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Should Ethiopia re-colonize Egypt and Saudi Arabia?

Posted: 20 Apr 2019, 08:50
by Democrat
Both Egypt and Saudi Arabia were clonies of Ethiopia in the past. Most of the Pharoas in Egypt were Ethiopians.Aksum had controlled Yemen And South Arabia. Tigrigna and Amharic are similar to Arabic and Hebrew. This shows there is more to Ethiopia's influence. Ethiopia had contolled these areas in the past.

Aksumite Kingdom's Department of Arabic Affairs transtlated The Holy Bible into Arabic as The Aksumite Kings understood religion is a means to control society to accept certain norms that comes from the church and the government. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church was inseprable from The Ethiopian State. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church was a source of controle of the State of Ethiopia in all it's domains. Kings claimed they were appointed by God and were accepted by the people they were supposed to rule.

Now Ethiopia is modernisisng. There are somewhat elected leaders with low patriotism. Some of the leaders have been stooges of foreign powers such as the current leader who is a muslim and an Oromo, who migrated to Ethiopia from southern and West Africa.

Ethiopia is now controlled by foreign countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, USA , Germany etc. We may need to control Egypt and Saudi Arabia by occupying them militarily and weakening them. This gives us a chance to see how these countries work from inside.This should be one of our plans to protet our homeland. This might be impossible in the beginning but we should see it as a solution of as an option.

Re: Should Ethiopia re-colonize Egypt and Saudi Arabia?

Posted: 20 Apr 2019, 08:58
by Democrat
Ethiopia could confront Egypt and Saudi Arabia in The Red Sea by demanding them to leave the area. This gives Ethiopia a chance to take more military measures. This is music of the future. We need a pro-Ethiopia government in Ethiopia to confront Egypt and Saudi Arabia. We could ally with Iran to weaken Egyt and Saudi Arabie. The possibilities are enorm.
The firt thing is to make sure we have agovernment that stands with Ethiopia.

We should have The South Mereb Region. We need to disaem Eritrea which we an do easily. We, Ethiopians would decide what happens in The Red Sea are and in The Horn Africa. We have the miltary clout and the power. If Ethiopia continues unde the prsent government, it will end up being the toy of Egypt and Saudi aRabia.

Re: Should Ethiopia re-colonize Egypt and Saudi Arabia?

Posted: 20 Apr 2019, 09:12
by Democrat
Egypt is an easy target for military operations. That is why Egypt has opted to control the government in Addis Ababa rather than confront Ethiopia openly. Egypt knows it cannot win any war with Ethiopia. Ethiopia could bomb The Aswan dam and all Egypt is dead. There will be no electricity in Egypt if Ethiopia bombs the Aswan Dam. There are some major military centres in Egypt that could be attacked by Ethiopia. However, patriotic Ethiopians need to overthrow Abiy Ahmed and his henchmen to defend Ethiopia from Egypt and Saudi Arabia. It is better to die than be ruled by a gall traitor and a moslem as is Abiy Ahmed. It is better to die than see Ethiopia to be a toy of egypt and saudi arabia.

Ethiopian patriots need to re-organise and form a strong organisation that protects Ethiopia from the international conspiracy that has taken Ethiopia by surprise. We need to teach Abiy Ahmed and his henchmen a lesson. We need to show them that they are trators and criminals. TPLF is the enemy and has to be removed from the political scene.It is Meles Zenawi who made Ethiopia powerless by landlocking it. TPLF or any other organisation from EPRDF and those who are toys of Eritrea should fought against.