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Re: VIDEO: «ኢትዮጵያዊ የሚባል ማንነት የለም» ፕ/ር ህዝቅኤል ጋቢሳ. Try to listen, learn & catch-up ..

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 14:50
by Ethoash

1. citizenship is what Government give u... u can change your citizenship but not your ethnic
2. nationality is where u born and grow up and adopted the culture
3. your ethnic is what your mother and father give u which u cant change
4. Ethiopia is not h0mogeneous ...your citizenship cant be your nationality
5. one ethnic groups speak the same language
6. all Amhara speak Amharic, all oromo speak afan oromia etc
7. not all Ethiopians speak the same language hence ... so you cant use ዜግነት as ur ethnicity
8. but in case of french, English, Italy, japan they might use their citizen as their nationality
9. their is no Kenya, language so u know they have multiple ethnic
10. most African nation r not h0mogeneos ... they r made up of colonization they are collection of many ethnic

በአጭሩ የአማራ አራድነት ቀርቶ በስላም ቢኖሩ ይሻላቸዋል ። ማንም ዜግንትን እና ጎሳን ለይተዎ አያውቅም ብለው ባያታልሉን ይሻላል።

እንደኔ ከሆን it is much better just to kick out the Amhara out of the union... it is waste of time to argue with this people ፕ/ር ህዝቅኤል ጋቢሳ tried ... i dont think he convinced them .. like a river when u convinced one there is another who replace his place and u have to start all over again... what a people

Re: VIDEO: «ኢትዮጵያዊ የሚባል ማንነት የለም» ፕ/ር ህዝቅኤል ጋቢሳ. Try to listen, learn & catch-up ..

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 15:02
by Halafi Mengedi
Confederation. To be confederation ethnics must be nations first and then join confederation if you wish to be a member.

Re: VIDEO: «ኢትዮጵያዊ የሚባል ማንነት የለም» ፕ/ር ህዝቅኤል ጋቢሳ. Try to listen, learn & catch-up ..

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 15:21
by simbe11
This guy is a parasite that is infesting the media. He used to hate the TPLF thugs not long ago. And now he is in there fold.

Crap !!!!!!!!!!!
yaballo wrote:
30 Jul 2019, 09:02
VIDEO: «ኢትዮጵያዊ የሚባል ማንነት የለም» ፕ/ር ህዝቅኤል ጋቢሳ. Try to listen, learn & catch-up ...

Summary of ፕ/ር ህዝቅኤል ጋቢሳ's points .. by 'Ejjeetto Sidama Affairs ESA' ...

‹‹የክልልነት ጥያቄው ወደ ግጭት እንዲያመራ የሚፈልጉ ኃይሎች አሉ››- ፕሮፌሰር #ሕዝቅኤል_ገቢሳ
ለእኔ ኢህአዴግ ኢህአዴግ ነው። አስተሳሰቡም፣አሰራሩም፣ አደረጃጀቱም አሁንም ቢሆን ከበፊቱ ተለውጦ አላየሁትም።

እኔ ህገ መንግስቱ መሻሻል የለበትም የሚል አቋም የለኝም። ህገ መንግስቱ እራሱ መሻሻል እንደሚገባው መብት ይሰጣል።

ክልሎች ፕሬዚዳንት አላቸው፣ ህገ መንግስት አላቸው፣ ባንዲራ አላቸው፣ ፓርላማ አላቸው፣ ቢሮክራሲ አላቸው፣ ብሄራዊ መዝሙር አላቸው።ስለዚህ ክልሎች ሀገር ለመሆን የቀራቸው ዓለም አቀፍ እውቅና ማግኘት ብቻ ነው።

መብትን ቀምቶ የተደራጀን ነገር አፍርሶ 70 ዓመት ወደኋላ መውሰድ አይቻልም ነው ያልኩት። እኔ የገለጽኩት ትክክለኛ ሀሳብ ይሄ ሆኖ ሳለ ሰዎች ሀሳቤን ካለመረዳት ሳይሆን ሆነ ብለው በመጠምዘዝ ሌላ አቅጣጫ አስይዘውታል።

እኔ የኩሽን ህዝብ አላቋቁምም። ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ 75 በመቶ የሚደርሱት ህዝቦች የኩሽ ውልደት ያላቸው ናቸው። እነዚህ የባህልና የቋንቋ ግንኙነት ስላላቸው ህብረት ቢኖራቸውና ቢጠናከሩ ሀገሪቱም ልትጠናከር ትችላላች የሚል አስተሳሰብ አሁንም አለኝ።>>

Re: VIDEO: «ኢትዮጵያዊ የሚባል ማንነት የለም» ፕ/ር ህዝቅኤል ጋቢሳ. Try to listen, learn & catch-up ..

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 15:44
by Ethoash
Halafi Mengedi wrote:
30 Jul 2019, 15:02
Confederation. To be confederation ethnics must be nations first and then join confederation if you wish to be a member.
i understand why u want Confederation over fed. system .. Confederation is a lose system where the Central government is very weak ... American start out as Confederation but end up in fed system where the central government very powerful

i think the solution is just to kick out the Amhara state out of fed. union ... trust me we will breath fresh air ..

as of now the Tigray doesnt have claim over oromo land , the Somalia doesnt imposed their culture on Amhara , the same for every ethnic they just want to live and govern their own region ...they love fed. system even as we speak Sidama enjoying their new found freedom under fed. system... so would break up a system working perfectly.. as i said the only problem is Amhara and it is better to find way to kick them out...

i think all region must have a meeting to boycott Amhara region until they stop hostility toward other region state ..

for example what is the business of Amhara sticking their noise in Sidama business, or in Tigray business or in oromia business do u see omn doing report on Sidama negatively do u see Tigray doing it ... so all fed. state should tell esat and other mouth mouthpiece if not boycott Amhara region .. until they ask for Article 39

Re: VIDEO: «ኢትዮጵያዊ የሚባል ማንነት የለም» ፕ/ር ህዝቅኤል ጋቢሳ. Try to listen, learn & catch-up ..

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 20:34
Yabllo ararsa-- what a Revelation your buddy regurgitated and spited out your vomit ? He is constipated and soon he will find out if really there is or there is not a country called Ethiopia . I really foresee his chopped up head at the top of stick, can serve as scarecrow ,nicely.