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Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 31 Jul 2019, 06:14
by AbyssiniaLady
Who owns this youtube propaganda channel? they need to delete this photo 'below" from their youtube channel, this gorgeous woman is very patriotic Somali-Djiboutian, She is a documentary producer and filmmaker based in Paris France..

She worked for the Arte for many years.
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 31 Jul 2019, 08:19
by Selam/
The rats are in their burrows back in Mekelle, never to be seen again in Addis.
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 31 Jul 2019, 09:19
by banebris2013
Whoever you are, nothing better comes out of your leprosy infested brain. Hopeful nature will relief you from your 24/7 misery soon.
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 31 Jul 2019, 19:38
by Selam/
Woyane rat - It is none of your business. I would rather see Oromos claim Addis than hear from any TPLF thug.
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑31 Jul 2019, 17:59
banebris2013 wrote: ↑31 Jul 2019, 09:19
Whoever you are, nothing better comes out of your leprosy infested brain. Hopeful nature will relief you from your 24/7 misery soon.
Selam banebris2013,
Cool down. You should blame your Rotten Galla elites who claim Ethiopian Addis Ababa as if their own toy. Can you imagine there are only less than 6% Gallas living in the 5 - 10 million people in Addis Ababa....How come the Rotten Galla elites think they can Gallanize this much people?! Or is it the Takle Goma - Lemma Neqersa Demography change to be implimented?!
Do you know that FinFinne is an Amharic word? It came from "wehawu Fin Fin ale"?!
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 01 Aug 2019, 07:20
by Selam/
Woyane rat aka Ethoash - Deal with TPLF thugs in Mekelle and leave the Oromo people alone. They have a right to claim any part of Ethiopia as their home as others would do the same. KIFU!
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑01 Aug 2019, 02:08
Selam/ wrote: ↑31 Jul 2019, 19:38
Woyane rat - It is none of your business. I would rather see Oromos claim Addis than hear from any TPLF thug.
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑31 Jul 2019, 17:59
banebris2013 wrote: ↑31 Jul 2019, 09:19
Whoever you are, nothing better comes out of your leprosy infested brain. Hopeful nature will relief you from your 24/7 misery soon.
Selam banebris2013,
Cool down. You should blame your Rotten Galla elites who claim Ethiopian Addis Ababa as if their own toy. Can you imagine there are only less than 6% Gallas living in the 5 - 10 million people in Addis Ababa....How come the Rotten Galla elites think they can Gallanize this much people?! Or is it the Takle Goma - Lemma Neqersa Demography change to be implimented?!
Do you know that FinFinne is an Amharic word? It came from "wehawu Fin Fin ale"?!
Sorry Selamye...
ሆን ብዬ አንቺን ለመዝጋት ሳይሆን ትንሽ ቢዝይ ሆኘ ነው
You are right Woyane is the Worst Enemy of Ethiopia that anyone could imagine. The Rotten Rat Galla elites were also created by these Banda traitor Rat Tigre Liberation Front member and supporters. The Foolish Galla elites were also destroyed beyond repair by these Woyanne Rats Tirikt (ትርክት).
Now, the question for you is: if some one come to your home and steal your things could you forgive him or ignore him because you know that he has been thought to do so by his Mam or Dad or a freind???? That is exactly the Galla Elites case.
As long as they continue to threaten the existance of Ethiopia, we do not care Shabiya or Woyane thought them....we will cut their Rotten hands!!!
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 01 Aug 2019, 16:19
by gadaa2
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑01 Aug 2019, 02:08
Selam/ wrote: ↑31 Jul 2019, 19:38
Woyane rat - It is none of your business. I would rather see Oromos claim Addis than hear from any TPLF thug.
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑31 Jul 2019, 17:59
banebris2013 wrote: ↑31 Jul 2019, 09:19
Whoever you are, nothing better comes out of your leprosy infested brain. Hopeful nature will relief you from your 24/7 misery soon.
Selam banebris2013,
Cool down. You should blame your Rotten Galla elites who claim Ethiopian Addis Ababa as if their own toy. Can you imagine there are only less than 6% Gallas living in the 5 - 10 million people in Addis Ababa....How come the Rotten Galla elites think they can Gallanize this much people?! Or is it the Takle Goma - Lemma Neqersa Demography change to be implimented?!
Do you know that FinFinne is an Amharic word? It came from "wehawu Fin Fin ale"?!
Sorry Selamye...
ሆን ብዬ አንቺን ለመዝጋት ሳይሆን ትንሽ ቢዝይ ሆኘ ነው
You are right Woyane is the Worst Enemy of Ethiopia that anyone could imagine. The Rotten Rat Galla elites were also created by these Banda traitor Rat Tigre Liberation Front member and supporters. The Foolish Galla elites were also destroyed beyond repair by these Woyanne Rats Tirikt (ትርክት).
Now, the question for you is: if some one come to your home and steal your things could you forgive him or ignore him because you know that he has been thought to do so by his Mam or Dad or a freind???? That is exactly the Galla Elites case.
As long as they continue to threaten the existance of Ethiopia, we do not care Shabiya or Woyane thought them....we will cut their Rotten hands!!!
Mr. stone head tomb of the stone explain this" As long as they continue to threaten the existance of Ethiopia, we do not care Shabiya or Woyane thought them". Telling you AA is my city is not threaten, but owning both her problem and development , even will be better managed with more tree plantation, cleaner river and intensive cleaning you made dirty for decades while importing the dirt to the beautiful Finfinne. No one threaten Ethiopia.
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 01 Aug 2019, 16:57
by Selam/
Woyane thug - The rotten rats are TPLF trolls, not Gurages, Oromos or Amharas. KIFU!
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑01 Aug 2019, 13:10
Selam/ wrote: ↑01 Aug 2019, 07:20
Woyane rat aka Ethoash - Deal with TPLF thugs in Mekelle and leave the Oromo people alone. They have a right to claim any part of Ethiopia as their home as others would do the same. KIFU!
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑01 Aug 2019, 02:08
Selam/ wrote: ↑31 Jul 2019, 19:38
Woyane rat - It is none of your business. I would rather see Oromos claim Addis than hear from any TPLF thug.
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑31 Jul 2019, 17:59
banebris2013 wrote: ↑31 Jul 2019, 09:19
Whoever you are, nothing better comes out of your leprosy infested brain. Hopeful nature will relief you from your 24/7 misery soon.
Selam banebris2013,
Cool down. You should blame your Rotten Galla elites who claim Ethiopian Addis Ababa as if their own toy. Can you imagine there are only less than 6% Gallas living in the 5 - 10 million people in Addis Ababa....How come the Rotten Galla elites think they can Gallanize this much people?! Or is it the Takle Goma - Lemma Neqersa Demography change to be implimented?!
Do you know that FinFinne is an Amharic word? It came from "wehawu Fin Fin ale"?!
Sorry Selamye...
ሆን ብዬ አንቺን ለመዝጋት ሳይሆን ትንሽ ቢዝይ ሆኘ ነው
You are right Woyane is the Worst Enemy of Ethiopia that anyone could imagine. The Rotten Rat Galla elites were also created by these Banda traitor Rat Tigre Liberation Front member and supporters. The Foolish Galla elites were also destroyed beyond repair by these Woyanne Rats Tirikt (ትርክት).
Now, the question for you is: if some one come to your home and steal your things could you forgive him or ignore him because you know that he has been thought to do so by his Mam or Dad or a freind???? That is exactly the Galla Elites case.
As long as they continue to threaten the existance of Ethiopia, we do not care Shabiya or Woyane thought them....we will cut their Rotten hands!!!
How come Galla can claim Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa?!
Even with the TPLF population registration, Addis Ababa had over 57% Amhara and 10% Gurage and 30% others. How come almost a Purely Amhara city of from 5 to 10 million population is forced to be Galla?! Do you think this will bring a alasting peace?! Who said that Shewa is in the first place Oromos?! Shewa is more of the Gurage and Amhara land, Gallas are the late comers. Why the Rotten Rat Galla elites fallen for TPLF teret teret? Or are you the Rotten Galla rat with an Amhara name like others including Takel and Shimels
(hopefully they do not claim these too as if Gallas name,,,,, who knows if TPLF told them so
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 01 Aug 2019, 20:13
by sun
sun wrote: ↑01 Aug 2019, 19:45
Tembien Liberation
Liar, liar, liar...
Your tattered dirty liar pants are catching hot fire,
Your all time dry and ranting lips are getting looser and lousier just like the rusty barbed wire.
Otherwise the truth on the ground is that the city of Addis Ababa (New flower) so called some 150 years has always been the dirtiest hyena and rat infested city of contagious diseases in spite of its high sounding name. No wonder that it is/has been so because the same rulers who named Addis Ababa just for the sake of naming it so totally failed to pull the country out of the status of permanently underdeveloped and its people endlessly wretched poor, conditions that added to the misery and impoverished dirty status of Addis Ababa where rats and hyenas were competing with Tembien Liberation who currently himself behaves like all of those rats and hyenas he has been living with and narrating about.
This being the true and verified observable case on the ground, now after the new transformational transitional egalitarian government took over power the city is starting to breath new and fresh air with fresh opportunities and the greening of the city and its environs for the first time in 3000 years.
If the b!tch in the d!rty d!tch calling himself Tembien Liberation is not satisfied with the current fantastic changes he may get back his mountains of garbage and dirt with all of its rats and hyenas cumulatively for the last 150 years in arrears.
The lasting and logical conclusion is that Addis Ababa (New Flower) has always been the dirty city of rats and hyenas since its very creation some 150 years ago.
But now the positive winds of change have already come in the form the dynamic and great egalitarian democratic Oromos and their friends who will change the city's situation from being dirty, rat and hyena infested city to a clean and fresh modern blessed city under the Sun with green trees, clean water, hot spas, etc. providing excellent mental health as well as healthy wealthy people of the new 21st century down the line.

Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 02 Aug 2019, 01:48
by Ethoash
let me ask u one question pls answer it fast since u r online ..
if " Galla "Abiy offer u to break away from Ethiopia and form your own independent Amhara nation would u take it .. if u hate the " Galla " this much .. i think it is goooooooooooooooooooooo deal .. to sweeten the deal the oromo will offer Addis ababa for going package deal..
now tell me if u accept this deal so that u can live happer" Galla "free
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 02 Aug 2019, 07:15
by Ethoash
TPLF win over the whole Ethiopia . why should they give up on their spoil of war.. if u play lottery and paid only one dollar and win 44 million dollar would u only take your one dollar because he only spent one dollar or u will take spoil of lottery the whole thing.. the same Ethiopia gamble with the whole Ethiopia the Golden gamble with the whole Tigray why should not take the whole Ethiopia .. Ethiopia was waging war to slave Tigray so when Tigray win they have to expect they going to slave you. and they did they colonized u for 30 year...
so why they stay with Ethiopia .. old Ethiopia died in 1991. tplf kill it .. Ethiopia after 1991 is total different Ethiopia nothing to do with the old Amhara Ethiopia .. Ethiopia after 1991 is democratic ethnic fed. nation and nationality ...
this is like saying if one black South Africa said i hate South Africa before 1991 and the same person said he loved South Africa
አሁን ምን ተፈጥሮ ነው ደቡብ አፍሪካን የምትወድው
the answer is even so the name remain the same South Africa before 1991 is totally different S.Africa after 1991 ...
now the Tigray standing total readiness to declare their independent.. believe it ... when Ethiopia become fail state they will not get involve they just say bye bye.. they r waiting to see... what they build stay or not.. if not they will say to you bye bye.. why rush now.. they want to give chance for new democratic Ethiopia .. but they dont get involved they paid their due now it is oromo turn if they fail they fail
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 02 Aug 2019, 12:02
by Ethoash
ዶሮን ሲያታልሏት በመጫኛ ጣሏት። መለስ ሲፎግርህ እውነት መስሎሀል። እሺ በአማር ትከሻ ትግሬዎች አዲሳባ ገቡ እንበል ታድያ ትግሬዎች ብልጦች አይደሉም ውይ ከጅግናው አማራ ድልን ፈልቅቀወ ወስደው አማራን በባርነት ለ፴ ዓመት የገዙት።
አማራና ኦሮሞ ደርግን አልደገፉትም ጫዋት አይስራም። ይህ ጦርነት ነው የናቴ መቀነት ጠለፈኝ አይስራም ራሺያ ክዩባ ሀያላት ሐጎሮች ከደርጉ በስተጀርባ ነበሩ ።።። ማንም መሽነፍን አይፈልግም ባርነት እንደሚመጣ ያወቀዋል ታድያ የሚችለውን ያህል ይጋፈጣል ። ያም ሳይሆን ሲቀር ይፈረጥጣል ።።። ደርግ ሕዝቡን አላማሳመኑ ራሱ የትግሉ አካል ነው ሞኝነቱን ደደብነቱን ነው የሚያሳየው። በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ ወርቃሞቹ ሕዝባቸውን አሳምነው ለሞት ለመስዋህትነት ሁሉ ለረሀብ ለችግር በሙሉ ተጋልጠው ልጆቻቸውን ወርቃሞዎቹን ደግፈው ለድል አበቋቸው።
ይህ ብቻ አይደለም ወርቃማዎቹ የደርግን ወታደር ሲማርኩ አይገድሏቸውም ነበር ይህ ራሱ የሞራል ወድቀትን በደርግ ስራዊት ላይ ፈጥሮዋል ።
ሌላው ደግሞ የደርግ ወታደሮች ሙሉ ትጥቃቸውን መቶ ኪሎ የሚያክል ነገር ተሽክመው ተራራ ላይ ይውጣሉ ። ሙሉ ትጥቅ ሙሉ ቦቲ ጫማ የውታደር ጫማ ሙቀቱን እስበው። መሮጥ አይችሉ ይተሽከሙት ትጥቅ ከብዶቸዋል ። በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ ውያኔዎች ቁምጣ ብቻ ነው ያረጉት ። ኮንጎ ጫማ ለአካባቢው ሙቀት የሚሆን አለባበስ ታድያ እንዴት ብለልው ይዎጉ አሞራና አህያ ። በመቅፀበት ቦታ ለመቀየር ከተራራ ተራራ ለሞሮጥ ከሚያመቸው ጠላት። በዚህ ላይ ልክ እንደበግ የደርግ ውታደሮች በስልፍ ሲመጡ አንድ ሁለት ውያኔዎች ተራራ ላይ ሆነው አጭዶቸው ነበር ። መላ ቢስ ውታደር አሁን ደርሷ ምክን ያት ያበዛል።
ታድያ አማራ ና ኦሮሞ ከአንት ጋራ እንዳልሆኑ ካውቕህ ቀላል ነበር እኮ ትግሬዎችን የመገንጠል ጥያቄ መቀበል ። ኤርትራንም ነፃ በማውጣት የአማርን አገዛዛ ማዳን ይቻል ነበር ። እንዲህ ቢሆን ኖሮ ትግሬዎች በድህነት ይማቅቁ ነበር። አሁን ግን በድንብ ተደራጅተዋል እድሜ ለደርግ ኢትዬዽያን ለ፴ ዓመት በቀኝ ግዛትነት ገዝታለች።
አንድ ነገር እማራ ና ኦሮሞ ማን ከለከላቸው ለ፴ ዓመት ሲገዙ ለምን አያፈንግጡም ነበር። ማን እጃቸው ያዘው ለምን ጥምረት ፈጥረው ትግሬዎችን አይውጉም ነበር ልብ ካላቸው። አሁን እንኳን ትግሬዎች ስልችቶቸው ነው ጥለው የሄዱት።። ያሽነፋቹሁ እንዳይመስላቹሁ፣ የእሽነፋቹሁ ከመሳላቹህ ታድያ ምን ትጠብቃላቹሁ ለምን ትግሬ ሐገር ሄዳቹሁ ውያኔዎችን አታስሯችውም ያን ሁሉ ግፍ የስሩባቹሁን ።።
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 02 Aug 2019, 12:15
by gadaa2
present wrote: ↑02 Aug 2019, 07:31
Gedgada2 of jawarian,
Are you still singing Addis kegna sh'it. I thought bekelaa Gaaribaa gave up with that kegna nonsense as already

got scared of Ethiopians, of course. I would have been too
Addis is for all Ethiopians buddy. The true owners of Addis are Amara Gurage, Gafat and other ethics. You are a new comer. No matter how much you scream no one can defeat Ethiopians
gadaa2 wrote: ↑01 Aug 2019, 16:19
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑01 Aug 2019, 02:08
Selam/ wrote: ↑31 Jul 2019, 19:38
Woyane rat - It is none of your business. I would rather see Oromos claim Addis than hear from any TPLF thug.
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑31 Jul 2019, 17:59
banebris2013 wrote: ↑31 Jul 2019, 09:19
Whoever you are, nothing better comes out of your leprosy infested brain. Hopeful nature will relief you from your 24/7 misery soon.
Selam banebris2013,
Cool down. You should blame your Rotten Galla elites who claim Ethiopian Addis Ababa as if their own toy. Can you imagine there are only less than 6% Gallas living in the 5 - 10 million people in Addis Ababa....How come the Rotten Galla elites think they can Gallanize this much people?! Or is it the Takle Goma - Lemma Neqersa Demography change to be implimented?!
Do you know that FinFinne is an Amharic word? It came from "wehawu Fin Fin ale"?!
Sorry Selamye...
ሆን ብዬ አንቺን ለመዝጋት ሳይሆን ትንሽ ቢዝይ ሆኘ ነው
You are right Woyane is the Worst Enemy of Ethiopia that anyone could imagine. The Rotten Rat Galla elites were also created by these Banda traitor Rat Tigre Liberation Front member and supporters. The Foolish Galla elites were also destroyed beyond repair by these Woyanne Rats Tirikt (ትርክት).
Now, the question for you is: if some one come to your home and steal your things could you forgive him or ignore him because you know that he has been thought to do so by his Mam or Dad or a freind???? That is exactly the Galla Elites case.
As long as they continue to threaten the existance of Ethiopia, we do not care Shabiya or Woyane thought them....we will cut their Rotten hands!!!
Mr. stone head tomb of the stone explain this" As long as they continue to threaten the existance of Ethiopia, we do not care Shabiya or Woyane thought them". Telling you AA is my city is not threaten, but owning both her problem and development , even will be better managed with more tree plantation, cleaner river and intensive cleaning you made dirty for decades while importing the dirt to the beautiful Finfinne. No one threaten Ethiopia.
I didnot read you comment. But pushing others wont help. The country needs more city and AA was manged badly become a burden for people living around it. It need to be managed well. cool it down pushing any one of Ethiopian ethnic group wont help none. Doe. Oromo are not living in that dirt city until cleaned and become livable. I don't fight for shanty town as I have bigger plan.
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 02 Aug 2019, 14:17
by Selam/
You’re a small being, buddy. You can insult the Oromo extremists but calling people names collectively shows your stupidity and “denseness”. Dumbasz Wurigat!
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 02 Aug 2019, 17:43
by Selam/
Mr savior, who is “we?”
You can support any group you want but don’t associate me with you. What does “claim Abiy” mean?
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑02 Aug 2019, 15:00
Selam/ wrote: ↑02 Aug 2019, 14:17
You’re a small being, buddy. You can insult the Oromo extremists but calling people names collectively shows your stupidity and “denseness”. Dumbasz Wurigat!
እሺ አትቆቺ የኔ እምቤት: እናሻሽላለን! እእእሟ
We have to support ABN and Ezema or else the TPLF brainwashed OLF/ODP will eat us alive. Remember the Oromo migration if it were not stopped. We need to claim Dr. Abiy and stop the Arrrogant and idiooot Oromo elites chanting and venomes such as claiming Addis Ababa and Wello!
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 02 Aug 2019, 18:32
by Selam/
Serpentine woyane trash - you’re ወራዳ፥ የአማራን የዋህነት የወያኔን እርኩስነት ሳትጠየቅ ትመሰክራለህ። ሰውን ማመን ታላቅነት ነው። ከሰው እጅ በልቶ ጠጥቶ መግደል ግን ብልጠት ሳይሆን እባብነት ነው። KIFU!
Ethoash wrote: ↑02 Aug 2019, 12:02
ዶሮን ሲያታልሏት በመጫኛ ጣሏት። መለስ ሲፎግርህ እውነት መስሎሀል። እሺ በአማር ትከሻ ትግሬዎች አዲሳባ ገቡ እንበል ታድያ ትግሬዎች ብልጦች አይደሉም ውይ ከጅግናው አማራ ድልን ፈልቅቀወ ወስደው አማራን በባርነት ለ፴ ዓመት የገዙት።
አማራና ኦሮሞ ደርግን አልደገፉትም ጫዋት አይስራም። ይህ ጦርነት ነው የናቴ መቀነት ጠለፈኝ አይስራ ራሺያ ክዩባ ሀያላት ሐጎሮች ከደርጉ በስተጀርባ ነበሩ ።።። ማንም መሽነፍን አይፈልግም ባርነት እንደሚመጣ ያወቀዋል ታድያ የሚችለውን ያህል ይጋፈጣል ። ያም ሳይሆን ሲቀር ይፈረጥጣል ።።። ደርግ ሕዝቡን አላማሳመኑ ራሱ የትግሉ አካል ነው ሞኝነቱን ደደብነቱን ነው የሚያሳየው። በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ ወርቃሞቹ ሕዝባቸውን አሳምነው ለሞት ለመስዋህትነት ሁሉ ለረሀብ ለችግር በሙሉ ተጋልጠው ልጆቻቸውን ወርቃሞዎቹን ደግፈው ለድል አበቋቸው።
ይህ ብቻ አይደለም ወርቃማዎቹ የደርግን ወታደር ሲማርኩ አይገድሏቸውም ነበር ይህ ራሱ የሞራል ወድቀትን በደርግ ስራዊት ላይ ፈጥሮዋል ።
ሌላው ደግሞ የደርግ ወታደሮች ሙሉ ትጥቃቸውን መቶ ኪሎ የሚያክል ነገር ተሽክመው ተራራ ላይ ይውጣሉ ። ሙሉ ትጥቅ ሙሉ ቦቲ ጫማ የውታደር ጫማ ሙቀቱን እስበው። መሮጥ አይችሉ ይተሽከሙት ትጥቅ ከብዶቸዋል ። በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ ውያኔዎች ቁምጣ ብቻ ነው ያረጉት ። ኮንጎ ጫማ ለአካባቢው ሙቀት የሚሆን አለባበስ ታድያ እንዴት ብለልው ይዎጉ አሞራና አህያ ። በመቅፀበት ቦታ ለመቀየር ከተራራ ተራራ ለሞሮጥ ከሚያመቸው ጠላት። በዚህ ላይ ልክ እንደበግ የደርግ ውታደሮች በስልፍ ሲመጡ አንድ ሁለት ውያኔዎች ተራራ ላይ ሆነው አጭዶቸው ነበር ። መላ ቢስ ውታደር አሁን ደርሷ ምክን ያት ያበዛል።
ታድያ አማራ ና ኦሮሞ ከአንት ጋራ እንዳልሆኑ ካውቕህ ቀላል ነበር እኮ ትግሬዎችን የመገንጠል ጥያቄ መቀበል ። ኤርትራንም ነፃ በማውጣት የአማርን አገዛዛ ማዳን ይቻል ነበር ። እንዲህ ቢሆን ኖሮ ትግሬዎች በድህነት ይማቅቁ ነበር። አሁን ግን በድንብ ተደራጅተዋል እድሜ ለደርግ ኢትዬዽያን ለ፴ ዓመት በቀኝ ግዛትነት ገዝታለች።
አንድ ነገር እማራ ና ኦሮሞ ማን ከለከላቸው ለ፴ ዓመት ሲገዙ ለምን አያፈንግጡም ነበር። ማን እጃቸው ያዘው ለምን ጥምረት ፈጥረው ትግሬዎችን አይውጉም ነበር ልብ ካላቸው። አሁን እንኳን ትግሬዎች ስልችቶቸው ነው ጥለው የሄዱት።። ያሽነፋቹሁ እንዳይመስላቹሁ፣ የእሽነፋቹሁ ከመሳላቹህ ታድያ ምን ትጠብቃላቹሁ ለምን ትግሬ ሐገር ሄዳቹሁ ውያኔዎችን አታስሯችውም ያን ሁሉ ግፍ የስሩባቹሁን ።።
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 02 Aug 2019, 18:38
by Selam/
Mr savior - Didn’t i say you’re a small being? You just proved me right. It doesn’t matter where Abiy stands so long we are governed by a federal parliamentary system. He is one person.
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑02 Aug 2019, 18:09
I like the "Mr Savior" name. Thanks selam/
What I mean by claiming Abiy is to give him the mop support again and take him out off the OLF and TPLF camp. Its clear now that Abiy is fallen for OLFs and soon he may serve TPLF. If you listen to Ermias's discussion below you will get it. I have the same opinion about Abiy. He LOVEs power, he was named the 7th King, so he flows with the conditions that would gaurantee that….if he thinks OLF or TPLF would give him the necessary support or power he is more OLF and TPLF than the TPLFs themselves. The same way goes for the "Ye Zeginet Politika aramajoch" as he was more Ethiopianist than the Ethiopian unity advocaters themselves.
Now, we should be smart and take him back to that Unionist line and use the opportunity to modify the TPLF-OLF's Amhara hate constituision (Hige Mengist). The Addis Ababa and other chaotic condition all emanate from this hate constituition. Either peacefully or with chaos IT MUST BE MODIFIED! Otherwise there will never be peace in Ethiopia. Amaran yagelelech Ethiopia ke'engidih wedia atinorim. The people of Amhara has paid a lot to bring this change together with Qeerros, which are now misused by Jawar and Takele.
Selam/ wrote: ↑02 Aug 2019, 17:43
Mr savior, who is “we?”
You can support any group you want but don’t associate me with you. What does “claim Abiy” mean?
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑02 Aug 2019, 15:00
Selam/ wrote: ↑02 Aug 2019, 14:17
You’re a small being, buddy. You can insult the Oromo extremists but calling people names collectively shows your stupidity and “denseness”. Dumbasz Wurigat!
እሺ አትቆቺ የኔ እምቤት: እናሻሽላለን! እእእሟ
We have to support ABN and Ezema or else the TPLF brainwashed OLF/ODP will eat us alive. Remember the Oromo migration if it were not stopped. We need to claim Dr. Abiy and stop the Arrrogant and idiooot Oromo elites chanting and venomes such as claiming Addis Ababa and Wello!
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 03 Aug 2019, 00:15
by Selam/
Again, you’re a moron. You scribble stuff without any evidence. It’s okay to speculate as we all oftentimes do but it only amounts to a hot air ballon if you don’t prove it.
Insulting people collectively doesn’t make you a better person as your brain playing you. It only shows your inferior background and low self-esteem. Woorigat!
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑02 Aug 2019, 19:42
Selamiye/ yene qonjo
አይ አንቺ ደሞ አበዛሽው….. ወስላታ
Are you kidding me?!
If the parlament were the ruler why then Abiy can kill the Amhara and Tigre officials which he thinks could be obstacle for him to serve OLF?! Do you think the Parlament would kill Assaminew Stige or do you believe the Childish dramas which now includes "be wuchi heiloch yetekenebabere" thing
If Ethiopia were governed by the Parlamentary rule with the same constituition why then we had to drug down the TPLF.... Believe it or not its a one man rule in Ethiopia. This one man called Abiy can make a differnce. He is endorsed and supported fully by the US and Arabs, then he has some support within Ethiopia. Before the main support used to come from the Amhara now fom the Gimmmatam Galla.
So, there is a one man rule in Ethiopia that can make influence for now. If he is not back to support and appease us like the begining we will take him down as we brought him up!!! Speacially Abiy will be sloughtered in the case of Addis Ababa, if he keeps appeasing Galla Liberation fronts.
I think you are the BIG FOOL the Rotten Rat GALLA or ye Galla zer?!
Selam/ wrote: ↑02 Aug 2019, 18:38
Mr savior - Didn’t i say you’re a small being? You just proved me right. It doesn’t matter where Abiy stands so long we are governed by a federal parliamentary system. He is one person.
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑02 Aug 2019, 18:09
I like the "Mr Savior" name. Thanks selam/
What I mean by claiming Abiy is to give him the mop support again and take him out off the OLF and TPLF camp. Its clear now that Abiy is fallen for OLFs and soon he may serve TPLF. If you listen to Ermias's discussion below you will get it. I have the same opinion about Abiy. He LOVEs power, he was named the 7th King, so he flows with the conditions that would gaurantee that….if he thinks OLF or TPLF would give him the necessary support or power he is more OLF and TPLF than the TPLFs themselves. The same way goes for the "Ye Zeginet Politika aramajoch" as he was more Ethiopianist than the Ethiopian unity advocaters themselves.
Now, we should be smart and take him back to that Unionist line and use the opportunity to modify the TPLF-OLF's Amhara hate constituision (Hige Mengist). The Addis Ababa and other chaotic condition all emanate from this hate constituition. Either peacefully or with chaos IT MUST BE MODIFIED! Otherwise there will never be peace in Ethiopia. Amaran yagelelech Ethiopia ke'engidih wedia atinorim. The people of Amhara has paid a lot to bring this change together with Qeerros, which are now misused by Jawar and Takele.
Selam/ wrote: ↑02 Aug 2019, 17:43
Mr savior, who is “we?”
You can support any group you want but don’t associate me with you. What does “claim Abiy” mean?
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑02 Aug 2019, 15:00
Selam/ wrote: ↑02 Aug 2019, 14:17
You’re a small being, buddy. You can insult the Oromo extremists but calling people names collectively shows your stupidity and “denseness”. Dumbasz Wurigat!
እሺ አትቆቺ የኔ እምቤት: እናሻሽላለን! እእእሟ
We have to support ABN and Ezema or else the TPLF brainwashed OLF/ODP will eat us alive. Remember the Oromo migration if it were not stopped. We need to claim Dr. Abiy and stop the Arrrogant and idiooot Oromo elites chanting and venomes such as claiming Addis Ababa and Wello!
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 03 Aug 2019, 09:20
by Selam/
Tribalist moron, you must be the new kid on the block. I don’t have any thing to hide. Unlike the ethnocentric temper tantrum like yourself and all woyane thugs and extremist Oromo and Amhara jerks, I always project myself in a settled and well-balanced manner. Unlike the incomplete genome that purports you to build a false sense of superiority, I have an interwind chromosome of the proud Oromos, Amharas, Tigres and Gurages and I respect them all equally.
Your infantile brain can’t even stay focused on one topic. Now you jumped to Atse Menilik and Anolle, assuming this would substantiate your flawed self. If Oromos want to keep the monument, so be it. As a matter of fact, I am against the removal of any monument, be it in Oromia, Amhara or Tigray. Because monuments tell history, good or bad.
You little tribalist and misogynist pr!ck, learn first to respect all people equally and refrain from sexist comments. Woorgat!
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑03 Aug 2019, 07:20
Selamiye/ yene qonjo
Now your Rat Galla face is revealed succesfully. Your brain is destroyed by the TPLF beyond repair. I can imagine you have a selfie with the Fool the Galla Anollee monument. Regarding politics I have only one question: where does Aste Menelik lives now?!
Lets leave politics for politicians. Its a complex thing. Ethiopian politics is not easy to understand. May be the people of Amhara and Tigray are gifted to play the twist.... may be that is why Ethiopia has never been colonized by Europeans.
Re: ::: Can the rotten Galla elites succeed to destroy Ethiopia's Addis Ababa & make it a city of Rats?
Posted: 03 Aug 2019, 15:23
by Selam/
Woyane rat - it is evident that you were raised in a filthy red-light district, abandoned by your parents. That’s where you got your vulgar language, swine-like behavior and collective hatred. A gentleman who is brought up by a loving mom wouldn’t be crude like you, dumbasz. Let alone Gabissa a random Oromo kid would recreate your blockhead out of Gullelie clay. Woorigat!
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑03 Aug 2019, 14:42
Selam/ wrote: ↑03 Aug 2019, 09:20
I have an interwind chromosome of the proud Oromos, Amharas, Tigres and Gurages and I respect them all equally.
Selamiye/ yenne konjo!
I guessed right that you have the Rat Galla gene in yourself! No wonder you are fooolish and do not get the ongoing politics correct on time... your Zegemitegna Galla gene reduced your learnig ability so much. Never get married to a Galla if you want to improve your relatives gene in future.
When you talk about sexism, and that you like your AN@S being hit hard, you make me a bit hooorny. In which state do you live...lets continue our discussion through our private e-mail ❤ . For now, I leave you to listen to your uncle Gabissa being humiliated even by Abiy's media