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Ethnic Federalism should be banned ! We need to have the province administrative with 35 units!
Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 13:15
by Democrat
EPRDF's Ethnic federalism should be banned as it is fake federalism. We need a democraric unitary state if possible. Other wise Ethiopia should be divided into 30-40 small administrative regions with federalist structures that allows the central government to intervene if necessary. The federal form is to make more funds available to all districts and villages of Ethiopia by decentralising the administration. These will be only adminsitrative units and will have no political power as is seen now.
We need to go to previous provincial units of administration. We can learn from Nigeria, where there are 35 federal states and yet is smaller than us. Nigeria has about 200-300 tribes and yet they have one of the advanced economies in the world. We should make for all people to support each other and not focus on their ethnic differences!
The motto should live and let live!
We need to re-educate the Amhara tribal group to stop claiming land and hsitory , which does not belong to them. Amhara are expansionists and liars as many of the documents show. We should be fair to Tigray, Oromo, Sidama, Guraghe etc that they are supported by the central government. The Amhara region should be divided into many smaller units where the Agew people and Argoba people get their own provinces. No tribe should dominate Ethiopia ! We should stop Oromo tribalism, which is claiming 1/3 of Ethiopia's territory being Oromo or Galla. We should create a win-win situation for all Ethiopians.
Re: Ethnic Federalism should be banned ! We need to have the province administrative with 35 units!
Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 13:31
by Ethoash
Democrat wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 13:15
EPRDF's Ethnic federalism should be banned as it is fake federalism. We need a democraric unitary state if possible. Other wise Ethiopia should be divided into 30-40 small administrative regions with federalist structures that allows the central government to intervene if necessary.
i agree with u 1000% we should ban fake fed. and we should go back to old province administrative system...
my question is what language do bale, Arsi, Shewa, Welega and kaffa speak the local government ..
how about Hararghe province what language they should use...
how about sidamo province what language they should use.
how about Tigray province what language they should use.
if we go back to the old province then we also should Amharic
the only problem is what are we going to do if Tigray, Sidamo, Hararghesa bale, Arsi, Shewa, Welega and kaffa refused to accpet your one language police would u wage war..
10000000000000000000% u will not answer this direct question have a nice life..
Re: Ethnic Federalism should be banned ! We need to have the province administrative with 35 units!
Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 13:46
by Abere
Ethoash wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 13:31
Democrat wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 13:15
EPRDF's Ethnic federalism should be banned as it is fake federalism. We need a democraric unitary state if possible. Other wise Ethiopia should be divided into 30-40 small administrative regions with federalist structures that allows the central government to intervene if necessary.
i agree with u 1000% we should ban fake fed. and we should go back to old province administrative system...
my question is what language do bale, Arsi, Shewa, Welega and kaffa speak the local government ..
how about Hararghe province what language they should use...
how about sidamo province what language they should use.
how about Tigray province what language they should use.
if we go back to the old province then we also should Amharic
the only problem is what are we going to do if Tigray, Sidamo, Hararghesa bale, Arsi, Shewa, Welega and kaffa refused to accpet your one language police would u wage war..
10000000000000000000% u will not answer this direct question have a nice life..
Your question is like how many legs does a cow have or how many ears and eyes does it have. Amaharic is the official language of the country and everyone is expected to learn to hear, speak and write. If you want to be a citizen of Ethiopia you should know Amharic. If you apply citizen of naturalization of U.S. you should know English . You can use your Tigringa as you want but don't mix official government business with your mother tongue.
Re: Ethnic Federalism should be banned ! We need to have the province administrative with 35 units!
Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 13:50
by Democrat
English could the working language. Those who want to develop their ethnic languages, they can do so. There will be no ethnic based divison of the administrative region. In one province you could see all ethnic groups living along side and working for their country.
Re: Ethnic Federalism should be banned ! We need to have the province administrative with 35 units!
Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 13:58
by Ethoash
thanks for trying to answer the question .. yes i also agree Amharic should be a national language but what would u say if oromo refused to accept your Amharic would u wage war or deny them citizenship..
in Sidama case we have 96% Sidama and 4% Amhara, and other ethnic groups so r u saying the Sidama people who r 96% should learn Amharic to comment inside their Sidama province or should the settler or immigrant Amhara who r 4% to learn Sidama is much easier and fair
Re: Ethnic Federalism should be banned ! We need to have the province administrative with 35 units!
Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 14:02
by Abere
Democrat wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 13:50
English could the working language. Those who want to develop their ethnic languages, they can do so. There will be no ethnic based divison of the administrative region. In one province you could see all ethnic groups living along side and working for their country.
ይኸን ውሃ እኔ ካልጠጣሁት ማንኛሽም አትጠጫትም ብላ በእግሯ የምንጩን ውሃ ያደፈረሰቺውን የአህያ ተረት ይመስላል። Let alone the 100 million peasant Ethiopians all of the us folks here have hard time to use English to articulate what we want or not. In a country where intuitively 0.01% speaks English what a crazy thought is to consider English as a national language? Amharic is spoken nearly by 95% of the population and is the most a advanced language both in literature and vocabulary is is also the future language of Africans. It is the objective reality Amharic is the only official language of the country. In stead of being crazy jealous of it it would be wise East African such Somalia, Sudan, Kenya and Eritrea teach Amharic in their schools.
Re: Ethnic Federalism should be banned ! We need to have the province administrative with 35 units!
Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 14:14
by Abere
አማራ ኢትዮጵያን እምብዬው አልፈልግሽም ቢል እንኳን ኢትዮጵያን በተገድዳ አማራን ትፈልጋለች። አማራ ከሌለ ኢትዮጵያ ነፍሷ የወጣች አገር ነች። ስለዚህ ወደህ ሳይሆን መኖር ስለማትችል ብቻ አማርኛ ትናገራለህ።
Re: Ethnic Federalism should be banned ! We need to have the province administrative with 35 units!
Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 15:13
by Democrat
I think the best thing is to use English as a working language as this opens us opportunities in international trade and we can develop our manufacturing industries better. Amharic is a bad language because the Amhara use it to expand their culture and beliefs. The history of Ethiopia is in Tigray, if we use amharic we will not be able to understand the legacies of Aksum and Lalibella. I feel the Amhara are not Ethiopians. They have disregard for Lalibella and Wello in general. The Amhara are self centered. We should never use Amharic as a national language because it is resisted and hated by non-Amharas. We can use Geez if we need something neutral and might be non-discriminating to Non-amhara or non-Tigrayans.
Ethiopians can use English. It will be difficult in the beginning but we will teach our people to speak and use English by opening evening schools or by organising English lessons in the villages. After 5-10 years, the majority of Ethiopians will be able to speak in English. English is easy to learn and there are many resources (TV, radio, books). For our youth, it is better to use English so that they can be competetive internationally.
Re: Ethnic Federalism should be banned ! We need to have the province administrative with 35 units!
Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 15:23
by mitmitaye
Abere wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 14:14
አማራ ኢትዮጵያን እምብዬው አልፈልግሽም ቢል እንኳን ኢትዮጵያን በተገድዳ አማራን ትፈልጋለች። አማራ ከሌለ ኢትዮጵያ ነፍሷ የወጣች አገር ነች። ስለዚህ ወደህ ሳይሆን መኖር ስለማትችል ብቻ አማርኛ ትናገራለህ።
Yeah yeah.. we have heard this song before. Itopiya tifersalech? Endet yalanGet itopiya tinoralech..blah blah blah..' well, rasua teQorTo itopiya asamira tinoralech

, the rest is history.. so don't brag.. Amara didn't rule or defend Ethiopia alone

every corner of Ethiopia is equally the maker of Ethiopia!!
BTW, amharic has nothing to do with the northern 'Amara' tribe anymore.. before the government, the people of Ethiopia have used amharic lemegebaya.. from welo to wolayitas and kaffa.. sirara negades and other negades before them...

the people of Ethiopia helped amharic to grow in vocabulary and territory

the official amharic has lots of loan words of other etiopian languages.. it's like English English & American English. The northern amarigna is quite different from whats taught in schools and colleges..
are you really amara?

Whatever you are, you don't represent the kuru Hager wedad Jegina Amara

Re: Ethnic Federalism should be banned ! We need to have the province administrative with 35 units!
Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 15:51
by Abere
mitmitaye wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 15:23
Abere wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 14:14
አማራ ኢትዮጵያን እምብዬው አልፈልግሽም ቢል እንኳን ኢትዮጵያን በተገድዳ አማራን ትፈልጋለች። አማራ ከሌለ ኢትዮጵያ ነፍሷ የወጣች አገር ነች። ስለዚህ ወደህ ሳይሆን መኖር ስለማትችል ብቻ አማርኛ ትናገራለህ።
Yeah yeah.. we have heard this song before. Itopiya tifersalech? Endet yalanGet itopiya tinoralech..blah blah blah..' well, rasua teQorTo itopiya asamira tinoralech

, the rest is history.. so don't brag.. Amara didn't rule or defend Ethiopia alone

every corner of Ethiopia is equally the maker of Ethiopia!!
BTW, amharic has nothing to do with the northern 'Amara' tribe anymore.. before the government, the people of Ethiopia have used amharic lemegebaya.. from welo to wolayitas and kaffa.. sirara negades and other negades before them...

the people of Ethiopia helped amharic to grow in vocabulary and territory

the official amharic has lots of loan words of other etiopian languages.. it's like English English & American English. The northern amarigna is quite different from whats taught in schools and colleges..
are you really amara?

Whatever you are, you don't represent the kuru Hager wedad Jegina Amara
መሄድ ቢሉሽ መሄድ አ እዬረገጡ። አሁን ኤርትራ አገር ሁናለች ተብሎ ሊወራ ነው ኧረ ሚጥሜጤዬ አታስቂኝ። ኢትዮጵያም እኮ ስሟ እንጅ ሞታለች አገር አይደለችም። አገር ሲያረጅ ጃርት ያፈራል እንድሉ የጎሣ ፍልፈል እና ተባይ መራኮቻ ትርዒት ማሳያ ገሃነም ነች አሁን ያለችበት ሁኔታ። እኔ በአማርኛ ቋንቋ ዕድገት ላይ ሌሎች ጎሣዎች ድርሻ የላቸውም አላልኩኝም። ጠቃሚ ነገር ከአንድ ቦታ ይገኛል ሌሎች የእራሳቸውን በረከት ይጨምሩበት እና የጋራ ይሆናል። ችግሩ የሹምባሽ የልጅ ልጆች ፈረንጅኛ እናውራ ሲሉ የጁሃር መድረሳ ጂሃዲስቶች ደግሞ ዐረብኛ ይላሉ - እኛ ግን እያልን ያለነው ክ3000 ዓመታት በላይ መግባብያ የሆነው አማርኛ ቋንቋችን አለን ነው። ይኸ ያስቀይማል እንዴ ወይስ ይሄ የጎሣ ቂም እርግዝና ነው?
Re: Ethnic Federalism should be banned ! We need to have the province administrative with 35 units!
Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 16:12
by mitmitaye

Re: Ethnic Federalism should be banned ! We need to have the province administrative with 35 units!
Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 16:14
by Ethoash
Abere wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 15:51
እኛ ግን እያልን ያለነው ክ3000 ዓመታት በላይ መግባብያ የሆነው አማርኛ ቋንቋችን አለን ነው። ይኸ ያስቀይማል እንዴ ወይስ ይሄ የጎሣ ቂም እርግዝና ነው?
Abere ,
በምን ቋንቋ ልንገርህ እኔ ያለከውን በሙሉ እስማማለሁ አማርኛ የኢትዬዽያ ቋንቋ መሆን አለበት። በዚህ ተስማምቻለሁ። ጥቅሙንም በደንብ አስረድተሀል።
ታድያ የምልህ ያለው የፈለግኸው ያህል ብታስረዳ ኦሮሞው፣ ሲዳማው፤ ሱማሌውና ትግሬዎ አማርኛ አንፈልግም ካሉ ምን ታደርጋለህ። የትግሬዎችን የጎስ ፖሊትካ ይዘህ ተቀጥላለህ ውይ ጦር ልከህ ልክ ልካቸውን ታስገባቸዋለህ። ምንድነው የምታረገው የፈለግህውን ያህል ብትነግራቸው እንቢ ካሉ። ምሳሌ ኤርትራን ተመልከት አማርኛ ካልተናገርሽ ስንላት ትላን ሄደች ። አሁን ማንነው ተረኛ
በሁለተኛ ደረጃ አንተ እነሱን አማርኛ ተማሩ ስትል እነሱ ደግሞ ኦፋን ኦሮምኛ የአማራ ዞን ሁለተኛ ቋንቋ ሆኖ በትምህርት ቤት ይስጥ ካሉህ ትስማማለህ ውይ።
3rd ለምን መቶ አምሳ አመት ኦሮም ውስጥ፤ ሱማሌ ውስጥ፤ ሲዳማ ውስጥ የሚኖሩ አማሮች ለምንደነው የሚኖሩበትን ቋንቋ ያለመዱት
Re: Ethnic Federalism should be banned ! We need to have the province administrative with 35 units!
Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 16:27
by mitmitaye
Amaharic language should be given as subject nation wide.
In amara kilil, Addis and most federal states it should be mandatory to learn a tribal language that exists in that kilil.. from oromigna, wolayitigna, tigrigna, Sidamigna...guragigna, agewigna..kimantigna..
Re: Ethnic Federalism should be banned ! We need to have the province administrative with 35 units!
Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 16:57
by mitmitaye
Ethoash wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 16:14
Abere wrote: ↑28 Jul 2019, 15:51
እኛ ግን እያልን ያለነው ክ3000 ዓመታት በላይ መግባብያ የሆነው አማርኛ ቋንቋችን አለን ነው። ይኸ ያስቀይማል እንዴ ወይስ ይሄ የጎሣ ቂም እርግዝና ነው?
Abere ,
በምን ቋንቋ ልንገርህ እኔ ያለከውን በሙሉ እስማማለሁ አማርኛ የኢትዬዽያ ቋንቋ መሆን አለበት። በዚህ ተስማምቻለሁ። ጥቅሙንም በደንብ አስረድተሀል።
ታድያ የምልህ ያለው የፈለግኸው ያህል ብታስረዳ ኦሮሞው፣ ሲዳማው፤ ሱማሌውና ትግሬዎ አማርኛ አንፈልግም ካሉ ምን ታደርጋለህ። የትግሬዎችን የጎስ ፖሊትካ ይዘህ ተቀጥላለህ ውይ ጦር ልከህ ልክ ልካቸውን ታስገባቸዋለህ። ምንድነው የምታረገው የፈለግህውን ያህል ብትነግራቸው እንቢ ካሉ። ምሳሌ ኤርትራን ተመልከት አማርኛ ካልተናገርሽ ስንላት ትላን ሄደች ። አሁን ማንነው ተረኛ
በሁለተኛ ደረጃ አንተ እነሱን አማርኛ ተማሩ ስትል እነሱ ደግሞ ኦፋን ኦሮምኛ የአማራ ዞን ሁለተኛ ቋንቋ ሆኖ በትምህርት ቤት ይስጥ ካሉህ ትስማማለህ ውይ።
3rd ለምን መቶ አምሳ አመት ኦሮም ውስጥ፤ ሱማሌ ውስጥ፤ ሲዳማ ውስጥ የሚኖሩ
አማሮች ለምንደነው የሚኖሩበትን ቋንቋ ያለመዱት
How do you know that they don't speak? Actually a lot of them do!!