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Eritreans will create a Constitutionally-Backed Democratically Elected Government for Eritrea in the Diaspora

Post by pastlast » 16 Aug 2019, 16:06

Eritreans are working in many communities and within the Democratic countries they live to develop a Constitution and a Democratically Elected Government.

This System of Government will not have a President or an Executive Branch since corruption of the Executive (Presidential) Branch of any Government that falls into a dictatorship.

All Countries will recognise this Government of the Eritrean People By the Eritrean People and For the Eritrean People as the Legitimate and LEGAL Government of the Republic of Eritrea.

This Government will have Eritrean UN Ambassadors and Ambassadors all over the World to every Country.

This Government will be able to Make Treaties with Other Countries.

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Joined: 28 Feb 2013, 17:55

Re: Eritreans will create a Constitutionally-Backed Democratically Elected Government for Eritrea in the Diaspora

Post by sesame » 16 Aug 2019, 16:08

Ztseat Saveadna Ananya
10 hrs ·
ትማሊ ብዛዕባ ኣናእሽቱ ሓሳባትን ኣናእሽቱ ሰባትን ምዝራብ ወቒሰ ፅሒፈ እንተብቅዕ ሎሚ ድማ ንባዕለይ ናብቲ ጭቃ ይርግረግ ከይህሉ ንነብሰይ ሓቲተያ እየ፤ ኮይኑ ግን ቐፂሉ ዘቕርቦ ሓፂር ሓሳብ ብኡ ዓይኒ ዝርአ ከምዘይኮነ እየ ምስ ነብሰይ ተሰማሚዐ፤

"ዓብዪ ብዓል ስልጣን ህ.ወ.ሓ.ት፤ በቲ እዋን "ብዓቲ ቁጥሚታት" ተባሂሉ ይሕመ ናይ ዝነበረ ቤት ዕዮ ሓላፊ ኾይኑ ንመግዝኢ መንቀሳቐሲት ሓላፊ እትኸውን ላንድክሩዘር መኪና ተሰሊዑ ዝፀንሖ በጀት ምስረኣየ "ተራ ላንድክሩዘር ድየ ክጥቀም? ላንድክሩዘር ንዓይ ኣይምጥነንን፤ V-8 እየ ክገዝእ" ኢሉ ብኢደ-ወነኑ ነቲ በጀት ብዕፅፊ ወሲኹ V-8 ኣግዚኡ እንተብቅዕ ሒደት ሰሙናት ምስተጠቐመላ ድማ "ሕብራ ሰበይተይ ኣይፈተወቶን" ኢሉ ኣማኢት ኣሽሓት ክወፅእ ገይሩ ሕብሪ V-8ቱ ዘለወጠ ሰብ ኣሎ" ዝብል ሓበሬታ ካብ ዝረዋን ጀሚሩ እንተንኣሰ ንዝሓለፉ ሓሙሽተ ሽዱሽተ ዓመታት "ኣኸብኩሉ እለም" ዝብል ስም ካብ ናይ ህሊናይ ማህደር ብቐሊሉ ዝወፅእ ኣይነበረን።

ህዝቢ ትግራይ ብዙሓት ናይ ዓቐብን ቁልቁልን፣ ትሕትን ልዕልን፣ ሕማቕን ፅቡቕን፣ ዓወትን ውድቀትን ናይ ታሪኽ ምዕራፋት ሓሊፉ እዩ፣ እናሓለፈ እውን እዩ።
ብናተይ ዓይኒ ትግራይ በሊሕ፣ ጅግና፣ ሓሳቢ፣ ፈላጥ ሰብ ከይሰኣነት፣ ማህፀና በላሕቲን ውፉያትን ምውላዱ እንተየቋረፀ ብናትና ብናይ ደቃ ሕመቕ ኣባይ፣ ፀጋይን ኣለምን ኣብ ህልውናኣ ወሰንቲ፣ ሃንደስቲ ዝኾኑሎም ዓመታት ኩሎም ናይ ቁልቁለት ዓመታት ተገይሮም ክውሰዱ ዝግበኦም ዝባኸኑ ዓመታት እዮም።

ብናተይ ዓይኒ ልዕሊ ካብ ዕድመ ሓደ ህዝቢን ዓዲን ሓሙሽተ ዓሰርተ ዓመት ምስራቕ ገበን ዘሎ ኣይመስለንን።

ኣብዞም ኩሎም ናይ ቁልቁለት ዓመታት ቀዳማይን ካልኣይን መስርዕ ተዋሳእቲ፣ ባልጃ ተሸከምቲ፣ መወደስቲ፣ መጣቓዕቲ- ኩሎም ብዝተፃወቱዎ ተራ ኣብ ቅድሚ ታሪኽ ከምዝሕተቱ ተስፋ እገብር።

Posts: 2250
Joined: 19 May 2019, 18:02

Re: Eritreans will create a Constitutionally-Backed Democratically Elected Government for Eritrea in the Diaspora

Post by pastlast » 17 Aug 2019, 00:07

A functioning Government of Eritrean People is having General Elections for Parliament Members and other positions within a Normal functioning Government this year. The Diaspora and Homeland Eritrean based Government will not include any current members of PFDJ, as this group is considered undemocratic and unjust socially, politically, legally, morally and spiritually!

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