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I have been discussing on destroying tigrays electric supplies with my gonderi wedajis

Posted: 24 Jul 2019, 19:06
by fasil1235
We are still discussing to cut 70% of Tigray electric supply with my Gonderi wedajays

Re: I have been discussing on destroying tigrays electric supplies with my gonderi wedajis

Posted: 24 Jul 2019, 19:35
by simbe11
Simply put, It's a crime.

Re: I have been discussing on destroying tigrays electric (digital woyane) supplies with my gonderi wedajis

Posted: 25 Jul 2019, 22:47
by fasil1235
simbe11 wrote:
24 Jul 2019, 19:35
Simply put, It's a crime.
It’s a crime for weyane agame to insult Amhara via digitally and to genocide and ethnic cleanse our people all over Ethiopia they have genocided 3m amharas they should get there own electricity we have to end these rwandans now! If Tigray wants to separate we can shutdown there 70% electric supply and then the end of digital weyane will happen