Beautiful- Massawa!
Posted: 29 Jul 2019, 12:32
Johan Kruger (@tjkruger) Tweeted:
Beautiful Massawa, Eritrea.

Beautiful Massawa, Eritrea.
good kissssssssssssssssssssssssss up Massawa is like message in a bottle never change for the last 70 years.. and look what happened to Djibouti and cry ur heart out...somali-prince wrote: ↑29 Jul 2019, 16:21Zmeselo
Mesmerising photos really looking good as always Masawa. One of the places admiral said marino targeted heavilu to weaken derg invaders. Would love to visit this beautiful city and maybe buy a retirement plot next to the sea.
LeeVanCliff wrote: ↑30 Jul 2019, 00:57Zimeselo
What you show in the puctire and what it is in reality is completely different. Massawa is a ghost town. I spent 4 nights there and tried to visit in all directions of the city. Massawa looks like it got invaded by enemy. All hotels are trash except Dahilak hotel. Gurgisum is trash, Red Sea Hotel is trash, Luna hotel is trash.....
The whole city is facing the fate of Asmara.
Democrat wrote: ↑30 Jul 2019, 05:02Massawa should have been under Tigray (ancient Ethiopia). TPLF idiots gave it away to Eritrea even though teh Hewit Treaty describes Masswa as part of Tigray and Ethiopia. Eritrea should have been without Masswa, north of it. The Dahlak Islands should have been under Ethiopia or Tigray.
TPLF leaders backstabbed and betrayed Tigray people. Now Tigrayans have no port of their own. One asks what TPLF was liberating, Eritrea or Tigray. TPLF used Tigrayans to liberate Eritrea from Ethiopia. Tigrayans should ask themselves why they still support TPLF?They should bring TPLF leaders and cadres to justice? Still it is not too late to bring back South Mereb to Tigray or Ethiopia. Tigrayans should be re-organised and pay the necessary sacrifces to protect the legacy of their forefathers.
The Hewitt Treaty
The Hewitt treaty was signed on 3 June, 1884 between Rear Admiral William Hewitt (a British envoy) with Emperor Yohannis of Ethiopia. There was turmoil between Ethiopia and Egypt at that moment. Hewitt came to negotiate peace on the behalf of Egypt. This treaty was signed not only to negotiate peace but also because there was Egyptian soldiers trapped in the areas along the Ethio-Sudanese border.
The treaty also included these articles which dealt with:
free transit for Ethiopia through the port of Massawa for all goods including firearms.
restoration to Ethiopia of Bogos and other regions with their buildings, stores and munitions, and
Ethiopian agreement to help in the safe evacuation of the trapped Egyptian army via Massawa.