Oro-garu to Chase Derg, Oro-mara to Defeat Woyane and Oro-garu-mara to Serve Justice!
The Oromo led by OLF’s mindset of bilisummaa/freedom is doing good job. Oro-garu (alliance of Oromo and Trgaru forces) was mandatory to get rid of Amhara elites (Derg) and Oro-mara (cooperation of Amhara and Oromo forces) was necessary to deal with Tegaru elites (Woyane). Now, Oromo elites with Gadaa mind are leading the country.
Initially, a lot from the three angles (Amhara, Tegaru snd Oromo) supported Dr. Abiy’s reformative move. Tegaru elites thought that they can use the Dr. just like Ato H/M Desalegn, but lately got disappointed. Amhara elites had different calculations. Some falsely thought that Dr. Abiy will be with them to destroy the OLF. Some were sure to cheat the Oromo including Dr. Abiy and take power. There are also part of these elites, who are still hoping to take power from the Oromo through election manipulation. All these Amhara elites are now getting the hard fact that the Oromo will lead this country in the future both economically and politically. That is why they are trying their best to destabilize such Oromo led Ethiopia and trying to grab power by any means before it is too late.
Truth on the ground is that neither Amhara elites’ assimilative Ethiopia nor Tegaru elites’ apartheid Ethiopia will come back. Future Ethiopia will surely be Oromo led accomodative Ethiopia. In such accomodative country, neither Oro-garu nor Oro-mara is important. Optimal is the triangular cooperation of the three nations (Oro-garu-mara) under the Oromo leadership for common benefit. This cooperation, of course, needs to include all other nations and nationalities in Ethiopia (Great Oromia).
It is clear that the existing Ethiopian state was the result of the allied two Tuulama Oromo leaders (the Habeshanized King Menelik and the non-Habeshanized General Gobana). That alliance was generalized as Amhara-Oromo alliance. Here, the Amhara are simply the converted Oromo, who changed their language from Afaan Oromo to Amharinya, their name from ‘example Guddisa to Woldemichael’ and their religion from Waaqefanna to Orthodox Christianity. Such conversion process took place later also in Agaw-Midir (from Agaw to Amhara). The mistake the two leaders commited at that time, if we judge them retrospectively, is that they didn’t implement the FADOB-score listed below. But, was this democratic mentality expected at that time?
FADOB-score: F = Freedom from the system of domination; A = Afan Oromo as a working language of federal government; D = Democracy as rule of game in the union; O = ‘Oromia’ instead of ‘Ethiopia’ as name of the union; and B = Black-Red-White as Cushitic flag of the Union.
Now, we are in another era of democracy and development, so we can implement the five points. To get that chance of realization, children of the Italian bandas (the TPLFites) must have gone. For this purpose, we needed children of Gobana (the non-Habeshanized Oromo) and children of Menelik (the Habeshanized Oromo) be united for the common purpose – i.e FREEDOM from the TPLFites system of hegemony and DEMOCRACY after dismantling the system. To put it in short, Amhara-Oromo alliance was mandatory for this purpose. We leaved the pre-TPLF history for historians and the post-TPLF future for our people to decide. We needed to concentrate only on the freedom struggle against our tormentors. Democratically minded alliance of these two camps have been considered as the modified version of Gobana-Menelik alliance!
Now, the triangular Oro-garu-mara cooperation is necessary to transform Ethiopia in particular and Africa in general towards democracy and development. Here, Oromo politicians ought to have a magnaneous politics of accomodating all nations including the two hitherto dominating Habesha groups. I wish that the Oromo elites forsake the victim mentality and act as victors. I advise Oromo activists change their approach. They better give up theirr victim struggle against the already defeated Abesha elites and focus on theirr struggle for the noble cause of the victor Oromo nation. They don’t have to waste their resources in fighting against the dead horse, but invest it in promoting thre lively and worthy Oromo cause. In this way, the Oromo can lead the very imperative Oro-garu-mara cooperation for common justice to all nations.
Read more: https://fayyisoromia.wordpress.com/
Oro-garu to Chase Derg, Oro-mara to Defeat Woyane and Oro-garu-mara to Serve Justice!
Last edited by OPFist on 31 Jul 2019, 09:50, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Oro-garu to Chase Derg, Oro-mara to Defeat Woyane and Oro-garu-mara to Serve Justice!
Ahun asakehegn kenante telleytos menu new nuroOPFist wrote: ↑31 Jul 2019, 09:43Oro-garu to Chase Derg, Oro-mara to Defeat Woyane and Oro-garu-mara to Serve Justice!
The Oromo led by OLF’s mindset of bilisummaa/freedom is doing good job. Oro-garu (alliance of Oromo and Trgaru forces) was mandatory to get rid of Amhara elites (Derg) and Oro-mara (cooperation of Amhara and Oromo forces) was necessary to deal with Tegaru elites (Woyane). Now, Oromo elites with Gadaa mind are leading the country.
Initially, a lot from the three angles (Amhara, Tegaru snd Oromo) supprted Dr. Abiy’s reformative move. Tegaru elites thought that they can use the Dr. just like Ato H/M Desalegn, but lately got disappointed. Amhara elites had different calculations. Some falsely thought that Dr. Abiy will be with them to destroy the OLF. Some were sure to cheat the Oromo including Dr. Abiy and take power. There are also part of these elites, who are still hoping to take power from the Oromo through election manipulation. All these Amhara elites are now getting the hard fact that the Oromo will lead this country in the future both economically and politically. That is why they are trying their best to destabilize such Oromo led Ethiopia and trying to grab power by any means before it is too late.
Truth on the ground is that neither Amhara elites’ assimilative Ethiopia nor Tegaru elites’ apartheid Ethiopia will come back. Future Ethiopia will surely be Oromo led accomodative Ethiopia. In such accomodative country, neither Oro-garu nor Oro-mara is important. Optimal is the triangular cooperation of the three nations (Oro-garu-mara) under the Oromo leadership for common benefit. This cooperation of course need to include all other nations and nationalities in Ethiopia (Great Oromia).
It is clear that the existing Ethiopian state was the result of the allied two Tuulama Oromo leaders (the Habeshanized King Menelik and the non-Habeshanized General Gobana). That alliance was generalized as Amhara-Oromo alliance. Here, the Amhara are simply the converted Oromo, who changed their language from Afaan Oromo to Amharinya, their name from ‘example Guddisa to Woldemichael’ and their religion from Waaqefanna to Orthodox Christianity. Such conversion process took place later also in Agaw-Midir (from Agaw to Amhara). The mistake the two leaders commited at that time, if we judge them retrospectively, is that they didn’t implement the FADOB-score listed below. But, was this democratic mentality expected at that time?
FADOB-score: F = Freedom from the system of domination; A = Afan Oromo as a working language of federal government; D = Democracy as rule of game in the union; O = ‘Oromia’ instead of ‘Ethiopia’ as name of the union; and B = Black-Red-White as Cushitic flag of the Union.
Now, we are in another era of democracy and development, so we can implement the five points. To get that chance of realization, children of the Italian bandas (the TPLFites) must have gone. For this purpose, we needed children of Gobana (the non-Habeshanized Oromo) and children of Menelik (the Habeshanized Oromo) be united for the common purpose – i.e FREEDOM from the TPLFites system of hegemony and DEMOCRACY after dismantling the system. To put it in short, Amhara-Oromo alliance was mandatory for this purpose. We leaved the pre-TPLF history for historians and the post-TPLF future for our people to decide. We needed to concentrate only on the freedom struggle against our tormentors. Democratically minded alliance of these two camps have been considered as the modified version of Gobana-Menelik alliance!
Now, the triangular Oro-garu-mara cooperation is necessary to transform Ethiopia in particular and Africa in general towards democracy and development. Here, Oromo politicians ought to have a magnaneous politics of accomodating all nations including the two hitherto dominating Habesha groups. I wish that the Oromo elites forsake the victim mentality and act as victors. I advise Oromo activists change their approach. They better give up theirr victim struggle against the already defeated Abesha elites and focus on theirr struggle for the noble cause of the victor Oromo nation. They don’t have to waste their resources in fighting against the dead horse, but invest it in promoting thre lively and worthy Oromo cause. In this way, the Oromo can lead the very imperative Oro-garu-mara cooperation for common justice to all nations.
Read more: https://fayyisoromia.wordpress.com/