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Back to Square One: The Case of Oromo Vocalists' Song of Mobilization

Post by DefendTheTruth » 22 Jul 2019, 10:20

Those of you who want to listen please do so before it could be too late to do it.

More than anything Oromo youth listened to vocalists' songs and mobilized themselves from corner to corner to go out and face death in determination to eventually be able to remove the thug that claimed at the beginning it will rule the country for the next at least 100 or so years. Don't underestimate the power of Oromo songs in their social and other kinds of collective endeavors, I have to tell you.

It was back then to remove TPLF from power and now it is all about the entity calling itself ABN, which has made it clear that its main goal is to fight the Oromo people, I think at least.

Oromo vocalists are back to the scene now, once again, after an interlude of a period of call back at least for more than a year.

I am not endorsing it but it is in the interest of the country to take note of what is out there for every body to see.