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How unrealistic to plant 4 Billion for a population of over 100 Millions over an area of 100 Million sq. KM?

Posted: 26 Jul 2019, 08:48
by DefendTheTruth
Key facts about Ethiopia:

population more than 100 Million habitants
area more than 1.1 Million quadrat kilometers

Planned nr. of trees to be plannted 4 Billion in a time span of over 2 months

Let's do some minor statistics: 4 billion / 100 million = 40 plants should be planted by each citizen. Not all people are able to do so, as matter of fact.

let me assume just 1/4 th of the total population can be taken into consideration for the planting (on average) that will make

4 Billion / 25 Million = 160 trees per individual over a time span of 2 months.
This makes about 3 or so trees planted every day per an individual.

a capable individual can plant, in my estimation around 20 trees a day, some can plant even 40 or so plants every day ( I can plant 40 saplings a day) without an exageration.

To fulfil my quota of planting 160 trees I just need to plant around 20 plants a day and for 8 days. This can't be an exageration in my view.

I made a deal with a young member of my family backhome to plant 160 saplings for me (as a citizen) and I will give him 100 $ in return. There is no problem for my case to find an area where to plant, it can be planted on the private areas of my own family members.

So, Mr Felix Horne, take back your doubters, doomsters, gloomsters and all pessimists back to your home and home field where it is very current to your political landscape. The lumpen Ethiopian that echos such gloomsters, doomsters and doubters on this forum you can take with you and let'm s***ck your back, every day. Shameless!