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EZMA-Moving from Revolutionary Democracy to Socialism
Posted: 13 May 2019, 12:36
by Masud
Last week we herd that a confused political party called "Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice Party" (የኢትዮጵያ ዜጎች ለማኅበራዊ ፍትህ) has been established. The organizers of the conference provided additional confusion in the name of clarification on Ginbot 7 's TV. They said EZMA has no ideology---it can be Socialist this year, Liberal next year, Social Democracy after that and Revolutionary Democracy then after. Yewuha lay Kubet malet naw. On the party's inauguration Dr. Berhanu Nega said EZMA will not struggle to take political party and now his underdogs are saying EZMA has no specific ideology. What are Ginbot 7 guys are hiding from the people and whom they are trying to cheat?
Listen and increase your confusion!

Re: EZMA-Moving from Revolutionary Democracy to Socialism
Posted: 13 May 2019, 13:49
by Horus
As you can see, this is a new day in Ethiopian politics. We are now moving from the politics of tribal ignorance to the light of idea; from the darkness of dogmatism to the light of reality creativity. I know it is going to take you some time to grasp the very notion of creativity and open ended systems. This party is new. This party is an innovation. It is a modern organization. so change your ways of thinking about parties and politics carried from your dead past.
A modern purposeful deliberately formed organization or system stands on five core principles - purposefulness, openness, multidiversity, emergent properties and counterintuitiveness. Purposefulness simply means that the Ethiopian Agenda is the driver of EZEMA. It is guided and driven by the philosophy of Ethiopiawinet. This is pure brilliance. All other ideas and ideologies serve this purpose. Get it?
Openness means this system is not a closed system like EPRDF or TPLF. It is open to new idea, new solutions, new methodologies, new members. It expands and contracts as reality changes and this is the essence of open systems and dynamic systems.
Multidiversity is probably one of the most important cutting edge systems principles. It simply states that individually unfeasible parts join to form a feasible whole. Here is the most brilliant principle that brings breakthrough solutions for Ethiopia's complexities.
The principle of emergent properties is so difficult to understand for dogmatic closed system thinkers. This principle simply says that the future is not predicted; it is chosen. A social system such as the political organization of a society is driven by the motivations and drives of human beings and these drivers change all the time. Hence, one cannot mechanically predict a future human outcome. Hence the system is set up in such a way that actors choose what their futures as reality emerges.
Finally, a modern purpose driven diverse and unpredictable system is also counterintuitive. This principle simply states that in such a social, political or cultural system, actors produce unintended consequences. Every human or political action is carefully conceived and managed to control for unintended consequences just like we have side effect in medicine.
This is why it is totally foolish to waste time on closed ideologies such one worshipping a particular ideology (ideology is a belief system, no more no less). Instead this party has a philosophy of Ethiopianism - excellent. It has the principle knowledge driven practice - the power of ideas. It is a modern dynamic systems structure based on the above systems principles.
If it is not new, it is not different. If it is not different from what we have who needs it? This is why it is going bring light to our dark political environment.
Re: EZMA-Moving from Revolutionary Democracy to Socialism
Posted: 13 May 2019, 14:13
by Masud
You were lecturing us about the preference of Neo-Liberial Democracy on this forum. Now, EZMA that was established on the dead bodies of
1. Patriotic Genbot 7,
2. Ethiopian Democratic Party (EDP),
3. All Ethiopian Democratic Party (AEDP),
4. Semayawi Party,
5. New Generation Party (NGP),
6. Gambella Regional Movement (GRM), and
7. Unity for Democracy and Justice (UDJ) party
said it will floating ideology including Socialism and you turned around and telling us that this is new and brilliant idea. Aqatari chameleon !
The only new thing Dr. Berhanu did in establishing this part is to use Amhara individuals like Andualem Arage, Yeshiwas Assefa and Chane Kebede in his project to take power. However, expect that these Amhara guys may remove Berhanu from party leadership and will control the party. Thenafter, you will learn what your "Yezega Politika" mean in practice.
Re: EZMA-Moving from Revolutionary Democracy to Socialism
Posted: 13 May 2019, 14:24
by Horus
No, I was preaching liberal democracy. There is no such as thing as neoliberalism - modern day hair splitting. Yes, if I was in Addis right now I would join EZEMA and hold a liberal ideology and educate others on principles of liberty which focuses of the rights of individual person as opposed to social equality. But Ethiopia cannot exist only on Individual liberty and social justice is equally important.
Go back re-read the principle of mutli-diversity - individually unfeasible parts join to form a feasible whole. Get it !!!!
You still have a problem grasping how persons who hold different political beliefs and ideas come together and solve an Ethiopian problem. You still cannot grasp how a Muslim and Christian join to solve an Ethiopian unemployment or trade crisis, for example
Masud, how stupid do you have to be to oppose Berhanu !!!!
Re: EZMA-Moving from Revolutionary Democracy to Socialism
Posted: 13 May 2019, 14:54
by Masud
This time, I saw the brilliance of the man you worship, Berhanu Nega. Berhanu knew that he can't set his foot on Amhara land again and wanted to use Andualem Arage and Yeshiwas Assefa to work for him so that he can get employment at EZMA. What I wanted to warn you and the man you worship is that this tactic doesn't last longer. Amhara yibaninibachihu ena yabarirachiwal.
Horus wrote: ↑13 May 2019, 14:24
No, I was preaching liberal democracy. There is no such as thing as neoliberalism - modern day hair splitting. Yes, if I was in Addis right now I would join EZEMA and hold a liberal ideology and educate others on principles of liberty which focuses of the rights of individual person as opposed to social equality. But Ethiopia cannot exist only on Individual liberty and social justice is equally important.
Go back re-read the principle of mutli-diversity - individually unfeasible parts join to form a feasible whole. Get it !!!!
You still have a problem grasping how persons who hold different political beliefs and ideas come together and solve an Ethiopian problem. You still cannot grasp how a Muslim and Christian join to solve an Ethiopian unemployment or trade crisis, for example
Masud, how stupid do you have to be to oppose Berhanu !!!!
Re: EZMA-Moving from Revolutionary Democracy to Socialism
Posted: 13 May 2019, 15:34
by Masud
Zemene Kasie talks about Berhanu Nega
Re: EZMA-Moving from Revolutionary Democracy to Socialism
Posted: 13 May 2019, 15:59
by DefendTheTruth
Horus wrote: ↑13 May 2019, 13:49
As you can see, this is a new day in Ethiopian politics. We are now moving from the politics of tribal ignorance to the light of idea; from the darkness of dogmatism to the light of reality creativity. I know it is going to take you some time to grasp the very notion of creativity and open ended systems. This party is new. This party is an innovation. It is a modern organization. so change your ways of thinking about parties and politics carried from your dead past.
A modern purposeful deliberately formed organization or system stands on five core principles - purposefulness, openness, multidiversity, emergent properties and counterintuitiveness. Purposefulness simply means that the Ethiopian Agenda is the driver of EZEMA. It is guided and driven by the philosophy of Ethiopiawinet. This is pure brilliance. All other ideas and ideologies serve this purpose. Get it?
Openness means this system is not a closed system like EPRDF or TPLF. It is open to new idea, new solutions, new methodologies, new members. It expands and contracts as reality changes and this is the essence of open systems and dynamic systems.
Multidiversity is probably one of the most important cutting edge systems principles. It simply states that individually unfeasible parts join to form a feasible whole. Here is the most brilliant principle that brings breakthrough solutions for Ethiopia's complexities.
The principle of emergent properties is so difficult to understand for dogmatic closed system thinkers. This principle simply says that the future is not predicted; it is chosen. A social system such as the political organization of a society is driven by the motivations and drives of human beings and these drivers change all the time. Hence, one cannot mechanically predict a future human outcome. Hence the system is set up in such a way that actors choose what their futures as reality emerges.
Finally, a modern purpose driven diverse and unpredictable system is also counterintuitive. This principle simply states that in such a social, political or cultural system, actors produce unintended consequences. Every human or political action is carefully conceived and managed to control for unintended consequences just like we have side effect in medicine.
This is why it is totally foolish to waste time on closed ideologies such one worshipping a particular ideology (ideology is a belief system, no more no less). Instead this party has a philosophy of Ethiopianism - excellent. It has the principle knowledge driven practice - the power of ideas. It is a modern dynamic systems structure based on the above systems principles.
If it is not new, it is not different. If it is not different from what we have who needs it? This is why it is going bring light to our dark political environment.
I don't think I have ever heard the meaning of "multidiversity" but I am sure that you were opposed to the idea of diversity within unity just few months back and on this very forum.
Yesterday I asked you about the working language of the party and you silently skipped it, why?
You made a name to yourserlf this year as someone who runs away from the idea of diversity and comeback with the idea of "multidiversity" in its place and praise the latter as the "cutting edge systems principle".
One thing I can tell you for sure is that there is nothing called "cutting edge systems principle".
I am also pretty sure that you can't distantly come up with a fair definition of "system" like it is used in the system theory.
Horus = multidiversity, your new nick.
Re: EZMA-Moving from Revolutionary Democracy to Socialism
Posted: 13 May 2019, 21:54
by Horus
The kind of diversity you are talking about has nothing to do with the kind of systems principle I am talking about. Remeber, You have been opposed to the idea of Ethiopia as one whole undivided system. A system is called a system because it is a functional whole, an integrated coherent system.
You idea of tribal diversity is one where there exists no whole system but a collecting incoherent, conflicting, opposed and non-functional contraption the failure of which has produced from poverty to genocide.
As the French wise Alfonze de Lamartin used to say, let us not jumble up our categories.
Yes, in essence when we view Ethiopia as a single system, all of her parts be it tribe or class are unfeasible parts and when join to Form one Ethiopia, one nation, they become a feasible whole. Every tribe is an unfeasible part, taken individually.
Re: EZMA-Moving from Revolutionary Democracy to Socialism
Posted: 13 May 2019, 22:32
by Horus
I know you are a Meles & TPLF worshipper. That is why the word came to your mind. I worship no man. I believe in higher power and I believe in a fact. I know you can't understand what I mean. In any event, you need to know that there is no democratic ideology called revolutionary democracy!!! It is one stupid false concept that has died with Meles. You worship a dead horse, that is who you are.