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The golden leaf which make the country "SIRA-FET".
Re: Fix Ethiopia's economy by cutting imports by 70% and how?
u have very goooooooooooooooood point
if one business man and u export oil seed and u import edible oil ....u know it would be highly beneficial for Ethiopia if u buy oil seed and convert it to edible oil but he tax man will be after u soon .. why bother u just keep importing finished good
beside if some policy affect the price of edible oil all u have to do is switch to other import .. this means your money is not tie with physical asset,,, u dont have manufacturing or processing factory all u have his hard currency u buy finished good if imported good price fail all u have to do is switch but if u r processing edible oil even if the price fail u r stack with processing factory u cant switch......
government official also the biggest buyer themselves health minister for example they buy medicine for 100 million of Ethiopian it doesnt matter the product they buy could be manufactured in Ethiopia they dont care they just buy from India .. u might ask why they will get kick back so when u come to ask for permit to manufacture the medicine locally they will tell u they will not give u because we dont trust your level of cleanses to produces medical... they will tell u out right we dont want you to kill our people .. in way they dont want to you to cut in their business if they import the same pill .. if they buy it for 10 million and get 1% kick back every time they buy u will not give them that so why would they give you permit... that is why the government also in to this mafia business of keeping import at high level
we even import juice while exporting fruit how in hell this possible because of engorgement policy