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Halafi Mengedi
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Professor Bekele Gerba selfless man who sees himself as ant and his ethnic Oromo as elephant???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 29 Jul 2019, 01:00

There is something all Tigrayans to learn from this deeply thoughtful man who walks beyond his own desires and wishes for the larger agenda of Oromia. I see Tigrayan politicians are prostitutes like Giday Zerazion, Aregawi Berhe, Getachew Reda, Tsadkan Weldetensay and many of them who forget why they fought for 17 years and obsessed for the future materialistic despite they have enough money to last them but they are so greedy willing to sale Tigray for their immediate advantages. But Bekele Gorba was in prison and he alleged Tigrayans put him in prison but this man is huge physically and deep thoughtful mind and overcame of the past for the sake of the future Oromo ethnic and understood his contribution to the Oromo plights and came to Tigray as educated person to do what he wants to do and advance the cause of his ethnic Oromo.

Due to Bekele Gorba arrival in Mekelle the Kahadi and lair Amhara are trying to paint Bekele Gorga as bad because the Amhara do not understand what is trying to do and Amhara is spreading false accusation about him in order to create friction between Tigray and Oromo for their advantages. Amharu are very jealous and everyone is talking what Tigray did this and that but Bekele Gorba is not Amhara and does not possess Amhara chika Angole to think like Amhara “Wushet and denial” but leave personal feelings and do the larger cause for the whole Oromo ethnic future generations to come.

Bekele Gorga imprisonment is a petty the way I understood him but the Amhara are making it a big deal in order to stop what he wants to do for his ethnic people. Bekele Gorba is not dummy to be diverted by Akaki Zeraf noise and discourage what he wants to Accomplish. The biggest important for the Oromo ethnic is Addis Ababa status, the Oromia nation final home and stopping the endless bickering among ethnics for century once for all is important for the Oromo and professor Bekele Gorba understand it and he is committed to do something about it in his capacity and must be honor for his loyalty and commitment to his ethic Oromo and nothing is wrong to do that the way Amharu are shouting all over Medias for their ethnic causes.

Last edited by Halafi Mengedi on 29 Jul 2019, 09:22, edited 1 time in total.

Halafi Mengedi
Senior Member+
Posts: 46887
Joined: 30 May 2010, 23:04

Re: Professor Bekele Gorba selfless man who sees himself as ant and his ethnic Oromo as elephant???

Post by Halafi Mengedi » 29 Jul 2019, 09:21

Check his lecture video @50.11 forward what he said about inferior ethnic how the talk, think and pretend, he sketched it very well and he got the biggest laugh of his lecture and some Amharu offended the truth.

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