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One Amharic Ethiopia is outlawed, Ethnics are in charge but how long??? Next step is nations then Confederation
Posted: 19 Jul 2019, 23:45
by Halafi Mengedi
The kililization should be expedited for all kilil seeker ethnics of Agew and Deheden and then use article 39 to become nations and we can form Horn Africa confederation economically, currency and defense. The Ganja can create their Rasteferian dynasty and enjoy life.
Re: One Amharic Ethiopia is outlawed, Ethnics are in charge but how long??? Next step is nations then Confederation
Posted: 20 Jul 2019, 01:34
by Halafi Mengedi
One thing I do not agree with professor Medhaniye is from ethnic federalism should not transform to confederation because the same problem will arise the problem we have today and will haunt us again without complete separation and joining once again voluntarily. But from ethnic federalism to nations and then confederation and the confederation should not limit to only the old ethiopia ethnics but could include the whole Horn Africa. Creation nations is very important for all ethnics to make sure that all members are safeguarded by their own nation law first and then join with others to enlarge the market place all members to be benefited. The European nations EU is good example Horn of Africa nations to adapt and no one will interfere others internal politics except to entertain within limited access to the other nations based their law and regulation to interact each other.
Re: One Amharic Ethiopia is outlawed, Ethnics are in charge but how long??? Next step is nations then Confederation
Posted: 20 Jul 2019, 07:39
by Selam/
Sore pimple woyane rat - I thought you’ve already declared independence of your Kilil. It seems you have hit a thick wall and thus you’re interfering in our internal affairs. Didn’t I tell you that “Ethiopia’s issues are none of your freakin business?” Stay in your dungeon. KIFU!
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑19 Jul 2019, 23:45
The kililization should be expedited for all kilil seeker ethnics of Agew and Deheden and then use article 39 to become nations and we can form Horn Africa confederation economically, currency and defense. The Ganja can create their Rasteferian dynasty and enjoy life.
Re: One Amharic Ethiopia is outlawed, Ethnics are in charge but how long??? Next step is nations then Confederation
Posted: 20 Jul 2019, 09:14
by Halafi Mengedi
Chika Angol, I do not have time to interfere your Amhara internal affairs.
Selam/ wrote: ↑20 Jul 2019, 07:39
Sore pimple woyane rat - I thought you’ve already declared independence of your Kilil. It seems you have hit a thick wall and thus you’re interfering in our internal affairs. Didn’t I tell you that “Ethiopia’s issues are none of your freakin business?” Stay in your dungeon. KIFU!
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑19 Jul 2019, 23:45
The kililization should be expedited for all kilil seeker ethnics of Agew and Deheden and then use article 39 to become nations and we can form Horn Africa confederation economically, currency and defense. The Ganja can create their Rasteferian dynasty and enjoy life.
Re: One Amharic Ethiopia is outlawed, Ethnics are in charge but how long??? Next step is nations then Confederation
Posted: 20 Jul 2019, 11:38
by Halafi Mengedi
Tigray politicians and securities must recruit other ethnic kilils to call article 39 and once we gain our nations then we can create confederation for the entire Horn Africa. This very important for every ethnic and all debub Kilil should be dismantled by kilil.
Re: One Amharic Ethiopia is outlawed, Ethnics are in charge but how long??? Next step is nations then Confederation
Posted: 20 Jul 2019, 18:52
by Halafi Mengedi
Tigray must help other ethnics to ask their kilils and become nations and then confederation. This the best mechanism in the bloody Horn African no one trust the other.
Re: One Amharic Ethiopia is outlawed, Ethnics are in charge but how long??? Next step is nations then Confederation
Posted: 20 Jul 2019, 19:00
by Sam Ebalalehu
The way you are imagining, Halafi, You seem to be the one, not the rasteferian you mentioned, who is consuming a lot of ganja.
Re: One Amharic Ethiopia is outlawed, Ethnics are in charge but how long??? Next step is nations then Confederation
Posted: 20 Jul 2019, 21:11
by Selam/
Woyane rat - That’s is your territory. Leave the Amharas alone, otherwise they will cut off your sore pimple. kkkkkk
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑20 Jul 2019, 11:38
Tigray politicians and securities must recruit other ethnic kilils to call article 39 and once we gain our nations then we can create confederation for the entire Horn Africa. This very important for every ethnic and all debub Kilil should be dismantled by kilil.
Re: One Amharic Ethiopia is outlawed, Ethnics are in charge but how long??? Next step is nations then Confederation
Posted: 20 Jul 2019, 21:15
by Selam/
Woyabe rat - Help your sore TPLF bottom first and leave the rest of Ethiopia alone. Essayas & Abiy are conspiring to get your criminal azs kicked. What you gonna do other than whining 24/7? KIFU!
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑20 Jul 2019, 18:52
Tigray must help other ethnics to ask their kilils and become nations and then confederation. This the best mechanism in the bloody Horn African no one trust the other.
Re: One Amharic Ethiopia is outlawed, Ethnics are in charge but how long??? Next step is nations then Confederation
Posted: 21 Jul 2019, 00:47
by Halafi Mengedi
You wish???
Selam/ wrote: ↑20 Jul 2019, 21:15
Woyabe rat - Help your sore TPLF bottom first and leave the rest of Ethiopia alone. Essayas & Abiy are conspiring to get your criminal azs kicked. What you gonna do other than whining 24/7? KIFU!
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑20 Jul 2019, 18:52
Tigray must help other ethnics to ask their kilils and become nations and then confederation. This the best mechanism in the bloody Horn African no one trust the other.
Re: One Amharic Ethiopia is outlawed, Ethnics are in charge but how long??? Next step is nations then Confederation
Posted: 21 Jul 2019, 06:55
by Selam/
A sore pimple whiny wimp temper tantrum!
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑21 Jul 2019, 00:47
You wish???
Selam/ wrote: ↑20 Jul 2019, 21:15
Woyabe rat - Help your sore TPLF bottom first and leave the rest of Ethiopia alone. Essayas & Abiy are conspiring to get your criminal azs kicked. What you gonna do other than whining 24/7? KIFU!
Halafi Mengedi wrote: ↑20 Jul 2019, 18:52
Tigray must help other ethnics to ask their kilils and become nations and then confederation. This the best mechanism in the bloody Horn African no one trust the other.