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Congratulations Tsehaye for the new wedding: He sings to our legendary commander Abraha the conqueror of Yemen???

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 09:55
by Halafi Mengedi
Aya Abraha song is hundreds years old song commander Abraha won the battle of Yemen and sung every year during Meskel Damera occasion. This song started when the son of Tembien commander Abraha won the war in Yemen and the Tembien heard the news and sung the song by female youths, since then it has been ritual for Tembien people but no other Tigrayans know or may never heard the song before. Aya Abraha is one the moving song during Meskel day in Abiy Adi. Thanks Tsehaye Kinfe to dig deeper and bring all the glory time of our ancestrals achievements to surface others to know.

Re: Congratulation Tsehaye for the new wedding: He sings the legendary our commander Abraha the conqueror of Yemen???

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 10:24
by Halafi Mengedi

Re: Congratulation Tsehaye for the new wedding: He sings to our legendary commander Abraha the conqueror of Yemen???

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 12:48
by Halafi Mengedi

Re: Congratulation Tsehaye for the new wedding: He sings to our legendary commander Abraha the conqueror of Yemen???

Posted: 05 Aug 2019, 00:02
by Halafi Mengedi