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Very funny ministerial appointment. Tplf v2 is clearly defined. Opdo defense, economy, security, and key social affairs.

Posted: 19 Apr 2019, 04:17
by kibramlak
Very funny ministerial appointment. Tplf v2 is clearly defined. Opdo defense, economy, security, and key social affairs. Addis kentiba, and key kifle-ketema heads, and literally all service providing directors are occupied by opdo. Woaw, what a change.
Btw, Gedu doesnt seem to fit for a foreign minister.

Re: Very funny ministerial appointment. Tplf v2 is clearly defined. Opdo defense, economy, security, and key social affa

Posted: 19 Apr 2019, 05:02
by Abdelaziz
Kibramlak, you are absolutely wrong to compare TPLF with what Meshrefet and co are doing now. TPLF never controlled more than 3-4 ministerial posts at the height of its tenure. Most of the time TPLF had only two ministerial posts. TPLF gave OPDO and ANDM 5 Ministers each. TPLF was Addis mayor only once and even that for a short time only. Contrary to what you guys say, TPLF contributed only a few Ambassadors of its own. Where TPLF had controlled more that its fair share is intelligence and Army. And in the last 10 years, TPLF failed to recruit new Tigrean soldiers, while it gave Oromo and Amhara a big chance to flood into the Army. TPLF controlled the Army officer core, but many of them are now reshuffled or retired by Meshrefet and co becoz the werada Debreporno and co betrayed Tigray and allowed Meshrefet to do unopposed whatever he wants. What mattered todate since meshrefet jumped to power almost illegally is what Debreporno failed to do to stop the traitors like Meshrefet taking power and not what Meshrefet is doing after getting his current undeserved power position. TPLF leaders, except Meles( though I did not also agree with him in many areas) are kosmanas and werada deki kelbis. Period! They handed ar'tera to wedimedhin for nothing. They took Badme to Hague after we destroyed and evicted shaebia which we should have chased out of Asmera. Now they gave everything to our enemies! TIgray is land of heroic fighters but it produces the worst political leaders who tend to repeat the worst mistakes in our history. The current TPLF leaders are the worst leaders Tigray ever produced.

Re: Very funny ministerial appointment. Tplf v2 is clearly defined. Opdo defense, economy, security, and key social affa

Posted: 19 Apr 2019, 14:44
by kibramlak
Haha, you are trying to make TPLF rational. It had never been rational. And I dont think Debretsion is responsible for tplfs failure. The system is spoiled. When I said opdo is v2 of tplf, coz its imitating its god father tplf