thieves only stolen for rich.. when they come to Ethiopia, Ethiopia was poooooooooooooooor so they have to make Ethiopia rich in order to steal from Ethiopia .. if u call them thieves then u r saying Ethiopia is rich .. if u said they stolen billion dollar then Ethiopia must have that much money in order for them to steal it.. now if this happened for next 27 years then they must keep making Ethiopia rich in order for them to steal .
trust me Eritrean would love to get robed if they would have achieved what Ethiopia achieved in just 27 years

if those tplf thieves transformed this train to this modern one why do u care how much that took, or you want to stay where u r instead of tplf got rich . u poverty to stay in poverty

loooooooooooooooooooooooooook more thief by tplf ... by the way this is not UAE
THIS IS ERITREAN EYE WITTINESS talking about great robbery
i spit in your face mr. pushkin .... u even ashamed to have Eritrean name ... u guys r something else .. what a people what a waste.. instead of trying to learn about how to govern your run your mouth .. now tell me your dear leader how much billiion dollar he have in swiss bank or u dont think he have money in swiss bank then why he is in power for 27 years what he will lose if he resigned if it not about money
look those tplf hero give up power and empire and they r enjoying their fruit ... to day Awassa what golden build are much better then Erittrea let me show u video
trust me Eritrean would love to get robed if they would have achieved what Ethiopia achieved in just 27 years

if those tplf thieves transformed this train to this modern one why do u care how much that took, or you want to stay where u r instead of tplf got rich . u poverty to stay in poverty

loooooooooooooooooooooooooook more thief by tplf ... by the way this is not UAE
THIS IS ERITREAN EYE WITTINESS talking about great robbery
i spit in your face mr. pushkin .... u even ashamed to have Eritrean name ... u guys r something else .. what a people what a waste.. instead of trying to learn about how to govern your run your mouth .. now tell me your dear leader how much billiion dollar he have in swiss bank or u dont think he have money in swiss bank then why he is in power for 27 years what he will lose if he resigned if it not about money
look those tplf hero give up power and empire and they r enjoying their fruit ... to day Awassa what golden build are much better then Erittrea let me show u video
i will make u cry more ..
look more thief
more hydro
look more thief
more hydro