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Re: Embebiet Elen

Post by kerenite » 27 Dec 2023, 16:13

Deqi-Arawit wrote:
27 Dec 2023, 11:47
kerenite wrote:
27 Dec 2023, 11:28
Deqi-Arawit wrote:
26 Dec 2023, 14:12
For educational purpose and not for Teret-Teret purpose!

Stop lying, common sense is required here.

Wikipedia is not the holy bible or the holy koran. Any historian or non-historian can modify any story narrated there.

Regarding the woman in the image:

One can dudce out that she was pictured in studio sometime in the years 1880s or 1890s.

Further proof:

we are told the woman was born in 1801 in other words when she was pictured, she was about 40 years old hence in 1841. But during this time around forget studios there were no cameras and their invention was at preliminary stages. They were introduced post-1855 and at the end of the century photos were shot in studios (similar photo as shown above)

In conclusion:

If she was related to ras wedenkiel, I would conclude that she may have been his daughter and not his mother.
I could bring you the picture of the father of haile selasie, ras weldemichael the Governor of harar in a very similar environment. Hence your argument is relative
I am interested... Show me the picture of weldemichael, sillassie's father picture so that they you can refute my argument. But make sure to convince all of us here in which year he was born when you display his image.

Hey I know he was born in the 1860s a lot later after your imebet was born (1801 lol).

Who is he? During his period, menilik's ethiopia was out of the tyranny of tedros and the zealot yohannes (your hero) and it was modernizing itself.


I bet my life, the woman in the image was pictured by an italian in the 1890s perhaps he was her husband. Imebiet.. My foot!!!

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