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Highly explosive: those who supported the regime should come out and condemn this act

Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 13:05
by DefendTheTruth
Hard working people were intentionally harassed and made to lose their money that they invested in the country by a means of political decision, according to the claim. In case this claim is true, then the crime could be beyond what I can say here.

Re: Highly explosive: those who supported the regime should come out and condemn this act

Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 13:23
by Ethoash

I LOVE this guy this guy is the foundation of all care assembly in Ethiopia they took his idea and run with it..

this guy like access bank guy they dont understand how business is done in Ethiopia .. they dont want to give bribe that is their failure but i will watch the full video and i will comment letter..

but before i go dont even tell me brbie is not gooooooooooood.. yes it not good if no body dose it and you r the only one who do it.. but if everyone doing it if u r the odd one out then u lose business so dont even start business in Ethiopia if u dont want give bribe.. the Chinese understood this game and took over all the business. one time this guy offer local public buss company Anbassa bus to supply them with bus .. anbassa bus refused him and buy 3 time more expensive bus imported ... two thing here Holland company should have ask more money and reduce the bribe and come up with the right price he did not do that he is wonder what happened ..

Germany business and government understood this game and allowed the company to write off bribe while Doing business in Africa or any part of the world the German doesnt play they know if they did not do it the Chinese do it that is why Germany are now in most African country providing high technology

Re: Highly explosive: those who supported the regime should come out and condemn this act

Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 14:36
by sun
DefendTheTruth wrote:
28 Jul 2019, 13:05
Hard working people were intentionally harassed and made to lose their money that they invested in the country by a means of political decision, according to the claim. In case this claim is true, then the crime could be beyond what I can say here.
Hmm... :mrgreen:

But then again in an underdeveloped country with wretched poor citizens of some 100 million people I think that we will keep having corruptions and crimes for some time but yet we don't need to succumb in to millions of petty fire fighting endless outrages and enrages but instead take ourselves from the neck to focus and concentrate on the new wide open widows of opportunities to organize and go for the coming democratic election and then after that with the peoples mandate democratically sit in the parliament if elected and support issues of interest and or challenge bad issues such as corruptions and mistakes in a new way.

Anyway, if you are a talented entrepreneur you should know the arts and tricks of doing business smoothly, in this case, jumping above the so called Zachaa and or going around the so called Zachaa just like the shewed Mammo Kachaa. :P

All else high sounding loud bragging, hauling and rantings all over the places at this particular time of transition may only divert attention from the main issue as to place obstacles in front of our own greater Good.

“The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing.” ~J. Harris

Re: Highly explosive: those who supported the regime should come out and condemn this act

Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 16:32
by Ethoash

u r thinking just because HOLLAND COMPANY keep his mouth shout the corruption problem solve itself under Dr. aBiy rule.. then u dont know what corruption means ...

corruption was under Derg even those he kill people take risk to make money.. let alone corruption even if u sold goods at high price Derg would have kill u and he did killed .. forget this he will kill u if u sold buy or sale dollar at black market.. but corruption existed and it will existed even after Dr. Abiy..

in China government kill but corruption is major problem ask yourself how Western nation control corruption the answer is paying market price for the industry leader fix the corruption probable

for example

1. Elon Musk - CEO Tesla Inc.

Total compensation: $513 million

2. Brendan Kennedy - CEO and President, Tilray Inc.

Total compensation: $256 million

3. Bob Iger - CEO and Chairman, Walt Disney Co.

Total compensation: $146.6 million

4. Tim Cook - CEO Apple Inc.

Total compensation: $141.6 million

now compere this with how much EAL CEO, TELE CEO Hydro CEO, and all other ceo of the government company with billion of dollar worth make if u answer this question u r half way there .. why we dont progress . will be clear to you...

corruption in Ethiopia means let say if u r Elon Musk and you would have worth 513 million dollar but they only give u 10,000 dollar per year then u will be corrupt to make your money legally yours in the first place..

anyhow i didnot see the video when i have time i will watch it and i will talk about more i love this kind of story then politics