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Re: [PHOTO] Abiy Ahimed adds swiming pool and tennis court to PM residence

Post by eden » 14 Aug 2019, 16:25


Have you ever raised this or similar questions about Haile, Mengie or Zena? Your post revealed the level of bigotry.

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Re: [PHOTO] Abiy Ahimed adds swiming pool and tennis court to PM residence

Post by sun » 14 Aug 2019, 18:30

Revelations wrote:
14 Aug 2019, 16:55
Hmm... :P

As envious and pathologically jealous Judas your job is moving around and discovering one or two crying individuals from among 120 million Ethiopians instead of discovering the over 90 million empowered, happy and joyful good Ethiopians who see themselves as blessed beyond expectations for the first time in 3000 years. Keep crying and lamenting until the end of the world as your fortunes shrink and dwindle to nothing.

In reality it is the greedy land grabbers and land invading evil brokers who invade poor peasant's land lively hood and then for tactical reasons manipulate and push in poor women and poor men to go and live in there as a temporary camouflage residents so that your types of real land grabbers may come to eject the false tenants and sell the land and the buildings for millions. You are missing your sweet bygone feudal land holding class which you wish to bring back and help them to blood svck. :oops:

That is how land brokers and land dealers like you and your friends became millionaires, having ample time to come and reside in cyber space and keep sabotaging the necessary positive political and social changes. No body listens to you and your types of petty robbers impoverishing citizens while turning around and shedding crocodile Judas tears
. Tultulla hulla!
. :lol:

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Re: [PHOTO] Abiy Ahimed adds swiming pool and tennis court to PM residence

Post by Misraq » 14 Aug 2019, 19:13

I know for sure Meles Zenawi had that Tennis court. Beyene Petros was his tennis buddy in the palace complex. Not sure if the court was in the palace during menge time, but menge himself was an avid tennis player and lover.


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Re: [PHOTO] Abiy Ahimed adds swiming pool and tennis court to PM residence

Post by eden » 14 Aug 2019, 19:18

Paul henze book mentions Zena enjoyed Tennis and read books and was regular swimmer

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Re: [PHOTO] Abiy Ahimed adds swiming pool and tennis court to PM residence

Post by Revelations » 15 Aug 2019, 11:08

Dawi wrote:
14 Aug 2019, 20:09

I wouldn't distress if I were you. It will be a nice addition to the center of the city; remember it is not at the expense of tax payers money. Note, the last swimming facility open for public in AA was built during HIM; it is sad that public facilities dwindled after land nationalization by Derg; It should have grown; EPRDF destroyed all the open spaces including kebele halls, by building S*hitt.

It is about time EPRDF have change of mind; at the end of the day and when it is done, Abiy has promised to open it for public with possibly nominal fee to maintain. It shall be self sustaining.

In other wards, It is a public community center; the river project is included and part of the palace project. They've talked about having a huge parking facility for paying visitors. In an African capital, such facility is overdue.

For those who don't know, one important infrastructure that is being built following river is sewage pipe and treatment facilities; badly needed in AA.

Revelations wrote:
14 Aug 2019, 16:35

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Re: [PHOTO] Abiy Ahimed adds swiming pool and tennis court to PM residence

Post by Ethoash » 15 Aug 2019, 14:22

እናንተ ናች ሁ እኮ የምታበረታቱት መጥፎ ዜና ፈልጎ ፈላልጎ እንዲለጥፍ
ለምን ዝም አትሉትም የአገሩ ንጉስ ለዋና ጊዬን ሁቴል ሄዶ ይዋኝ ሲላቹሁ ለምን ዝም አትሉትም ።
አንደ ግዜ ንጉስ አባይ ጊዬን ሁቴል ሄዶ ለመዋኘት የሚያወጣው ገንዘብ የዋና ቦታውን ይስራዋል።

በዚህ ላይ እኔ ዲዛይነር ቢያረገኝ ፍል ውሃውን ከፍንፍኔ ፍል ወሃ አስቀጥልለት ነበር ይህ ማለት ማንም ውጨ ሳያውጣ የውሀ ዋናውን ውሀ ያሞቀዋል ማለት ነው። የተርፈውን ደግሞ ለአታክልት ማጠጫ ይሆናል። አለቅ ደቀቀ ። አረ ምን በላ እያልን እንዳንቆጥር። ደርግ እኮ አንድ ሙል ብርጌድ ጦር ነበርው ቅልብ የሚባሉ። አረ ተው። እኔ ብሆን አብህ ጥያችሁ ነበር የሚሄደው ምስጋናቢስ ሕዝብ በሙሉ።

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