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The Great Eritrean Festival 2019 in London UK

Posted: 21 Jul 2019, 03:19
by pushkin

Re: The Great Eritrean Festival 2019 in London UK

Posted: 21 Jul 2019, 03:27
by pushkin

Re: The Great Eritrean Festival 2019 in London UK

Posted: 21 Jul 2019, 03:36
by Abdelaziz
bushtin aka kuwasmeda, why switch from nick to nick like you matter to anyone? you posted this 7 minutes before the above crap showing homesexual monkeys aka arterans doing their fa'g'gish stuff...where I see welfare queen justina scratching her anu'zz.

Re: The Great Eritrean Festival 2019 in London UK

Posted: 21 Jul 2019, 04:33
by Democrat
Isayas Afeworqi is a Woyane spy and acting a viceroy of Tigray in Eritrea. But this is dangerous. Tigray should take back her districts. All Eritreans should that you are Tigrayans. Some of you are from Agame, some of you are from Adwa etc. But all the same you are Tigrayans.

All those who speak Tigrigna are Tigrayans be definition. Leave this crap called Eritrea. There was no Eritrea and there will be none. Italy has lost it's colonies. Eritrea thus should be given back to Tigray.