political egocentricity, identity crisis, and APD personality traits that will create mutually reinforcing forces that will cause the downfall of a treacherous actor, Mr. Sebhat Nega and his cohorts in the corrupted and Disloyal political party TPLF.


Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 04:30
by pushkin
pushkin wrote:
17 Aug 2019, 03:50
Tragedy of Political Egocentricity & Identity crisis in Kilil Tigray

Modeling Sebhat Nega’s Network Betrayal to the Golden struggle of Tigray. It calls for a firm stand to repel the wishes of self-serving individuals and groups, who are suffering from egocentricity and antisocial personality disorder (APD) traits. Psychologists characterize such individuals as:

1. reduced awareness of the emotions and emotional responses and needs of friends and family;

2. reduced monitoring of social interactions and responses from others – not responsive to feedback from others;

3. failing to get information about other people’s needs, feelings, goals, etc.;

4. focusing only on own thoughts, feelings, and needs;

5. difficulty with self-monitoring of their own behavioral urge;
problems in communication and social skills, leading to only their own needs expressed in a more direct, demanding way, without any social niceties;

6. impatience, or inability to wait for needs to be met by other people around them – things must be met NOW!

7. impaired judgment and reasoning, because they see the world only from his own point of view or that there is only one-way of doing things, because of: (a) the sense of entitlement, (b) apathetic to others, (c) blamefulness of others, (d) manipulative and conning, (e) socially irresponsible, (f) disregardful of obligations, (g) nonconforming to cultural norms and values, and (h) irresponsibleness.

8. Feudalism and selfish greed, killer and murderer thousands of innocent Tigreans.

9. Building a dynasty of robbers and stealors by making Tigray community impoverished, suffered and destroyed both secretly in and public from the scratch of the TPLF establishment until recently in the Amhara and Oromia regions.
10. Sebhat killed and murdered so many Tigreans. Among the murdered Tigreasn were: General Hayelom, Tegadalay Habenom, Tegadalay Teklu Hawaz, Tegadalay Awete all were murdered while Derg was dismissed and removed from Ethiopia.

All of the above personality traits characterize Sebhat Nega’s behaviour very well. In effect, this piece constructs Sebhat’s behavioural traits into a specific model. To start with, here is a sketch of his personal background: His schoolmates from the Elementary School to the Comprehensive High School of Queen Sheba, Adwa, describe Sebhat Nega as an arrogant, selfish, greedy, confused with identity crisis and excessively egocentric person who suffered from APD. They tell stories that he sadistically enjoyed seeing girls from his neighborhood crying in classes, because of his abusive words and acts.

This is why he is currently making a lot of Tigrean women suffered and degraded as well. To his own dismay, however, these victimized girls used to outshine him academically. Queen Sheba being a source of many renowned-brilliant minds, the same cannot be said about Sebhat Nega; his academic standing was below average. He never occupied any professional position that requires intellectual merits. This is despite the fact that he is in his over 80 years of age.

Because of his selfish, identity crisis, egocentric and APD personality traits, Sebhat Nega has murdered several innocent fighters during the armed struggle as TPLF’s Central Committee. He systematically made brave fighters and initiators of the struggle such as Dr. Aregawi Berhe, Mr. Gidey Zeratsion forcefully leave the Front at the most critical time, the early 1980s, when our people were suffering from the catastrophic famine and, yes, from the brutality of the Military-Communist Regime of Mengistu Hailemariam. A true Tigraian patriot does not disintegrate and betray his comrades but that is exactly what Sebhat Nega did in collaboration with his mafia groups.

Because of his selfish, identity crisis, egocentric and APD personality traits, Senhat Nega has murdered several innocent fighters during the armed struggle as TPLF’s Central Committee. He systematically made brave fighters and initiators of the struggle such as Dr. Aregawi Berhe, Mr. Gidey Zeratsion forcefully leave the Front at the most critical time, the early 1980s, when our people were suffering from the catastrophic famine and, yes, from the brutality of the Military-Communist Regime of Mengistu Hailemariam. A true Tigraian patriot does not disintegrate and betray his comrades but that is exactly what Sebhat Nega did.

Sebhat Nega and his network has severely betrayed our people during their bitter-armed struggle and is doing just that NOW:

(i) He does not care about the 60,000 or so martyrs who perished in the battlefields nor the Tigray community in general but just about his feudal family in power.

(ii) He disregards the well being of the living heroic Tigraian legends, our disabled veteran heroes and heroines. He used and threw our patriots for his own advantage and power in a very catastrophic manner.

(iii) He has either forgotten or does not want to remember the tragic suffering our people had to go through during the catastrophic famine period of 1984-85.

(iv) Yes, Sebhat Nega family does not care about the Hawzien tragedy, which was organized by his team and the fascist elements in Derg: “On a market day of Wednesday, June 22, 1988, the Ethiopian air force bombarded the town for the whole day by airplanes and helicopters and killed more than 2,500 civilians (Human Right Watch/Africa 1994)”.

This is a tragic model of a political egocentricity, identity crisis, and APD personality traits that will create mutually reinforcing forces that will cause the downfall of a treacherous actor, Mr. Sebhat Nega and his cohorts in the corrupted and Disloyal political party TPLF.


Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 05:46
by pushkin
ባዓኬር አግሮ ኢዳሰትሪያል ፓርክ ብበጀት ሕፅረት ምክንያት ህንፀቱ ጠጠው ኢሉ።

ብ4.7 ቢልዮን ክህነፅ ውዕሊ ታአሲርሉ ምንባሩ ዝፍለጥ እዩ።
አብ ሓደ ዓመት ክጣናቀቅ ታሓሲቡ ዝነበረ ህንፀቱ ጠጠው ኢሉ አሎ።

ዶ/ር ደብረፅዮን ገ/ሚካኤል ናይ ዘረባን ሳዕሲዒትን እምበር ናይ ተግባር ሰብ ኣይኮነን እንብል ብዘይመርትዖ ኣይነበረን።


Posted: 17 Aug 2019, 08:09
by pushkin
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Kuasmeda wrote:
17 Aug 2019, 03:00

መሪሒነት ትግራይ ጉጅለ ዓድዋ ምኳኑ ብዝገበርናዮ ምፅራይ መፅናዕቲ አረጋጊፅና። እዙ ዓድዋ ዝብል መበለፅን መሕብእን ከምዝጥቀሙሉ እውን ተፈሊጡ ኣሎ። እዙይ ማለት ህዝቢ ዓድዋ እውን ኣብ ከቢድ ቕልውላው ከም ዘሎ ብፅንዓት ተረጋጊፁ ኣሎ።

ብፍላይ ጉጅለ ስብሓት ነጋ ነቶም ተወለድቲ ዓድዋ ንበይኖም እናሰብሰበ እዚ ውድብ ናትኩም እዩ ካልኦት ተጎተቲ እዮም ብምባል ከም ዘጭበርብሮም ብመፅናዕቲ ተፈሊጡ። ልክዕ ከምቲ ኣብ ኣ/ኣበባ ህወሓት ማለት ህዝቢ ትግራይ እዩ ትብሎ፣ ኣብ ትግራይ ድማ ህወሓት ማለት ህዝቢ ዓድዋ እዩ ከም ምባል እዩ ዝኸውን ዘሎ። ዝወረዶ ህዝቢ ዓድዋን ህዝቢ ትግራይን!!!

እዙይ ኣረሜናውን ባርባራውን ምጭዋይ ቓልሲ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ምዃኑ ፈሊጥና ክነስተኻኽሎ ኹሉና ተጋሩ ብሓባር ንረባረብ።

ትግራይ ናይ ኩሉ ትግራዋይ እምበር ናይዚ ጉጅለ እዙይ ጥራሕ ኣይኮነትን። ናብ ውሽጥና ብምርኣይ ፀገምናን ሕመቕናን ንፍታሕ። እዚ ጉጅለ እዙይ ኣብ ርስቲ ስልጣን ተኾይጡ ንህዝቢ ትግራይ ዝዕፍነሉ፣ ዝባጭወሉ፣ ዘፈራረሐሉን ሰንስን ዘብለሉን ምኽንያት የለን።

ዳይ ናብ ምዕብልቲ፣ ሓቋፊትን፣ ነፃን ፍትሓዊትን ትግራይ!!!

ደህንነት otnaa 70 እንደርታ