TPLF cadres and leaders should be arrested for landlocking Ethiopia!
Posted: 28 Jul 2019, 12:55
Ethiopia has suffered enormously as the result of loosing her own ports (The South Red Sea Coast) to Eritrea through the betrayal and backstabbing of TPLF leaders and cadres.
Patriotic Ethiopians should take free action on TPLF leaders and cadres. They are traitors and should charged with treason of highest order. Astonishingly no one in Tigray opposes the landlocking of Ethiopia. By arresting TPLF leaders and dragging them to court for landlocking Ethiopia, we hope to change the immense fear and isolation of Tigray people who for sure stand for Ethiopia.
Patriotic Ethiopians should take free action on TPLF leaders and cadres. They are traitors and should charged with treason of highest order. Astonishingly no one in Tigray opposes the landlocking of Ethiopia. By arresting TPLF leaders and dragging them to court for landlocking Ethiopia, we hope to change the immense fear and isolation of Tigray people who for sure stand for Ethiopia.