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The truth, always comes out to light.
Posted: 02 Aug 2019, 21:07
by Zmeselo
Re: The truth, always comes out to light.
Posted: 03 Aug 2019, 00:15
by Fed_Up
Evils SOBs. My blood just boil to witness the sell out SOBs and our former enemies working to our demise.
Eritrea should implement a law that permanently banned any type of approach with Tigray and those Eritreans who work with people of Tigray permanently.
We have enough for centuries of bleeding by this leeches mofs.
Re: The truth, always comes out to light.
Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 23:25
by Digital Weyane
There are two sides to every story. Here I present our TPLF side of the story, truthfully and honestly.
In 2001, following TPLF's 2 year border war with Eritrea, realizing that the mighty TPLF's 3 lightening strike invasion attempts against Eritrea had failed to produce the desired outcome, President Bill Clinton ordered the establishment of the Sanaa forum consisting of the countries bordering Eritrea, with the aim of encircling Eritrea from every corner and crushing it once and for all.
The Sanaa forum member countries include Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti and Yemen, and they received massive US aid in return for their anti Eritrea service. We TPLF were full of hope and optimism that we literally awaited the return of Shabiya to Sahel. I have no idea what went wrong between the establishment of the Sanaa forum and the demise of leaders of the countries encircling Eritrea on a 360 degree circle. The one thing I suspect is, the Eritrean people received a divine intervention to break the encirclement and kill or overthrow leaders of the Sanaa forum countries. Why is God always siding with the Eritrean people? I don't get it!

Re: The truth, always comes out to light.
Posted: 04 Aug 2019, 23:54
by Digital Weyane
The greatest crime ever committed by Eritreans. They eliminated our democratic leaders one by one. Hello UN, can you hear me?