Falsification& Telling Lies Belongs to Agame Culture
The following picture of Eritrean fighters at Massawa is compied by Agames!

Re: Falsification& Telling Lies Belongs to Agame Culture

I Show u the Golden kid and his wife .. now show me ur god isisis awarki.. in war front..
only this photo alone out shine million photo u guys have because TPLF goal achieved and your is not all the top army general are killed or jailed so what is the point going to war if this is what will happened to my beloved singpooooooooooooooooooooooooor
Re: Falsification& Telling Lies Belongs to Agame Culture
We all know a thief is a thief where ever he goes. It is not first time Weyanes are stealing Eritrean intellectual properties nor will it be the last time. The question is what are we going to do to prevent that?? Since we are not leaving in a world we can sue them, our only option is to expose them so the Ethiopians will know Weyane are simply thieves. Woyane are trying to impress other Ethiopians with something that is not theirs. Weyane are trying to look smart and highly qualified citizens. We should expose them by participating in every Ethiopian forum

Re: Falsification& Telling Lies Belongs to Agame Culture
pls produce this photo if Golden steal from u.. pls pOST your god iisissi awarki photo at war front..

Re: Falsification& Telling Lies Belongs to Agame Culture
The LOW IQ ETHIOASH! This sample picture is a enough for the dedebit graduates

Last edited by Kuasmeda on 04 Aug 2019, 20:21, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Falsification& Telling Lies Belongs to Agame Culture

This shameless were not fighting but Fûcking each other. Now we know why shabia carried the ungrateful tegaru all the way to the Amhara and Oromo palace aka Minilik palace.