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በ ABN መበላላቱ ተጧጡፏል!!
Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 14:35
by gearhead
See the penalty for opinion differences amongst group members of this extrimist! Observe the level of personal attack Yoni Mangia leveled on Henock Yeshitila for the latter not wanting to return his calls!
This is not just an issolated incidence but a trend as this extrimist group starts being found out for what it is!
Re: በ ABN መበላላቱ ተጧጡፏል!!
Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 14:59
by ethiopian
are these buchilas now ABN's makers and movers ? ayeeeeeeeeee how low can we go in the current Ethiopia's politics ?
Re: በ ABN መበላላቱ ተጧጡፏል!!
Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 15:05
by Degnet
ethiopian wrote: ↑30 Jul 2019, 14:59
are these buchilas now ABN's makers and movers ? ayeeeeeeeeee how low can we go in the current Ethiopia's politics ?
yekereta gen endet yehen yahel mistir tawetaleh,erasewan Erestes.Mejemeria teklala alsemawem neber tenish degmo lesemaw mokere neber ahun degmo akomalehugn
Re: በ ABN መበላላቱ ተጧጡፏል!!
Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 15:25
by gearhead
Well, Henock Yeshitila was amongst the pioneers of this movement! He at least can read and write and is capable of a degree of political analysis! Alas, it is Yoni Mangia who has the upper hand as ABN extremist politics favors the most abusured, the most irrational, the most reckless amongst the psychotic pack!
Somehow, Yoni feels slighted by Henock and what does he do?
1) outs henock's residential henock backbit his original sponsor, outs henock's back rent to an elder in a community! Basically assasinates the character of a much able politician!
2) Takes the lowest road to prove Henock's credibility in raising funds for General Asaminew's memorabilia, and/or for ABN as an organization. Claims Henock never raised a cent while he Yoni Mangia had so much disposable income that he donated $100,000 for ABNs extrimist organization so viewed by some retiered US officials! If Yoni Mangia had reported this claim to the US Tax Authorities remains to be seen!
3) Gets into Henock's marital issues, calls him inexperienced and ሴታሴት አጥሚት አቡኪ!!
All in all, Yoni launched a charachter assassination from which Henock Yeshitila's political career will find difficult to recover from, and might even be a coup degras to Henock Yeshitila's constrained marital situation.
ethiopian wrote: ↑30 Jul 2019, 14:59
are these buchilas now ABN's makers and movers ? ayeeeeeeeeee how low can we go in the current Ethiopia's politics ?
Re: በ ABN መበላላቱ ተጧጡፏል!!
Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 16:36
by Ethoash
First they came for the TPLF , and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a TPLF t.
Then they came for the OROMO , and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a OROMO.
Then they came for the SIDAMA, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a SIDAMA .
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me
when yoni this is not the first time giving out people info.. this guy must be told to stop. otherwise he might cause death .. who is responsible if something happened to those he ousted .... is yoni aware of legal responsibility not to give out people information
all us responsible for yoni action because we ask him to out people to insult people then when he insult what we considered ours we cry foul .....
we ask Dr. ABiy to arrest Johwar without court but when he start arresting what we considered our they we cry.. i am not saying Johawar is right or wrong but why give to much power to one man and hope he will not abuse it...
Re: በ ABN መበላላቱ ተጧጡፏል!!
Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 17:37
by gearhead
One of the inherent factors that stunts hate groups is the the mistrust among its egocentric visible members! This is a typical case of the more beastly gojami ego of yoini mangia eating the more refined showan ego of henok heshitila! Whereas Henock Heshitila had no qualms of bashing Dr. Birhanu, whom he believes failed to play subservient, I am not sure he would survive the mortal blow that he received from Yoni Mangia who now boasts 50K-100K views per video within a month of release!
Ethoash wrote: ↑30 Jul 2019, 16:36
First they came for the TPLF , and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a TPLF t.
Then they came for the OROMO , and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a OROMO.
Then they came for the SIDAMA, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a SIDAMA .
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me
when yoni this is not the first time giving out people info.. this guy must be told to stop. otherwise he might cause death .. who is responsible if something happened to those he ousted .... is yoni aware of legal responsibility not to give out people information
all us responsible for yoni action because we ask him to out people to insult people then when he insult what we considered ours we cry foul .....
we ask Dr. ABiy to arrest Johwar without court but when he start arresting what we considered our they we cry.. i am not saying Johawar is right or wrong but why give to much power to one man and hope he will not abuse it...
Re: በ ABN መበላላቱ ተጧጡፏል!!
Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 19:10
by Ethoash
my interest mostly what goes around comes around
first they ousted ሄለን ተጋዳላይ she losted her job .... had they had power they would have killer too
second yoni ousted the oromo girl ... i am not saying what the lady saying is good it is hateful speech.. but the question is does she deserved to die over it .. it is one time off.. beside where we going to stop [deleted] for [deleted].... even this lady is full of hate she should be warred and if she refused and repeat it then pass the information to police...we dont need mob justice here in USA..
3rd yoni since no body told him to stop then he is ousting Henock who is an Amhara .. full cycle... now if someone go and did something to Henock who is responsible, is yoni responsible for give out his information and cause him damage ...
i think people use yoni as entertainment..... that is why he get 40,000 while Henock 1.4 k ... so yoni could have afford it to ignore Henock but the idea is winner take all.. ጥሎ ማለፍ። ደፍጥጦ ማለፍ። ለወሬ ነጋሪ ሳያስቀሩ መደምስስ ነው ጫዋታው።