dear Realbull
ሊቀ ሴጣን have very good point even it need little brush up .. but u twisted his blog make it about ለማ መገርሳ
his idea is beautiful idea here is little improvement
1. Addis Ababa public condominium must be given quota to each ethnic groups this way no one ethnic occupied
2. Hawassa Industrial park if u need 100,000 workers he can only employees from local 10,000 workers the rest must get it from each ten region while each region only allowed to send 10,000 works .. in exchange hawassa will send their 90,000 workers to each region so it will be the same..
now as ሊቀ ሴጣን this 90,000 workers from hawassa learn 9 language and culture of each region
3. University the same thing if Axum university can accept 100,000 all he can take from Axum is 10,000 students the rest must be come form each 9 region .. and those who went to Axum must learn local language and pass exam..
i said this long time ago to stop riot and uprising.. for example from Hawassa university some student want to demonstration 90,0000 student will say no i dont want to do demonstration if u want you do it yourself ... since the Hawassan students outnumber they cant call forced demonstration hence by this method u can keep the peace... the same story in oromia .. if the oromo student are 10,000 the rest of ethnic students 90,000 they will not dare them.. if they touch one ethnic students the rest of them will come to his defense .. this alone will keep the peace knowing u r out number u dont try Bs.
4. instead of moving farmers .. this is not easy to move farmer or shop keepers.. he have to know the market u have to know your customer
instead it is better to switch the mega farming and this mega farming from each region must hire from the ten region this way u will have mix workers who learn local language as part of their work duty..
5. military this is my best area . if u want 100,000 standing army then u have to pool form each region this way no one national army dominate.. this national army truly become Ethiopian army not oromo army who are 100% oromo or Goldn amry who are 100% Golden this way u can keep the peace..
6.u dont have to put all the national army in one place u can station them in 9 region fore example those who come from South might be stationed in Axum . those who come from oromia can be stationed in Amhara region this way their loyalty would be for Ethiopia not for their ethnic ..