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Re: VIDEOS: Eritreans massacred in Libyan for praying to a christian god. Eritreans starved to death .. (UK-TV:graphic)

Post by tarik » 13 May 2019, 20:56

yaballo wrote:
13 May 2019, 20:39
VIDEOS: Eritrean refugees massacred in Libyan for praying to a christian god .. Eritreans starved to death in Libya (Channel 4 UK - graphic).

1) - video/news [Channel 4- UK]: Revealed: human rights abuses in Libyan migrant camps (London, May 10, 2019).

2) - video: 85 Eritrean refugees trapped in Libya send a plea for help from inside a dark dungeon where they have been detained for half a year by Libyan Arab militias & slave traders.

3) - video/news: Eritreans Refugees are starving to death in Libya by Arab captors who're holding them in dark dungeons to be sold into slavery. Eritrean refugees crying for food & water plus to be rescued by someone ... anyone [Warning: distressing & at times graphic].

4) - video: Eritrea protest vigil, opposite the Eritrean Embassy, 96 White (few days ago).

Yaballo aka Misraq aka z ugly woman

Good Evening Maam

Damn, u r an agame who pretends 2 be Oromo and Amhara. But now everybody knows u r nothing but an agame. We Eritrean men don't want u, u attention whorrrre agame. FUCKKKK OFFF U UGLY WOMAN. :lol:

Good Evening Maam