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Halafi Mengedi
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Amharic Letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon exposed Professor Asmerom Legesse

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 16 Aug 2019, 19:25

Eritreans lie exposed and caught red handed like Badme

“It is quite surprising to hear that Asmerom’s claim that the impregnable hero, Emperor Yohannes IV, use to suffer from “inferiority complex,” or lacked self-esteem, because during his reign, Emperor Yohannes used Amharic rather than the Tigrigna language as the official language of the Ethiopian Empire,. In addition, Asmerom asserts that Emperor Yohannes IV used Amharic in the palace and daily life. At this juncture, what could be said is that had Asmerom thoroughly referred to the Ethiopian History, he could have known in advance, that is before he opens his mouth to articulate this nonsense, that Amharic was made as the national language during Emperor Tewodros’ (1855-1868) era rather than during Atse Yohannes IV’s (1872-1889) period”, said Professor Desta, Asayehgn on his article which was published on Tigrai Online on June 3, 2019.

Today August 16, 2019 someone sent to our attension old letters written by Ras Woldemichael Solomon the Governer of Hamasien and Medri Bahri. The letters are written in Amharic and Arabic they are addressed to “Loard Mohamed Ratib Basha”. Now the question to Professor Asmerom Legesse is had Ras Woldemichael Solomon become King of Kings of Ethiopia the then Abyssinia do you think he would have used Tigringa to communicate with his Habesha subjects if he was using Amharic in his official correspondence with the Turks and Arabs?

Thsese original Amharic letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon exposed Professor Asmerom Legesse’s hypocratic attack against Emperor Yohannes IV in particular and the Tigrai people in general.

Click here to see Historical original Amharic letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon in Amharic ... mikael.pdf

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Re: Amharic Letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon exposed Professor Asmerom Legesse

Post by tarik » 16 Aug 2019, 19:52

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
16 Aug 2019, 19:25

Eritreans lie exposed and caught red handed like Badme

“It is quite surprising to hear that Asmerom’s claim that the impregnable hero, Emperor Yohannes IV, use to suffer from “inferiority complex,” or lacked self-esteem, because during his reign, Emperor Yohannes used Amharic rather than the Tigrigna language as the official language of the Ethiopian Empire,. In addition, Asmerom asserts that Emperor Yohannes IV used Amharic in the palace and daily life. At this juncture, what could be said is that had Asmerom thoroughly referred to the Ethiopian History, he could have known in advance, that is before he opens his mouth to articulate this nonsense, that Amharic was made as the national language during Emperor Tewodros’ (1855-1868) era rather than during Atse Yohannes IV’s (1872-1889) period”, said Professor Desta, Asayehgn on his article which was published on Tigrai Online on June 3, 2019.

Today August 16, 2019 someone sent to our attension old letters written by Ras Woldemichael Solomon the Governer of Hamasien and Medri Bahri. The letters are written in Amharic and Arabic they are addressed to “Loard Mohamed Ratib Basha”. Now the question to Professor Asmerom Legesse is had Ras Woldemichael Solomon become King of Kings of Ethiopia the then Abyssinia do you think he would have used Tigringa to communicate with his Habesha subjects if he was using Amharic in his official correspondence with the Turks and Arabs?

Thsese original Amharic letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon exposed Professor Asmerom Legesse’s hypocratic attack against Emperor Yohannes IV in particular and the Tigrai people in general.

Click here to see Historical original Amharic letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon in Amharic ... mikael.pdf
Halafi M. Denqoro agame

Good Day Sir

I only read Arabic and Amharic, u moran agame. I did not even c any tigrainya. Not even ur agaminya. This is what i been saying:--u agames even after u stole 5 billion dollars from Ethiopia and Eritrea u idiots r still stupid and illiterate. WHAT A SHAME UR CURSED-LAND-TIGRAY U PPL R> :roll:

Good Day Sir

Halafi Mengedi
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Re: Amharic Letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon exposed Professor Asmerom Legesse

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 16 Aug 2019, 19:55

tarik wrote:
16 Aug 2019, 19:52
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
16 Aug 2019, 19:25

Eritreans lie exposed and caught red handed like Badme

“It is quite surprising to hear that Asmerom’s claim that the impregnable hero, Emperor Yohannes IV, use to suffer from “inferiority complex,” or lacked self-esteem, because during his reign, Emperor Yohannes used Amharic rather than the Tigrigna language as the official language of the Ethiopian Empire,. In addition, Asmerom asserts that Emperor Yohannes IV used Amharic in the palace and daily life. At this juncture, what could be said is that had Asmerom thoroughly referred to the Ethiopian History, he could have known in advance, that is before he opens his mouth to articulate this nonsense, that Amharic was made as the national language during Emperor Tewodros’ (1855-1868) era rather than during Atse Yohannes IV’s (1872-1889) period”, said Professor Desta, Asayehgn on his article which was published on Tigrai Online on June 3, 2019.

Today August 16, 2019 someone sent to our attension old letters written by Ras Woldemichael Solomon the Governer of Hamasien and Medri Bahri. The letters are written in Amharic and Arabic they are addressed to “Loard Mohamed Ratib Basha”. Now the question to Professor Asmerom Legesse is had Ras Woldemichael Solomon become King of Kings of Ethiopia the then Abyssinia do you think he would have used Tigringa to communicate with his Habesha subjects if he was using Amharic in his official correspondence with the Turks and Arabs?

Thsese original Amharic letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon exposed Professor Asmerom Legesse’s hypocratic attack against Emperor Yohannes IV in particular and the Tigrai people in general.

Click here to see Historical original Amharic letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon in Amharic ... mikael.pdf
Halafi M. Denqoro agame

Good Day Sir

I only read Arabic and Amharic, u moran agame. I did not even c any tigrainya. Not even ur agaminya. This is what i been saying:--u agames even after u stole 5 billion dollars from Ethiopia and Eritrea u idiots r still stupid and illiterate. WHAT A SHAME UR CURSED-LAND-TIGRAY U PPL R> :roll:

Good Day Sir
Ata Fetfati Maakoru, did read it after you washed your Maakor or before, this letter must be read after you inserted your five fingers to you [deleted] per your Arabic language in that letter.

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Re: Amharic Letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon exposed Professor Asmerom Legesse

Post by Axumawi » 16 Aug 2019, 20:34

This professor Asmerom has suffered from Tigray derangement syndrome.
As he grows older it only gets worst.

Inferiority complex shows itself as superiority but without base.

He would have known the history of Amharic language in the first place from Agew peoples if he does not want to hear Tigrigna.

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Joined: 21 Aug 2013, 11:51

Re: Amharic Letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon exposed Professor Asmerom Legesse

Post by YAY » 18 Aug 2019, 17:04

Dear Halafi Mengedi: Let facts and good reasoning, not emotions, rule our conclusions

First of all, you said these letters were Raisi Weldemikael Solomon's letters. Second, are these the only letters "he wrote"? Are they really his authenticated letters? Where were these letters found and stored? Who sent them to Professor Asayehgn Desta or (the "us") and for what purpose(s)? Neither you nor or Professor Asayehgn Desta help us know all the facts involved for us to make informed conclusions. But, for the sake of continuing the discussions, let us assume that these letters were ordered to be written by Raisi Weldemikael, or he wrote them on his own.

What one observes is that Raisi Weldemikael, in his position as the Governor of Hamasiem, did not write exclusively in AmHarinya. The letters seem to include, to one or another extent, AmHarinya, Arabinya and, partially, Ge'ezawi languages.

Professor Asayehgn Desta/ asks a question:

Today August 16, 2019 someone sent to our attension old letters written by Ras Woldemichael Solomon the Governer of Hamasien and Medri Bahri. The letters are written in Amharic and Arabic they are addressed to “Loard Mohamed Ratib Basha”. Now the question to Professor Asmerom Legesse is had Ras Woldemichael Solomon become King of Kings of Ethiopia the then Abyssinia do you think he would have used Tigringa to communicate with his Habesha subjects if he was using Amharic in his official correspondence with the Turks and Arabs?

Thsese original Amharic letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon exposed Professor Asmerom Legesse’s hypocratic attack against Emperor Yohannes IV in particular and the Tigrai people in general.

That question is a hypothetical question, because Raisi Weldemikael Solomon was the Governor of Hamasiem, and never had become "King of Kings of Ethiopia the then Abyssinia" at any time. Asayehgn Desta/ wrongly implies that Weldemikael Solomon, if he were a sovereign, would certainly use AmHarinya, as Emperor Yohannes IV did. Who could be certain what language he could have used? No one can foretell what language(s) the fictitious Emperor Weldemikael Solomon could have certainly used to communicate with his "Habesha subjects". The so-called "Habesha subjects" of the "King of Kings of Ethiopia, the then Abyssinia" spoke in many languages. He might have used the languages he used in these letters, or added more, or used exclusively Tigrinya. We cannot know that, for Weldemikael was never an emperor or "King of Kings".

A "King of Kings of Ethiopia, the then Abyssinia," in those olden days, as a sovereign, made the ultimate, final and binding, decision in his empire. For that reason, Emperor Tewodros II made an ultimate, final and binding, decision on the language his Government/State had to use in official matters, and that was AmHarinya, presumably his own language. It is claimed that Emperor Yohannes IV accepted Tewodros II's decision on the official language, but as a sovereign, he had the capacity/power to make his language his court's language or the official language of his empire, like Tewodros II or most other monarchs, as a sovereign did. Using AmHarinya was not the only and exclusive choice he had, as an Emperor.

So how does one conclude about this matter? Was it an inferiority complex on Emperor Yohanes IV' s part? We, as lay people, need the expert opinion of psychoanalysts. Nevertheless, seeing some copies of Raisi Weldemikael' s letters written in AmHarinya cannot be the proof, with absolute certainty, that Emperor Yohannes IV was free of any type of inferiority complex regarding his decision on the emperor's court language or the empire's official language. I think that is where we should leave it for now. At least, Halafi Mengedi & Co. wouldn't have had extreme unrelenting grievances, pain and hatred against the AmHara and still use AmHarinya. That situation, I think, might have real psychological consequences.

Leave the Badumma case out of here. It was decided by an agreed third party, and the decision is final and binding.

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
16 Aug 2019, 19:25

Eritreans lie exposed and caught red handed like Badme

“It is quite surprising to hear that Asmerom’s claim that the impregnable hero, Emperor Yohannes IV, use to suffer from “inferiority complex,” or lacked self-esteem, because during his reign, Emperor Yohannes used Amharic rather than the Tigrigna language as the official language of the Ethiopian Empire,. In addition, Asmerom asserts that Emperor Yohannes IV used Amharic in the palace and daily life. At this juncture, what could be said is that had Asmerom thoroughly referred to the Ethiopian History, he could have known in advance, that is before he opens his mouth to articulate this nonsense, that Amharic was made as the national language during Emperor Tewodros’ (1855-1868) era rather than during Atse Yohannes IV’s (1872-1889) period”, said Professor Desta, Asayehgn on his article which was published on Tigrai Online on June 3, 2019.

Today August 16, 2019 someone sent to our attension old letters written by Ras Woldemichael Solomon the Governer of Hamasien and Medri Bahri. The letters are written in Amharic and Arabic they are addressed to “Loard Mohamed Ratib Basha”. Now the question to Professor Asmerom Legesse is had Ras Woldemichael Solomon become King of Kings of Ethiopia the then Abyssinia do you think he would have used Tigringa to communicate with his Habesha subjects if he was using Amharic in his official correspondence with the Turks and Arabs?

Thsese original Amharic letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon exposed Professor Asmerom Legesse’s hypocratic attack against Emperor Yohannes IV in particular and the Tigrai people in general.

Click here to see Historical original Amharic letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon in Amharic ... mikael.pdf
Last edited by YAY on 18 Aug 2019, 22:53, edited 5 times in total.

Posts: 3178
Joined: 05 May 2013, 17:54

Re: Amharic Letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon exposed Professor Asmerom Legesse

Post by justo » 18 Aug 2019, 17:44

Halafi Mengedi wrote:
16 Aug 2019, 19:25
It is quite surprising to hear that Asmerom’s claim that the impregnable hero, Emperor Yohannes IV, use to suffer from “inferiority complex,” or lacked self-esteem, because during his reign, Emperor Yohannes used Amharic rather than the Tigrigna language as the official language of the Ethiopian Empire.
Gohaf mengedi
Are these the letters Alula wrote and claimed he found in the pockets of a soldier of Raesi Woldenkiel, and used them to accuse Woldenkiel of treachery, which Woldenkiel of course denied ever writing?

Read what Kolmodin writes about these letters and admit your inferiority complex

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Joined: 28 Apr 2018, 00:31

Re: Amharic Letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon exposed Professor Asmerom Legesse

Post by Axumawi » 18 Aug 2019, 22:40

justo wrote:
18 Aug 2019, 17:44
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
16 Aug 2019, 19:25
It is quite surprising to hear that Asmerom’s claim that the impregnable hero, Emperor Yohannes IV, use to suffer from “inferiority complex,” or lacked self-esteem, because during his reign, Emperor Yohannes used Amharic rather than the Tigrigna language as the official language of the Ethiopian Empire.
Gohaf mengedi
Are these the letters Alula wrote and claimed he found in the pockets of a soldier of Raesi Woldenkiel, and used them to accuse Woldenkiel of treachery, which Woldenkiel of course denied ever writing?

Read what Kolmodin writes about these letters and admit your inferiority complex

Don't create new fiction.
Raesi Weldemichael was arrested for burning Halhal and Tseazega in his fight with Hatse Tedros appointee Ras Hailu.

Raesi Weldemichael rejected going back to Hamasien after his release, saying he will not be Talian qit atabi and lived in Axum, establishing new family and raising 3 children.
He fought twice against Italians from Tigray.

From a book published in Asmara EPLF days 90s

Posts: 3178
Joined: 05 May 2013, 17:54

Re: Amharic Letters of Ras Woldemichael Solomon exposed Professor Asmerom Legesse

Post by justo » 18 Aug 2019, 23:55

Axumawi wrote:
18 Aug 2019, 22:40
justo wrote:
18 Aug 2019, 17:44
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
16 Aug 2019, 19:25
It is quite surprising to hear that Asmerom’s claim that the impregnable hero, Emperor Yohannes IV, use to suffer from “inferiority complex,” or lacked self-esteem, because during his reign, Emperor Yohannes used Amharic rather than the Tigrigna language as the official language of the Ethiopian Empire.
Gohaf mengedi
Are these the letters Alula wrote and claimed he found in the pockets of a soldier of Raesi Woldenkiel, and used them to accuse Woldenkiel of treachery, which Woldenkiel of course denied ever writing?

Read what Kolmodin writes about these letters and admit your inferiority complex

Don't create new fiction.
Raesi Weldemichael was arrested for burning Halhal and Tseazega in his fight with Hatse Tedros appointee Ras Hailu.

Raesi Weldemichael rejected going back to Hamasien after his release, saying he will not be Talian qit atabi and lived in Axum, establishing new family and raising 3 children.
He fought twice against Italians from Tigray.

From a book published in Asmara EPLF days 90s
I didn't create any fiction, this is in a book written in 1920 by an European missionary

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