Oromai the System of Amharanet in Ethiopia?
Amharas have never dominated in Ethiopia for there is no nation called Amhara, but surely Amharanet has ruled the country since 1270 and it is still leading. The Oromo were the rulers of Ethiopia wearing cultural identity of Amharanet, instead of Oromumma. The OLF has tried to teach the Oromo to rule the country with Oromummaa replacing Amharanet. I think, slowly but surely it is becoming succesful eventhough not yet perfect. Is Abiy admnistration different from the other hitherto Oromo rulers, like Yekuno-Amlak, Menelik, Haile-Silasdie, Teferi Benti and Mengistu? Is Amharanet still not dominating Oromummaa? I can say, now is better than the past, but Abiy admnistration is also leading the country being dominated by Amharanet at the cost of Oromummaa. Both the Oromo and Amharanet are in power as it used to be. Oromummaa is not yet in a leading position. Oromo's future vision can be 'leading Ethiopia and/or liberating Oromia'. The vision of leading Ethiopia can be fulfilled only when Oromummaa will be the main element of Ethiopianism and Amharanet will have the second position. This is legitimate for the Oromo are the biggest nation of the country. Such leadership of Oromummaa (not only power of Oromo elites) can be fulfilled by promoting Aadaa Oromo, Afaan Oromo and Aangoo Oromo to the primaty position in Ethiopia (Great Oromia). It seems that the ODP has no stamina to do this and the future ORP (Oromo Republican Party) as merger organization of the OFC, OLF and ONP can bring both the Oromo and Oromummaa to a leading position of Cushitic Ethiopia.
It is now the right time for Oromo people in particular, and for all oppressed nations of Ethiopia in general, including the oppressed mass of Amhara and Tigrai, to say Oromai (it is an end or is completed) after their struggle for more than a century against the existing system of domination. We already got rid of the oppressive system and moved towards liberty of citizens and freedom of nations being prepared for multinational democracy, including self-rule of nations. Simply put, we dismantled the system of domination in order to build a genuine union of free peoples. Was Dr. Abiy's promotion by the struggle of Qeerro not for this mission and vision? Unforunately, only the system of domination and the rule of Tigrai elites are removed. The century long domination of Amharanet in Ethiopia is still flourishing at the cost of Oromumma and other national identities. The main element of Amharanet is the language Amharinya, which is yet enjoying the dominating position in Caffee Araara palace, Finfinne City and the whole country. As long as Amharinya is dominating, also Amharanet is ruling, who ever is in power, be it Amhara as it was till 1991, Tegaru up to 2018 and Oromo now. That is why we dare to say Oromo with Amharanet domination is now in power. Was this not the case with Menelik, Hailesillasie, Teferi Banti and Mengistu? What makes Abiy Ahmed different?
Few years ago, certain blogger came up with an interesting topic: “An Oromo Obama: The Audacity to Reinvent Ethiopia.” The blogger tried to express his wish that the Oromo people take a responsibility to democratize the whole Ethiopia, rather than an attempt to only decolonize Oromia. He came up with the “either – or” thinking as if decolonization of Oromia and democratization of Ethiopia are exclusive to each other (thinking in a “parallel framework”). One another author reacted with short article of a very good precision, which was published on Gadaa.com, showing how both decolonization of Oromia (being free from the hitherto system of domination) and democratization of Ethiopia can go hand in hand.
I just say, any Oromo “Obama,” who may ignore the existence, decolonization and independence of Oromia, be it within the clothing/mask of Ethiopia or Horn is doomed to fail. The only Ethiopia, which might have a chance to survive, is the one based on free Oromia and on free will of Oromo people. Thinking otherwise and still preaching democratic unitary country, where Oromia will be dismantled or dominated, is an obsolete mindset of the “modern” unitarists and thinking of the TPLF. The only way of democratization which can be accepted by certain Oromo Obama is multinational democracy after or with self-determination of Oromia.
It is only after/with self-determination of oppressed nations in the region, including Afar, Ogaden, Oromia, Sidama, Anyuwak, Benishangul, etc., that a true democratization of the country, be it in from of Ethiopian union or Horn union, can take root. Trying to democratize an empire is simply a self-deception just as it was during the past Teferi Mekonnen’s “aristocratic democracy,” Mengistu H/Mariam’s “autocratic democracy” and Meles Zenawi’s “ethnocratic democracy.” We can just talk about this buzz word democracy, but we continue to suffer further under tyranny. The elites in the country, specially Habesha elites, should come to their sense and smell the coffee. The era of deceiving Oromo people and other oppressed nations with sham democratization is over.
That is why it is now the time for calling ALL oppressed nations to rise up against the worst one EVIL (the fascist TPLF) in the region. No question that the devil in the Horn of Africa now is this racist org. All nations in the country have this one common enemy. Nations in Ethiopia like the Oromo, Amhara, Gurage, Sidama, Somali, Afar, Welayita, etc. and even the neighboring nations like Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia need to have certain de facto alliance against TPLF. I think “multinational” forces of freedom and democracy like ECS (Ethiopian Citizens for Social justice) cooperating with national liberation fronts like PAFD (Peoples Alliance for Freedom and Democracy) can be a new version of an alliance yet to be fostered, which is similar to AFD. The possible new alliance of forces of freedom and democracy will definitely be beginning of the end for devil of the Horn. One of the best sentences said by Dr Berihanu Nega until now was: Weyanewoch iyekefafelun yalut, kenesu bilxinet yetenesa sayihon, kenya monyinet yetenesa newu.
This wise assertion was a call for the alliance of all against tyranny to struggle together having the following two phases of the struggle for freedom and democracy, which was previously planned by AFD, and now propagated by PAFD: - first phase to achieve our freedom from tyranny or from the system of domination, i.e. decolonization. We already achieved this. – second phase to build multinational democracy in Ethiopia or the Horn, i.e. democratization. We are now in this process. Here we see that decolonization of nations like Oromia and that of regions like Ethiopia comes prior to democratization. Decolonization is a very good prerequisite for democratization. Other way round, theoretically, democratization of Ethiopia can be a very good means for decolonization of Oromia. But trying to democratize an empire was just a means to the end – liberation. We already finished the first phase - decolonizing nations in Ethiopia, where we all needed to cooperate for freedom from TPLF’ lording and looting. Then, in the second phase now - democratization, we all can compete for power in genuine union of free peoples in a democratic process.
So, it was time for all opposition democratic parties and liberation fronts, including both the “legals” and the “illegals”, to come to their sense, after the past many years of foolishness. I wished all of them agree on one common ground, i.e. common purpose: national freedom, like free Oromia, within regional union (Ethiopian union). It was encouraging that we have started to observe that Habesha dominated organizations like AG7 started to talk that they are fighting first for freedom from tyranny and then struggle for a possible multinational and multiparty democracy. There were four groups of politicians in the country regarding this common purpose:
- the fascist TPLF, who claimed to have achieved both national autonomy for all nations and to have forged federation (unity) based on “free will” of these “autonomous” nations.
– the conservative unitarists, who do reject national autonomy of nations and who do push for Ethiopian unity (an euphemism to keep the empire with its system of domination), by which they mean Habeshanized unitary Ethiopia.
– the radical liberation fronts of Oromo people and some other liberation fronts, which do seem to ignore the possible regional union, but do struggle vehemently for only national independence like an independent Gadaa republic of Oromia, disregarding the possible benefit of regional union of all nations on grave of the hitherto empire.
– the past AFD as well as the presently existing Medrek, including some other moderate organizations like ODP of Dr. Abiy, which seem to struggle for establishing Ethiopian union) with the possible national freedom of all peoples in the region. I think this was vision of the OLF from the very beginning - to achieve both Oromo national freedom and, if possible, based on the free will of the concerned nations, to forge Ethiopian union.
I hoped the liars in the first group will be compelled to stop their deception. Fortunately, those in the second group are in the verge to lose mass base. Those liberators and politicians in the third group need to come to their sense and join the fourth group, for the current momentum is in favour of the fourth group, and it is becoming clear that national Oromo freedom and Ethiopian union are not exclusive to each other per se. Based on public verdict of the Oromo, freedom of Oromia can be respected within or without Ethiopian union. I think those fronts and parties with common purpose of national freedom within regional union must forge a new all inclusive alliance.
It is only such clear vision and mission of all nations in the empire which can give birth to the highly seeked Oromo Obama of the coming true union. As the author on Gadaa.com rightly put, there can’t be any Oromo Obama to administer the apartheid and enslaving empire. As Mandela administered the post apartheid democratic South Africa, and as Obama was elected in the post slavery democratic United States of America, a certain Oromo Obama can emerge and administer only in a democratic union of free peoples on grave of the domination system. Is the above mentioned blogger ready for such a union to be build on grave of the empire? I doubt it for he seems to have no cognition to recognize Oromia. Is Dr. Abiy the wished Oromo Obama or is he the one to prepare the highway for the future Oromo Obama? Is he ready also to get rid of a century long Amharanet domination? I would like to suggest to Habesha “democrats,” who want to instrumentalize the Oromo, to stop beating around the bush and recognize the right of Oromia to exist and be emancipated. If they take such step and be ready for Ethiopian union to be build on the stable rock of free Oromia, I am sure not only one Oromo Obama, but hundreds can rise up against any sort of injustice in the region, we may call Ethiopia or the Horn. Let them learn to decolonize (make free from tyranny of TPLF) nation-states like Amhara, Tigrai, Afarland, Oromia, Ogadenia and other nations in the empire by cooperating and coordinating with freedom fighters of oppressed nations like PAFD.
The possible upcoming genuine Oromo Obama is not the one who sings the song of unitary Ethiopia at the expense of Oromia’s freedom, but the one who struggles for its freedom and unity, being open for regional union which includes all other free peoples in Ethiopia. Even, Adde Birtukan Midhagsa, whom Habesha elites and Western powers used to prepare for playing this Obama role, couldn’t be accepted and respected by the Oromo, whenever she was anti-Oromia. Only when and where she was ready to accommodate and promote both Oromia’s liberty and Ethiopian union, it was possible that she could garner support of the Oromo. Yet, no one, including Dr. Abiy tried to get rid of the still ongoing Amharanet domination in Ethiopia.
The Problem, which Oromo people have, is not that of not giving birth to Mandela or Obama, but we do have the problem of not seeing any Frederik Willem de Klerk and Helen Suzman from camp of the Habesha elites. Is the blogger who wanted to see Oromo Obama a person who can think, talk and walk like Helen Suzman of South Africa? Is there any political leader, who is ready to act like de Klerk, from Habesha elites, who are still the authors and perpetrators of Amharanet domination? When we do see de Klerks and Suzmans from Habesha elites as well as when the time comes that we do see enough Habesha politicians accepting and respecting the right of Oromia to exist and be emancipated from the hitherto system of despotism, then it is really Oromai for the tyrants in Oromia and Ethiopian union, and it will be time to see many Oromo Obamas coming and growing out of the liberated nation.
Sure is that, Oromo people already said Oromai to the system of domination in Oromia in particular, and Ethiopia in general. But not yet to the Amharanet domination in Caffee Araaraa palace, Finfinnee City and the whole Ethiopia. All democratic forces and all freedom fighters, who do have such vision and mission should now come together and organize the upcoming election 2020. It is evident that cadres of TPLF always make much noise to persuade genuine opposition parties to boycott the repeatedly ongoing sham elections to hinder the possibility of exposing their already programmed vote rigging and to inhibit the chance of initiating the public uprising following the rigging.
I personally recommend not to boycott any election, but all anti-TPLF forces be ready for the possible public uprising. It is good that Oromo nationalists are organizing demonstrations when and where necessary. But this is not enough, there must be similar steps to be taken in the whole empire. I hope that all oppressed citizens and nations rise up and say together Oromai to tyranny by TPLF as well as to the system of domination in Oromia in particular, and in Ethiopia in general, be it during the upcoming election or thereafter in the near future. Peaceful uprising against tyranny must be intensified. I hope that Dr. Abiy seriously said Oromai the TPLF's system of domination. He also need to say Oromai the century long Amharanet (Amharinya) domination. I also would like to say Oromai. May Waaqa help us all!
Read more: https://fayyisoromia.wordpress.com/9