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ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 29 Jul 2019, 12:10
by Abere
ኮሎኔል ዐብይ የሰው ዘር እያስገደለ እና እያፈናቀለ ችግኝ እተክላለሁ ይላል- ግብዝነት ያስቃል። እርሱ እና ታከለ ዑማ የሚተክሉት ዛፍ ሳይሆን አረም ነው የሚተክሉት። የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ የበላውን ታቶ ያልበላውን የሚያክ አስመሳይ መሪ ነው። ብዙ ሳንሄድ አዋሳ ሲዳሞ ህዝብ በዋይታ ሲታመስ እርሱ አሥመራ ኮረኮንች መንገድ ላይ መኪና እዬነዳ Hi-Five እየሰጠ እስከ መንጋጋው ይስቅ ነበር። ክረምት ስለገባ ሠላም የገባ መሰለው እንዴ?

Re: ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 29 Jul 2019, 12:58
by simbe11
Great view. They need to work on this sector much more that they are doing now.
Stop ethnic displacement Mr. PM!!!!!

Re: ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 29 Jul 2019, 14:14
by sun
Abere wrote:
29 Jul 2019, 12:10
ኮሎኔል ዐብይ የሰው ዘር እያስገደለ እና እያፈናቀለ ችግኝ እተክላለሁ ይላል- ግብዝነት ያስቃል። እርሱ እና ታከለ ዑማ የሚተክሉት ዛፍ ሳይሆን አረም ነው የሚተክሉት። የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ የበላውን ታቶ ያልበላውን የሚያክ አስመሳይ መሪ ነው። ብዙ ሳንሄድ አዋሳ ሲዳሞ ህዝብ በዋይታ ሲታመስ እርሱ አሥመራ ኮረኮንች መንገድ ላይ መኪና እዬነዳ Hi-Five እየሰጠ እስከ መንጋጋው ይስቅ ነበር። ክረምት ስለገባ ሠላም የገባ መሰለው እንዴ?
Really? :lol:

Liar, liar, liar...,
Your dirty tattered liar pants are on hot fire,
While your evil Judas lying lips are getting old and tired like the rusty barbed wire! :mrgreen:

Otherwise the new transformational young leader is the mother of all the planetary gifts from mother nature since he brought freedom, equality, justice and empowerment not only to the 100 million Ethiopians but also to the entire Horn, the African continent and the whole world.

The displacements are being done by evil Judas like you who wanted to fill your bulky barrel stomach and benefit from the wretchedness of the common poor citizens!

That is the truth, nothing but The Truth!

What a D!rty B!tch w!tch swimming in the contaminated filthy d!tch!

Re: ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 29 Jul 2019, 14:26
by sun
simbe11 wrote:
29 Jul 2019, 12:58
Great view. They need to work on this sector much more that they are doing now.
Stop ethnic displacement Mr. PM!!!!!
The displacements are being done by your filthy evil Judas b!tch just for the purpose of robbing and stealing movable and immovable resources.

That is why you should send that comical and clownish command message, "Stop ethnic displacements" to your own self because that is the real address for that message. Okay? Okay!!!!

Re: ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 29 Jul 2019, 15:31
by banebris2013
Abere wrote:
29 Jul 2019, 12:10
ኮሎኔል ዐብይ የሰው ዘር እያስገደለ እና እያፈናቀለ ችግኝ እተክላለሁ ይላል- ግብዝነት ያስቃል። እርሱ እና ታከለ ዑማ የሚተክሉት ዛፍ ሳይሆን አረም ነው የሚተክሉት። የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ የበላውን ታቶ ያልበላውን የሚያክ አስመሳይ መሪ ነው። ብዙ ሳንሄድ አዋሳ ሲዳሞ ህዝብ በዋይታ ሲታመስ እርሱ አሥመራ ኮረኮንች መንገድ ላይ መኪና እዬነዳ Hi-Five እየሰጠ እስከ መንጋጋው ይስቅ ነበር። ክረምት ስለገባ ሠላም የገባ መሰለው እንዴ?
You do not have winning argument. Most of what you rant here is due to hate. No one expect reasoning from the likes of you. Abiy has been on power for little over a year and you blame him as if he has been for a very long time. If you want Ethiopia to exist, come up with something that brings people together. You are full of hate and hate consumes your energy. If you use this negative energy to something positive you can make a difference. So please help yourself. Otherwise people like you are irrelevant as your assertions and facts on the ground are far apart. Ethiopians planted over 300 mil seedlings while you and your likes plant hate for the generations to come.

Re: ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 29 Jul 2019, 17:59
by Abere
sun wrote:
29 Jul 2019, 14:14
Abere wrote:
29 Jul 2019, 12:10
ኮሎኔል ዐብይ የሰው ዘር እያስገደለ እና እያፈናቀለ ችግኝ እተክላለሁ ይላል- ግብዝነት ያስቃል። እርሱ እና ታከለ ዑማ የሚተክሉት ዛፍ ሳይሆን አረም ነው የሚተክሉት። የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ የበላውን ታቶ ያልበላውን የሚያክ አስመሳይ መሪ ነው። ብዙ ሳንሄድ አዋሳ ሲዳሞ ህዝብ በዋይታ ሲታመስ እርሱ አሥመራ ኮረኮንች መንገድ ላይ መኪና እዬነዳ Hi-Five እየሰጠ እስከ መንጋጋው ይስቅ ነበር። ክረምት ስለገባ ሠላም የገባ መሰለው እንዴ?
Really? :lol:

Liar, liar, liar...,
Your dirty tattered liar pants are on hot fire,
While your evil Judas lying lips are getting old and tired like the rusty barbed wire! :mrgreen:

Otherwise the new transformational young leader is the mother of all the planetary gifts from mother nature since he brought freedom, equality, justice and empowerment not only to the 100 million Ethiopians but also to the entire Horn, the African continent and the whole world.

The displacements are being done by evil Judas like you who wanted to fill your bulky barrel stomach and benefit from the wretchedness of the common poor citizens!

That is the truth, nothing but The Truth!

What a D!rty B!tch w!tch swimming in the contaminated filthy d!tch!
የሰው መፈናቀል፣ስደት እና ግድያ ፍፁም በኮሎኔል ዐብይ አህመድ ጊዜ የለም እያልህ ትገዘታለህ - ሌሎችን ውሸታም እያልህ ትዘለፋለህ። እስኪ ልጠይቅህ ይኸን የምትደሰኩረው ከአዲስ አበባ ነው ወይስ ከአሥመራው ጣብያህ። አዬ ሰው አዬ ሰው መሬት ላይ ያለው ሰው - እዚያ እያበረደ እዚህ የሚያነደው ነው ያለው ዘፋኙ። እስኪ ከቀላሏ በጀምር ጉጂ የሚባል የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ክፍል ታውቃለህ በዐብይ ዘመነ ሥልጣን በኦዴፓ-ኦነግ ግፍ ምክንያት ከሶርያ በላይ የከፋ ጨካኝ ግፍ ደርሶባቸዋል። ሌላውን ዘርዝሬ አልጨርሰውም። A curs that has befell upon Ethiopians, you call him transformational leader. This kinds of statements are usually made either by opportunists or thugs. Before you open septic mouth wide gather facts to refute what I said about the double age colonel leader, Abiy Ahmed.

Re: ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 29 Jul 2019, 19:55
by sun
Abere wrote:
29 Jul 2019, 17:59
sun wrote:
29 Jul 2019, 14:14
Abere wrote:
29 Jul 2019, 12:10
ኮሎኔል ዐብይ የሰው ዘር እያስገደለ እና እያፈናቀለ ችግኝ እተክላለሁ ይላል- ግብዝነት ያስቃል። እርሱ እና ታከለ ዑማ የሚተክሉት ዛፍ ሳይሆን አረም ነው የሚተክሉት። የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ የበላውን ታቶ ያልበላውን የሚያክ አስመሳይ መሪ ነው። ብዙ ሳንሄድ አዋሳ ሲዳሞ ህዝብ በዋይታ ሲታመስ እርሱ አሥመራ ኮረኮንች መንገድ ላይ መኪና እዬነዳ Hi-Five እየሰጠ እስከ መንጋጋው ይስቅ ነበር። ክረምት ስለገባ ሠላም የገባ መሰለው እንዴ?
Really? :lol:

Liar, liar, liar...,
Your dirty tattered liar pants are on hot fire,
While your evil Judas lying lips are getting old and tired like the rusty barbed wire! :mrgreen:

Otherwise the new transformational young leader is the mother of all the planetary gifts from mother nature since he brought freedom, equality, justice and empowerment not only to the 100 million Ethiopians but also to the entire Horn, the African continent and the whole world.

The displacements are being done by evil Judas like you who wanted to fill your bulky barrel stomach and benefit from the wretchedness of the common poor citizens!

That is the truth, nothing but The Truth!

What a D!rty B!tch w!tch swimming in the contaminated filthy d!tch!
የሰው መፈናቀል፣ስደት እና ግድያ ፍፁም በኮሎኔል ዐብይ አህመድ ጊዜ የለም እያልህ ትገዘታለህ - ሌሎችን ውሸታም እያልህ ትዘለፋለህ። እስኪ ልጠይቅህ ይኸን የምትደሰኩረው ከአዲስ አበባ ነው ወይስ ከአሥመራው ጣብያህ። አዬ ሰው አዬ ሰው መሬት ላይ ያለው ሰው - እዚያ እያበረደ እዚህ የሚያነደው ነው ያለው ዘፋኙ። እስኪ ከቀላሏ በጀምር ጉጂ የሚባል የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ክፍል ታውቃለህ በዐብይ ዘመነ ሥልጣን በኦዴፓ-ኦነግ ግፍ ምክንያት ከሶርያ በላይ የከፋ ጨካኝ ግፍ ደርሶባቸዋል። ሌላውን ዘርዝሬ አልጨርሰውም። A curs that has befell upon Ethiopians, you call him transformational leader. This kinds of statements are usually made either by opportunists or thugs. Before you open septic mouth wide gather facts to refute what I said about the double age colonel leader, Abiy Ahmed.
Hmm... :mrgreen:

Displacements, inequalities, injustices and poverty were/are the long standing outcomes of the bygone dictatorial corrupt governments and bad governance that have preceded the current transformational and egalitarian democratic government whom the benevolent generous mother nature have given to Mamma Ethiopia. Thank you so much my dear mother nature for whom and in whose honor we are now planting green trees in order to have clean and clear healing fresh air all over the places for the first time in 3000 years. :lol: :lol:

Only in a single year office holding all prisons, concentration camps, secret torture chambers, etc. were closed as all prisoners were set free just like the birds in the sky gleefully singing and chanting all over the places and thinking freely as to what to do to their new found lives and livings in freedom and liberty.

Doors were wide open for peace and positive cooperation agreements performed both within the country and among the neighboring countries so that good government and sustainable development activities may take place and enrich our citizens materially, spiritually and culturally. Women were also allotted 50% of the ministerial posts for the first time in Ethiopian history in 3000 years.

I am saying "3000 years" not because the record is true but because I know that it sounds like music to your thuggish dim witted liar's left and right ears, while at the same time I don't want to mention that the country remained patently underdeveloped while its citizens remained pathetically wretched during the same historical records.

In your thuggish and your decadent associates Baboon case it is all of these miraculous positive changes of equality, freedom and justice,etc. which took place in a matter of one year that made you become outraged and insulted just like that evil Judas who got very envious and outraged at the exemplary and good deeds of Jesus Himself.

"When evil people plot, good people must plan. When evil people burn and bomb, good people must build and bind. When evil people shout ugly words of hatred, good people must commit themselves to the glories of love and healing." ~Martin Luther King, Jr. :P

Re: ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 29 Jul 2019, 20:26
by Abere
The rhetorical statements of yours about Abiy is what many other blood [deleted] dictators current or past relentlessly preach to their ordinary subjects. First, it is a ridiculously ordinary mind to even think of worshiping a member of the notorious tplf/olf thug as heavenly sent help. That is absurd stupidity of many folks including yours. You failed to make even one strong point what the colonel achieved. As usual you are repeating the same old rhythm, he released prisoners. Of course he should, they freed themselves not Abiy. The reality is in Abiy's regime, notorious broad day light genocidal criminals and bank robbers are walking free openly. It is not because he opened the door for peace rather he is one of them too. He is a Trojan horse of ant-Ethiopian forces.

Re: ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 29 Jul 2019, 20:50
by sun
Abere wrote:
29 Jul 2019, 20:26
The rhetorical statements of yours about Abiy is what many other blood [deleted] dictators current or past relentlessly preach to their ordinary subjects. First, it is a ridiculously ordinary mind to even think of worshiping a member of the notorious tplf/olf thug as heavenly sent help. That is absurd stupidity of many folks including yours. You failed to make even one strong point what the colonel achieved. As usual you are repeating the same old rhythm, he released prisoners. Of course he should, they freed themselves not Abiy. The reality is in Abiy's regime, notorious broad day light genocidal criminals and bank robbers are walking free openly. It is not because he opened the door for peace rather he is one of them too. He is a Trojan horse of ant-Ethiopian forces.

"They freed themselves" :lol: :lol:

So what is the problem even if he is a Trojan horse as you would like to lie BIG to us, if the Trojan Horse brought peace, healing, freedom, equality and justice for all with much more still in the pipe coming soon. Then I love such wise and disciplined cool Trojan Horse rather than your ill mannered anarchist bandit irresponsible dim witted selfish thug.

It is very good that he has been one of them as you said because only some one who has been one of them and knew the tricks of the inner trade may effectively, wisely and knowledgeably deal with the problems which the transformational leader is leading forwards, so that mamma Ethiopia may become healthy wealthy and happy forever to come. If you selfish evil Judas may not like the well beings of our good government and Mamma Ethiopia, then go and eat your toes and then shoot yourself with arrows and bows. Bingo! :mrgreen:

As I said already you seem to be some very small misguided kid needing some one baby sit you in your pram and walk after you with dry diapers to keep you reasonably clean and dry.

"I can change a diaper in 30 seconds flat. I set the new one beneath the old one. That way, it's just wipe and pull the flap over."~Drew B. :P

Re: ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 01:39
by Tiago

There are ethnic displacements mostly instigated by savage gallas with the blessing of PM Abiye Ahmed.
He allows savage gallas such as Jawhar Mohamed to do and say what they like with impunity,but jumps his gun to stop the amharas assert themselves
He made up story about attempted coup that never took place.

These are some of the facts about the pretentious PM and there is no denying it.

BTW Dergue was planting trees all over Ethiopia.

Re: ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 03:18
by Revelations

Re: ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 04:08
by sun
Tiago wrote:
30 Jul 2019, 01:39

There are ethnic displacements mostly instigated by savage gallas with the blessing of PM Abiye Ahmed.
He allows savage gallas such as Jawhar Mohamed to do and say what they like with impunity,but jumps his gun to stop the amharas assert themselves
He made up story about attempted coup that never took place.

These are some of the facts about the pretentious PM and there is no denying it.

BTW Dergue was planting trees all over Ethiopia.

As an evil power hungry Judas liar of the 21st century savage anarchist Baboon you are projecting your savagery on the good egalitarian hard working humanist people whom the whole world have witnessed and came to be positively amazed in practice and on the ground.

Through out historical times brave Oromo Ethiopians did lots of sacrifices say, like Abebe Bikila who run bare feet and won gold medals repeatedly in marathon world championships and through that placed Ethiopia on the active world map. Similarly people like Abuna Petros (Magarsaa Badhaasa), general Abdisa Aga and lots of others placed the interests of Ethiopia before anything else including their own lives and sustainably fought the overfed, overarmed arrogant invaders face to face with great motivation and great determination, finally making sure the enemy's total defeat while at the same time making sure the safety and survival of Mamma Ethiopia more than sure, while your types were hiding under coll safety of Mamma's skirt just to come out at the appropriate tranquil time to claim the country for yourself alone. :lol:

You should know the fact that all of the current Ethiopian Oromos are descendants these bygone patriots who saved Ethiopia from sure extinction as a result of which they have absolute moral, political, legal, etc. all round rights to claim their fair share of the cake, no question asked. BINGO!

All what your types of savage anarchists are trying to give us Ethiopians and the horn is insecurity, violence, chaos and running down to the dirty drain like in Yemen, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, etc. while Judas types may take advantage of the chaos and insecurities and prosper through people smuggling, drug pushing, arms smuggling, prostitution promoting and money making, human enslaving, etc. crimes.

"Dergue was planting trees all over Ethiopia"? :lol: :lol:

Is that why Ethiopia is known to be the prosperous and rich green Garden of Eden for which the Dergue received the Green Gold medals over and over again to the point where we were rolling all over the floor over and over again laughing very loud?

“But then, liars do make the best magicians, and you happened to be exceptional.” ~The Last Magician

Re: ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 04:19
by Tiago
You can say whatever you like ,but Ethiopians have no confidence with Abiy Ahmed ,period.

Re: ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 04:56
by sun
Tiago wrote:
30 Jul 2019, 04:19
You can say whatever you like ,but Ethiopians have no confidence with Abiy Ahmed ,period.
In your case I don't even consider you as an Ethiopian because you are behaving like an angry foreign Judas zealot harboring hate towards Mamma Ethiopia. :mrgreen:

Sure, you have confidence only in chaos and insecurity promotion, refugee smuggling, arms trading, prostitution entrepreneurial and making big money out of evil activities. But you should NOT BE allowed to do all of these by any means possible. Dr. Abiy is the great gift whom mother nature have granted to all of us in the 3000 years of Ethiopian history for which we need to be polite and thank mother nature for its generosity by planting lots of green plants so that we and our children down the line can slowly but surely breath fresh and healthy air.

Re: ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 10:37
by Revelations

Re: ሰው እዬነቀለ ችግኝ የሚተክለው መሪ

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 12:30
by Ethoash
number one , there is no tree means sahara desert... tree means life.. how in hell u going to protect your top soil if u dont have tree. did u hear me loud and clear

second Dr. Abiy is not sheep shepherd as human being u must know what is right or wrong .. if u start fire why should Dr. ABiy come and take out the fire .. he should let u burn your house next time u will learn not to start fire...

ቄሮ፣ ፋኖ፣ አጅቶ ሁሉ የምን ውጤት ነው የሕዝቡ ድጋፍ ነው እንዚህን ጋጠዎጦች ያስጣጠቀው። በዚህ ላይ የፈደራል ጦር ይውጣ ብሎ የጮህው ሕዝብ ነው ። ታድያ አሁን የምን ማለቃቀስ ነው። የፈደራል ጦር ቢገባ ፣ የፈደራል ጦር ስው ገደለ ብሎ ስው ይከሳል ፣ ካልገባ ይከሳል ።

ሕዝቡ ከአሁን በኋላ የፈደራል ጦርን ካልጋበዘው አይመጣም። በዚህ ላይ ደግሞ ሕዝብ ድርዬዎቹን ጥቆማ በመስጠት መተባበር አለብት።

ከህንግዲህ በኋላ ምከረው ምከረው እንቢ ካለ መከራ ይምከረው ነው። እሳትን በእጄ ካላዘኩኝ ብሎ ሐገርን የሚበጠብጠውን ለቀቀው እሳቱን ይጨብጥና ሁለትኛ ይሱን ጠባሳ ይዩ እሳት ጋ አይደርሱም።

አራዳ ዶክተር በጣም ተምችታኛለች። መተላለቅ ትፈልጋልህ መንገዱ ይሄው። ብሌ ላጥ ብሌ ሽርሽር ሄድ ሕዝቡ ደና ተደርጎ ሲገረፍና በቃኝ ሲል ተመልሳ መጣ። ይህ አይነቱ ስርቶ ማሳያ ይፈልጋል ሕዝባችን ። አልዳኝ ባይና አልገላገልም ባይን ልቀቀውን ድህና አርጎ ሲረገጥ ሁለተኛ አይለምደውም።