by Cigar » 11 May 2023, 11:27
I am back, to remind all the Ethiopians, besides the chaos and mayhem the funfunat aliet caused Ethiopia, what their intention was and still is to the Ethiopians in general and Amhara in particular. And of course my promise to keep this thread alive.
Again I remind you to at least watch the first video and recognize how evil these filthy agames.
The nasty coward agame just like all of them in different venues say is encouraging his agame people to bomb Addis and other Ethiopian cities and towns and kill millions of innocent Ethiopians.
This is terrorism and this mushmush agame should be arrested and put in jail.
Please, please listen to the video. This is not a joke and saying fu’ck him is not enough. He already is convincing other agame cells to do woyane’s evil deed on the Ethiopians.