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###WTF IS ELIAS @###???: Has Ethiopian Politics Swallowed Him Into oblivion???. !!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Posted: 21 Jul 2019, 11:03
by tarik
. Where in z world is Elias @?? :lol:

Re: ###WTF IS ELIAS @###???: Has Ethiopian Politics Swallowed Him Into oblivion???. !!! WEEY GUUD !!!

Posted: 21 Jul 2019, 14:39
by tarik
present wrote:
21 Jul 2019, 11:21
I guess you don't believe ER or Mereja TV is influential :lol:

He is kickn as's everyday.
Actually he set it up in a way he does not have to be present to humiliate his/Ethiopians enemies, we Ethiopians on ER are doing the job.

I, myself, insult back ascaris day in day out. And all tplf and olf rats. Mission accomplished! :lol:

tarik wrote:
21 Jul 2019, 11:03
. Where in z world is Elias @?? :lol:
present aka pastlast aka aziza agame

Good Day Sir

Sorry i was talking 2 z Amhara lij Elias not z dude from cursed-land-tigray called present aka absent aka pastlast aka aziza aka tembenliberation. no agames r allowed in this thread:lol:

Good Day Sir