Ethnic Apartheid, the Myth of Amhara Hegemony and the Playbook of Globalist Colonizers
Posted: 22 Jul 2019, 10:30
What you are about to read should be of concern to you whether you live in America, France, Ethiopia or any corner of the world. For there is a nefarious ploy that has been used throughout the ages to splinter society into the ghettos of imposed identities and divisive ideologies. What is evident around the world is that the vast majority of humanity are suffering under the weight of financial anxiety and/or economic insolvency while a fraction are living like nobility; these things are not happening by chance but are a direct result of planned chaos. Though I’m writing this about my birth land Ethiopia, what I’m outlining herein is applicable in most countries, including right here in the United States of America.
A couple of weeks ago, Herman Cohen—a neocon warmonger who used to be George Bush’s Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs—tweeted a most malicious slur against Amhara people in a naked attempt to further incite tribalism and fan the flames of hatred that is threatening to unleash the dark forces of sectarianism upon Ethiopia. At a time where uncertainty was sweeping across the nation after a supposed “regional coup d’etat”—which was an outlandish and oxymoronic media narrative being peddled by the Ethiopian government—there was a one-two punch that pushed Ethiopia closer to the brink of conflagration.
After Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed leveraged the violence in Bahir Dar and Addis Abeba to shutter the internet nationally and returned to the failed tactics of Meles Zenawi by targeting one ethnic group for harassment and arrests, Herman Cohen stepped in on cue to further inflame passions. With intentional malice, he vilified Amhara people and justified Ahmed’s egregious actions by putting the target on the backs of one ethnic group. With that, the same person who ushered in the age of TPLF chauvinism started a...continued...
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A couple of weeks ago, Herman Cohen—a neocon warmonger who used to be George Bush’s Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs—tweeted a most malicious slur against Amhara people in a naked attempt to further incite tribalism and fan the flames of hatred that is threatening to unleash the dark forces of sectarianism upon Ethiopia. At a time where uncertainty was sweeping across the nation after a supposed “regional coup d’etat”—which was an outlandish and oxymoronic media narrative being peddled by the Ethiopian government—there was a one-two punch that pushed Ethiopia closer to the brink of conflagration.
After Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed leveraged the violence in Bahir Dar and Addis Abeba to shutter the internet nationally and returned to the failed tactics of Meles Zenawi by targeting one ethnic group for harassment and arrests, Herman Cohen stepped in on cue to further inflame passions. With intentional malice, he vilified Amhara people and justified Ahmed’s egregious actions by putting the target on the backs of one ethnic group. With that, the same person who ushered in the age of TPLF chauvinism started a...continued...
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