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plagiarist abiot madiat is trying to plagiarise this world renowned 30-years old weyane revolution.
Posted: 31 Jul 2019, 05:38
by Abdelaziz
Re: plagiarist abiot madiat is trying to plagiarise this world renowned 30-years old weyane revolution.
Posted: 31 Jul 2019, 06:03
by Degnet
It was also tried in Chemea on the hills of Mekelle by the then governor of Tigray Raesi Mengesha Sium in the 1960s and it could go on,this is not a problem.Nai reéseka mebrahti abreh
Re: plagiarist abiot madiat is trying to plagiarise this world renowned 30-years old weyane revolution.
Posted: 31 Jul 2019, 08:22
by Selam/
Two different things: the midget in the video was burying his victims.