The Oromo are now controlling Ethiopia. We should oppose to such a rule and overthrow the current government. TPLF should distance itself from The Oromo or Galla as they are enemeies of Ethiopia for they migrated from Southern Africa. Oromos or Galla are relatively new to Ethiopia's ancient culture and could not rule Ethiopia.
What is going on in Addis Ababa is scarry. The Oromo or The Galla are controlling most of the ministerial, security and military posts. This will lead to the domination of The Oromo in our cultural and economic life. The Oromo have a primitve culture and we should oppose to this culture being popularised in Ethiopia and rest of Africa. Ethiopia is the oldest Christian country and yet th Oromo are animists. Popularising animistic religion in Ethiopia and Africa is going back to stone age mentality and is an insult to Africans and the rest of the world.
We should stop the Oromo or Galla ascendence to power by limiting their presence in Addis Ababa, by changing the current federal system to reflect the historical eveidences at hand. Tigrayns should with Amhara, Afar, Somali and Southern Ethiopian tibes to challenge the Oromo undemocratic ascent to power.