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The Federal Supreme Court of Ethiopia Passed a Law to Forcefully Arrest the Wanted Criminals hide in Tigrai Region.

Posted: 03 Aug 2019, 21:59
by MatiT
The Federal Supreme Court of Ethiopia Passed a Law to Forcefully Arrest the Wanted Criminals hide in Tigrai Region.
ኣማሓደርቲ ትግራይ፡ ሕገ መንግስቲ ጥሒሶም...!!!

The first elected woman in history of modern Ethiopia to be the president of federal supreme court Mrs. Meaza Ashenafi, told to the press reporters, the Tigrai region governors clique are refused to handover the criminals by disregarded the court's warrant arrest, and this is an official violation of the federal constitutional law enforcement, added in her declaration.

The federal Military army has also a duty to preserve the law enforcement, means "Justice Shall Served" in the country even if it's needed a massive response will have over the regions governor, said the president by trying to mention the US Congress historical action over one member State disregarding.

Many of the TPLF dominated ex-government members, military & security officials, including the former director of Network Intelligence Security Agency NISA Mr. Getachewo Asefa are now hide in the Mekele's fortress Tigrai Region.

Meaza served as a Judge of the High Court of Ethiopia between 1989 and 1992. In 1993 she was appointed by the Ethiopian Constitution Commission as a legal adviser. In 1995, Meaza founded the Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association (EWLA), and became its executive director.picture

Re: The Federal Supreme Court of Ethiopia Passed a Law to Forcefully Arrest the Wanted Criminals hide in Tigrai Region.

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 11:15
by MatiT
Agame creatures and Weyane thugs have been scaring and screaming after General Attorney Meaza Asenafi ordered Weyane thugs to be arrested Asap .If they refuse this arrest warrant Ethiopia federal gov't will step up with military forces.#Agame killer aka General attorney Meaza Asenafi.

Re: The Federal Supreme Court of Ethiopia Passed a Law to Forcefully Arrest the Wanted Criminals hide in Tigrai Region.

Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 11:22
by MatiT
Abaymado wrote: ↑የዳይፐር ዋጋ በአጋሜ መሬት ላይ ጨምሯል ይባላል:: halafi ድንጋይ የሚጠቀመው ዳይፐር ጣራ ነክቷል::
ወያኔና አክትቪስቶች ጭንቅ ላይ ናቸው::
ወያኔ ለፌዴራል ይታዘዛል ወይስ ይዋጋል? ከተዋጋስ ምን ያህል ጦርነቱ ይቆያል?

በጣም አስቂኙ : ወደ እብደት እያመራ ያለው ራሱን ጀነራል ያደረገው ኪዳነ አመነ : “ኤርትራና አብይ ትግራይን ሊወሩ አስበዋል ግን ጦርነቱ እንደ ስድስቱ ቀን የእስራኤል ጦርነት ባንዴ ይደመደማል ” ማለቱ ነው:: :lol: :lol: :lol:
አንዳንድ አጋሜዎች ጀነራል ኪዳነ አመነ ጦርነቱን ቢመራው ድል እናረጋለን እያሉ ነው:: ለምን ወያኔን ተጠራተሩ? :lol: :lol:
ይህ የትግራይ ዳይናስቲ ማክተሚያው ይሆን! Wooooow ! let us see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!