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New Comer Oromo

Posted: 03 Aug 2019, 03:35
by fasil1235
Oromo's are newcomers to Abyssinian Highlands :lol: Oromo doesn't know how to build city or build castles and civilizations. Funny fact there has never been a unified oromo country :lol: . Don't Forget Menelik used oromo to conquere oromia :lol: Serious Fact Oromo language has no fidel so or writing system that is why menelik had to teach oromos amarigna because it is written language not speak speak but fidel


Re: New Comer Oromo

Posted: 03 Aug 2019, 03:46
by odaa1
Who did build Gonder?
Go to youtube and watch the video.
Melese Zenewi told the facts.Do not waste your time with those stupid .

Re: New Comer Oromo

Posted: 03 Aug 2019, 03:53
by fasil1235
Gonder built by Amhara Fasilades palace is built all by amharas we had to go to Gonder for saftey from you chimps and you think we brought you mongols with us? Fasils dad was kidnapped by galla! all galla did was fight fight while amharas were building castles in Gonder galla have no history in gonder palaces.

your source is a tigrean devil whos dead :lol: galla please. find another source like a real one!

Re: New Comer Oromo

Posted: 03 Aug 2019, 06:52
by odaa1
Chekila angol
Kermo tija
I know you who you are
:lol: :lol:

Re: New Comer Oromo

Posted: 03 Aug 2019, 10:30
by gadaa2
fasil1235 wrote:
03 Aug 2019, 03:53
Gonder built by Amhara Fasilades palace is built all by amharas we had to go to Gonder for saftey from you chimps and you think we brought you mongols with us? Fasils dad was kidnapped by galla! all galla did was fight fight while amharas were building castles in Gonder galla have no history in gonder palaces.

your source is a tigrean devil whos dead :lol: galla please. find another source like a real one!
What has anything amara and Oromo doing with modern Meachel Sahlu TPLF. fasil is a mini TPLF and he worked hard to convince 10 followers of ER.This is how we break the teeth of TPLF idiots