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የሲቪል ሰርቪስ ምሩቁ ዓለሙ ስሜ ደየመ። ከኛ ሌላ አዋቂ የለም ያለው ወጣቱ ዓለሙ ስሜ የተሰናበተው በሞት አይደለም እኮ።
Posted: 18 Apr 2019, 15:40
by AbebeB
የሲቪል ሰርቪስ ምሩቁ ዓለሙ ስሜ ደየመ። ከኛ ሌላ አዋቂ የለም ያለው ወጣቱ ዓለሙ ስሜ የተሰናበተው በሞት አይደለም እኮ። ከኦፒዲኦ ሥልጣን ነው።
Re: የሲቪል ሰርቪስ ምሩቁ ዓለሙ ስሜ ደየመ። ከኛ ሌላ አዋቂ የለም ያለው ወጣቱ ዓለሙ ስሜ የተሰናበተው በሞት አይደለም እኮ።
Posted: 18 Apr 2019, 19:45
by Sam Ebalalehu
abebe b, you seem to suggest he was pushed aside because of his lack of brainpower. I disagree. If that had been the case, meaning politicians been demoted for not having insight, EPDRF ceased to exist long time ago. Let me refresh your memory Abebe b. The late Meles had said — I paraphrase here — the only qualification we require has been one being an EPDRF member. The leader who taught us the Ethiopian history to be exactly 100 years had stayed true to his words till he passed away. By the way, the majority, almost all Ethiopians, were unhappy of him saying that. I am not one of them. I “believed” we should take what we get. TPLF then had the power to say Ethiopia had never existed. We are creating her right now.
Re: የሲቪል ሰርቪስ ምሩቁ ዓለሙ ስሜ ደየመ። ከኛ ሌላ አዋቂ የለም ያለው ወጣቱ ዓለሙ ስሜ የተሰናበተው በሞት አይደለም እኮ።
Posted: 18 Apr 2019, 23:03
by AbebeB
Sam Tibalaleh,
It seems you remember the story but you forgot late Meles's logic. He was sure to be there as master mind and thus it didn't matter if others were capable or not. You see, Alemu wasn't naked by then because of his late master. Now no body seems to tell him what to do.