Re: ዎያኔው Democrat ተረጋጋና ዘና በል !!!
Guraghe are ascari! That is what I am trying to say. I am not Woyane. I am pro-Tigray and pro-Ethiopia. Add also Teddy Afro to your list.
Re: ዎያኔው Democrat ተረጋጋና ዘና በል !!!
Thank you! For adding him to the list of ascari, who are in the service of Eritrea. I think we got a lot of them. Please add more to the list.
Re: ዎያኔው Democrat ተረጋጋና ዘና በል !!!
They are opportunists trying to make money from the suffering of Ethiopians.
Tedy Afro was recurited by Eritreans to be anti-Ethiopia. He never sang for Ethiopian Dam Construction campaign.
Also JJ and others. They make money out of it. Eritrean government benefits because it gets support from Ethiopians by using the artists.
These are traitors. They should have sang for the return of The Red Sea to Ethiopia. They should have sang for Aksum or Tigray. They are used by Eritrea and Ethiopia to be anti-Tigray, which benefits the governments in addis Atella and Asmara. I do not think Ethiopians will benefit by the discrimination, insults and alienation of Tigray. It weakens Ethiopia as a country. The artists are criminals and saboteurs because they are in bed with Eritrea, willing participants to attack Ethiopia by being proxy of Egypt and Eritrea.
Has there been people to people understanding and peace that is against Tigray or Amhara or Sidama or any other, then this is good.
I wounder why Teddy Afro is not singing for TPLF which besieged Mengistu' Haile Mariam? I wounder why the artists sing with Eritreans and not with Tigrayans? The artists have become victims of Eritrea anti-Tigray propoganda.
If you re intersted for unity of Ethiopia, you should support Tigray not Eritrea because Tigray is Ethiopian province. Otherwise, you could go to hell. Tigrayans will find a way of liberating Ethiopia from such idiots.
Tedy Afro was recurited by Eritreans to be anti-Ethiopia. He never sang for Ethiopian Dam Construction campaign.
Also JJ and others. They make money out of it. Eritrean government benefits because it gets support from Ethiopians by using the artists.
These are traitors. They should have sang for the return of The Red Sea to Ethiopia. They should have sang for Aksum or Tigray. They are used by Eritrea and Ethiopia to be anti-Tigray, which benefits the governments in addis Atella and Asmara. I do not think Ethiopians will benefit by the discrimination, insults and alienation of Tigray. It weakens Ethiopia as a country. The artists are criminals and saboteurs because they are in bed with Eritrea, willing participants to attack Ethiopia by being proxy of Egypt and Eritrea.
Has there been people to people understanding and peace that is against Tigray or Amhara or Sidama or any other, then this is good.
I wounder why Teddy Afro is not singing for TPLF which besieged Mengistu' Haile Mariam? I wounder why the artists sing with Eritreans and not with Tigrayans? The artists have become victims of Eritrea anti-Tigray propoganda.
If you re intersted for unity of Ethiopia, you should support Tigray not Eritrea because Tigray is Ethiopian province. Otherwise, you could go to hell. Tigrayans will find a way of liberating Ethiopia from such idiots.
Re: ዎያኔው Democrat ተረጋጋና ዘና በል !!!
If there was no the retarded minilik era out.fashioned dotard old guy aka horus was not here infesting the forum with minilikawi ideas, no one would have insulted Gurages here. Guys like you make empty minilik Bravagados here only to insult your ethnics. Now everyone is insulting you. What do you think? Stubborn dotard minilik condom. May be you are taking the insults as appreciation. Isn't it better for you to retire than to be causes of insult here in social medias and attacks in Hawasa?
Re: ዎያኔው Democrat ተረጋጋና ዘና በል !!!
ጉራጌ እንዳንተ ባለ የንግዴ ልጅ ተሰደብኩ ብሎ እንደ ጉዳይ አይቆጥርህም ። ሆረስ እንኳንስ አንተን ፋንዲያ ቀርቶ ሌሎች ግዙፍ ዉሸታሞችና ግፈኞችን ልክ ልክ የሚናገርር ባለ ህሊና ነው ፤ የዘር ስለሆነ !!
ጉራጌ እንዳንተ ባለ የንግዴ ልጅ ተሰደብኩ ብሎ እንደ ጉዳይ አይቆጥርህም ። ሆረስ እንኳንስ አንተን ፋንዲያ ቀርቶ ሌሎች ግዙፍ ዉሸታሞችና ግፈኞችን ልክ ልክ የሚናገርር ባለ ህሊና ነው ፤ የዘር ስለሆነ !!