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Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by Zmeselo » 25 Feb 2023, 09:33

Who did he rape? Your momma? :lol:
Somaliman wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 09:19
Here's the latest successful diaspora Eritrean who needs to be added to the list, albeit not known to many of you! ... two-women/

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Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by kerenite » 25 Feb 2023, 15:47

Zmeselo wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 09:33
Who did he rape? Your momma? :lol:
Somaliman wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 09:19
Here's the latest successful diaspora Eritrean who needs to be added to the list, albeit not known to many of you! ... two-women/
Come on!

There are achievers who make eris proud and bad apples as well.

Few months ago, a young eritrean asylum seeker raped a 15 years old brit girl in Birmingham, Uk. He was brought to justice of law aka court which is unknown in eritrea.

So the judge asked him why did he rape the underage kid? His response translated later in English:

Seytan agagiuni or Seytan assaetegn. It was translated into English, SATAN WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR MY EVIL DID. Ala Abyssinain culture but such satan bla.. bla is unique in the western world. The judge was dumbfounded.

Such story got a coverage in the last page of the famous britsh newspaper the Guardian by titling it:

An Eritrean asylum seeker who raped a 15 years old brit girl claims that he was not alone when he did his evil act, Satan assisted him as well. So good luck for the british investigators, they must deal with 2 convicts here.

You see, Seytan assasetegn or seytan agagiuni or satan is responsible does not work in the civilzed world perhaps in abyissina where the judge aite zemeslo would say.... Tewut seytan naw yasasatew inji mignotu alneberem.

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Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by Somaliman » 25 Feb 2023, 17:16

kerenite wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 15:47
Zmeselo wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 09:33
Who did he rape? Your momma? :lol:
Somaliman wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 09:19
Here's the latest successful diaspora Eritrean who needs to be added to the list, albeit not known to many of you! ... two-women/
Come on!

There are achievers who make eris proud and bad apples as well.

Few months ago, a young eritrean asylum seeker raped a 15 years old brit girl in Birmingham, Uk. He was brought to justice of law aka court which is unknown in eritrea.

So the judge asked him why did he rape the underage kid? His response translated later in English:

Seytan agagiuni or Seytan assaetegn. It was translated into English, SATAN WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR MY EVIL DID. Ala Abyssinain culture but such satan bla.. bla is unique in the western world. The judge was dumbfounded.

Such story got a coverage in the last page of the famous britsh newspaper the Guardian by titling it:

An Eritrean asylum seeker who raped a 15 years old brit girl claims that he was not alone when he did his evil act, Satan assisted him as well. So good luck for the british investigators, they must deal with 2 convicts here.

You see, Seytan assasetegn or seytan agagiuni or satan is responsible does not work in the civilzed world perhaps in abyissina where the judge aite zemeslo would say.... Tewut seytan naw yasasatew inji mignotu alneberem.


Greetings, bro.
they must deal with 2 convicts here.
That's really humorous!

If you Google, you would come across a large number of Eritreans accused of rape, including one who raped, imagine, a 79-year-old woman in a CEMETERY in Germany while she was visiting her sister’s grave!

And guess what - most of these fuc.kers are asylum seekers awaiting a decision on their application!

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Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by Zmeselo » 25 Feb 2023, 17:45

90% of the asylum seekers are qondafat like you, who entered the West pretending to be Eritreans.

Rape in Eritrea is anathema, which every person with his moral-compass still intact can readily witness.

kerenite wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 15:47
Zmeselo wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 09:33
Who did he rape? Your momma? :lol:
Somaliman wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 09:19
Here's the latest successful diaspora Eritrean who needs to be added to the list, albeit not known to many of you! ... two-women/
Come on!

There are achievers who make eris proud and bad apples as well.

Few months ago, a young eritrean asylum seeker raped a 15 years old brit girl in Birmingham, Uk. He was brought to justice of law aka court which is unknown in eritrea.

So the judge asked him why did he rape the underage kid? His response translated later in English:

Seytan agagiuni or Seytan assaetegn. It was translated into English, SATAN WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR MY EVIL DID. Ala Abyssinain culture but such satan bla.. bla is unique in the western world. The judge was dumbfounded.

Such story got a coverage in the last page of the famous britsh newspaper the Guardian by titling it:

An Eritrean asylum seeker who raped a 15 years old brit girl claims that he was not alone when he did his evil act, Satan assisted him as well. So good luck for the british investigators, they must deal with 2 convicts here.

You see, Seytan assasetegn or seytan agagiuni or satan is responsible does not work in the civilzed world perhaps in abyissina where the judge aite zemeslo would say.... Tewut seytan naw yasasatew inji mignotu alneberem.

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Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by Follower » 25 Feb 2023, 18:08

Lol agames are allergic to every Eri-achievements, these idiots pretend to be somali,Eritrea yet exposé themselves by getting angry when ever they hear good news about Eritrea/ns.
I think digital መእወይቲs need some extra pretence courses, these people are easily predictable.

The unalterable fact is, ተጋሩ ይግዕሩ, ደቂ ኤሩ ይወግሩ::

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Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by Fiyameta » 25 Feb 2023, 18:31

The evil agame eden/Somaliman/kerenite/Sarcasm/AbyssiniaLady (too many nicknames lol) is known for seizing every opportunity that helps him flaunt his inferiority complex towards Eritreans. :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:

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Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by Somaliman » 25 Feb 2023, 19:08

Fiyameta wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 18:31
The evil agame eden/Somaliman/kerenite/Sarcasm/AbyssiniaLady (too many nicknames lol) is known for seizing every opportunity that helps him flaunt his inferiority complex towards Eritreans. :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:

One thing that I've noticed that Somalis, Ethiopians, and Eritreans have in common is that when they get drunk, many of them get violent and disgusting, and I believe this is mainly due to the fact that they start drinking in their late thirties onward, as they cannot afford to buy alcohol in their twenties back home.

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Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by quindibu » 25 Feb 2023, 19:35

Fiyameta wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 18:31
The evil agame eden/Somaliman/kerenite/Sarcasm/AbyssiniaLady (too many nicknames lol) is known for seizing every opportunity that helps him flaunt his inferiority complex towards Eritreans. :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:

Their allergic reactions to anything they would perceive Eritrea/ns success would have been flattering had it not cost us thousands of Eritreans lives in the last three decades to exorcise their inferiority complex out of their DNA strands.

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Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by DefendTheTruth » 26 Feb 2023, 09:12

You might have already mentioned this Eritrean comedian in Germany, Teddy/Tedros Teclebrhan, but wanted to add him here to the list. To be successful is one thing but to become successful in countries like Germany (language, culture and many more barriers) is on a totally different level.

Very impressive!

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Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by Meleket » 27 Feb 2023, 03:34

ዓርኸና Zmeselo እዛ ጓልና ኰነት ኣቦኣ እኮ ኣብ ኣማሪካ ኢዮም ተማሂሮም። እንታይ ደኣ ኣብ ሃገሮም ዛይተመሃሩ ወይ ትምህርቶም ዛይቀጸሉ፧ :mrgreen: ስለምንታይ ምስ ተመሃሩ ናብ ሃገሮም ከይዶም ንሃገሮም ዘየገልገሉ፧ :mrgreen: " brain-drain" ክትብል ከሎኻ፡ ንሰብ ብዘይ ድሌቱ ወጢጥካ ካብ ሃገሩ ተውጽኦ ዲኻ፧ ኣሜሪካ እዝኖም ወጢጣ'ዶ ኣውጺኣቶም'ያ፧ . . . ንሳም ብዛዕባ ነብሶም እንተዝዛረቡ ክንደይ ምጸበቐ፡ ንኣሜሪካ ኪኹንኑ ዲዮም ኪሙግሱ ምሰማዕናዮም።

ዓርኸይ Zmeselo ክቱር ጽልኢ ኣማሪካን ትግራይን ምዕራብን፡ ክቱር ፍቕሪ ጠራሮ ራሻ ኣብ ዘየድሊ ህማም ከስዕበልካ ኢዩ። :mrgreen: ሕጂ ኮነ ሓምለ ኮነ፡ ሕጂ ንኣሜሪካ ትኩንን፡ ኣቦሓጐታትና እንኮላይ ናትካ ኣቦሓጎታት "ሕብረት ምስ ኢትዮጵያ" ቢሎም የድምጹ ነቢሮም ይዀኑ። እስከ እዙይ ምስሊ ተወከስ። ኣማሪካ ዲያ ጽሒፋ ሂባቶም። :mrgreen:

ዓርኸና Zmeselo ቦተሊካዊ ብስለትካ ኣብዚ እንዲና ርኢናዮ። እስከ ሃሰስ ድማ በል ማኅበር ኣንድነት እኒ መን ከምዝነበሩ ክትፈልጥ ዝዓርኽና። ካብ ታሪኻዊ ሓቂ ምህዳም ኣይከኣልን'ኡ።

ዘሜ ዓርክና እቲ ስድነት ዝመልኦ ዘረባካ ግን ክቡራት ወለድኻን ስድራኻን ኣይስምዕዎ! ናትኻ ሕልና እንተዀነ 'ከምዝለመጸ' ኣቐዲምና ኣተንቢህናልካ ኔርና፡ ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ደያኑ ማእከልን መስመርን፡ ብኤርትራዊ ጭዉነት ሓበንን ፍናንን፤ "ልቦና ይዓድልኻ" ጥራይ ኢና ንብለካ።
Zmeselo wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 06:11
ኣየ ደንቆሮ ዉግርቲ፡ ኣበይ ኣፍሊጡኪ ኣንቲ ልማኖ ዝለመደት መሃይም እምበር ንሳስ ንምህሮ ኢላ ዝተለቀሓቶ ዝኽፈል ኣእላፍ ዶላራት ኣለዋ።

ራሻን ቻይናን ህንድን ግን፡ ካብ ሃገረ ኤርትራ ባዕላ ብ scholarship ሰብና የምህራ። ንስኺ ጓል ስለ ማርያም-ጓል ማርያም ትሃብኩም ከኣ፡ ነታ ባዕላ ንህዝብና ብመሰረቱ ኣብዚ ኹሉ ሞትን ከርተትን ዝፈረደትና ሃገር ሕጂ ናይዛ ጓልናን ከምኣ ዝኣመሰሉን brain-drain ኣብ መዓልኣ ናይ ዘዉዓለቶስ ከነመስግና?

ከማኺ፡ ዉግርቲ ባራዩ ኣይኮናን ንሕና።

ኤርትራና፡ ንኸምዚኦም በላሕቲ ዜጋታት ንምስሓብ ምስራሕ ከድልያ ኢዩ።

Meleket wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 03:25
ወዳጃችን Zmeselo "ኣሜሪካ ተባረኪ" የምንለው እኮ ታድያ ለዚህ ነው። ዜጎቻችን በሃገራቸው ያላገኙትን የትምህርት ዕድል ሊያገኙባት ስለቻሉና በችሎታቸውም ቀጥራ በነጻነት ስለምታሰራቸው። :mrgreen:

Zmeselo wrote:
24 Feb 2023, 12:52

Determination and education prove unstoppable ... TUomSocQyM

Abygail Andebrhan graduated in 2022 from the College of Biological Sciences with a degree in genetics, cell biology and development. She currently works in the University of Minnesota System Regeneration Lab using stem cell engineering to replace damaged systems, and is an intern with Hennepin Healthcare’s Emergency Department. She volunteers with the Sickle Cell Foundation of Minnesota and is applying to medical school.

How education led her to the U.S.

I'm originally from Eritrea. We got our independence in the early ’90s after a 30-year war. As a result, many people did not have the opportunity to obtain higher education. My father was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to come study in the United States, right here in Minnesota.

A few years later, the rest of my family and I followed.

Andebrhan’s father enrolled at and graduated from the University of Minnesota.

When I started at the U, I quickly found a community of my own here. I was able to focus on fields I found interesting and meet many like-minded individuals.

Abygail Andebrhan

In Eritrea, I won an award for doing well in school, and I got a book. The book was my dad's favorite growing up: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

When we first got [to Minnesota] we were driving by the Mississippi, and I was like
Oh, my gosh! There is the river that I grew up reading about!
On enrolling at the U

My dad had always talked of the University of Minnesota very highly, so growing up, I had a feeling that is where I would go as well. The amusing part is that my dad would provide us with all kinds of Gopher gear during his time as a student here, so I have been wearing U of M clothes ever since I was a baby.

When I started at the U, I quickly found a community of my own here. I was able to focus on fields I found interesting and meet many like-minded individuals.

Andebrhan graduated from the U of M in just two years, at age 19.

When I was in grade school, I really appreciated the emphasis on Black success stories during Black History Month. Seeing people who looked like me accomplish amazing things was really inspiring.

Abygail Andebrhan

On her plans for the future

I have always been fascinated by why things are the way they are and what causes them. Genetics allows me to combine this passion with my desire to work in health care by allowing me to focus on the underlying and root causes of different diseases. It is especially an exciting field now with all of the different discoveries and advancements that are being made. I hope to one day be contributing to that. My end goal would be to work with patients and conduct research that would advance patient care.

Her thoughts on Black History Month

When I was in grade school, I really appreciated the emphasis on Black success stories during Black History Month. Seeing people who looked like me accomplish amazing things was really inspiring. As corny as it is, it allowed me to put some truth to sayings like,
If I set my mind to it, I can accomplish anything.
Never think you're not meant to do something or be somewhere just because you don't see people that look like you doing it.

Abygail Andebrhan

Her advice to young people of color

Never assume you're not meant to do or be something because you don't see people who look like you doing it.

Maybe you could be that person for those that come after you—the person they look up to.

'ኣሜሪካ ተባረኪ' ብለናል በድጋሜ፡ እኛ ኤርትራውያን የመሃልና የመስመር ዳኞች፡ በኤርትራዊ ጭዋነት ኩራትና ትህትና ጭምር። :mrgreen:

ወዳጃችን Zmeselo "ለፊዚካል ዲማርኬሽን" ትግባሬም መዘጋጀትን ኣትዘንጋ።

Posts: 3989
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by Meleket » 27 Feb 2023, 04:04

የራሻዋ ጠራሪት ፈትለወርቅ ትሆንን? :mrgreen: እኛ ምኑን ኣውቀን እነ Zmeselo ይነግሩን ይሆናሉ! :mrgreen:
Zmeselo wrote:
24 Feb 2023, 16:47

📸 @DawitHaile91
"የራሻዋ ጠራሪት ፈትለወርቅ!" :mrgreen:

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Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by kerenite » 27 Feb 2023, 12:27

Zmeselo wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 17:45
90% of the asylum seekers are qondafat like you, who entered the West pretending to be Eritreans.

Rape in Eritrea is anathema, which every person with his moral-compass still intact can readily witness.

kerenite wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 15:47
Zmeselo wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 09:33
Who did he rape? Your momma? :lol:
Somaliman wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 09:19
Here's the latest successful diaspora Eritrean who needs to be added to the list, albeit not known to many of you! ... two-women/
Come on!

There are achievers who make eris proud and bad apples as well.

Few months ago, a young eritrean asylum seeker raped a 15 years old brit girl in Birmingham, Uk. He was brought to justice of law aka court which is unknown in eritrea.

So the judge asked him why did he rape the underage kid? His response translated later in English:

Seytan agagiuni or Seytan assaetegn. It was translated into English, SATAN WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR MY EVIL DID. Ala Abyssinain culture but such satan bla.. bla is unique in the western world. The judge was dumbfounded.

Such story got a coverage in the last page of the famous britsh newspaper the Guardian by titling it:

An Eritrean asylum seeker who raped a 15 years old brit girl claims that he was not alone when he did his evil act, Satan assisted him as well. So good luck for the british investigators, they must deal with 2 convicts here.

You see, Seytan assasetegn or seytan agagiuni or satan is responsible does not work in the civilzed world perhaps in abyissina where the judge aite zemeslo would say.... Tewut seytan naw yasasatew inji mignotu alneberem.
Aite Qondaf zombie,

According to your fuucked up logic, the achievers are Eritreans and they should be eritreans period! but the bad apples are agames who disguise themselves as Eritreans!

Again according to your fuucked up logic, those who academically made great career should be eritreans but those who fail in life should be tigryans disguised as eritreans. Is that what your asz trying to say?

Yigermal yiblu your yesteryear goytotka Hamir whom you were singing for them ethiopia wey mot.

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Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by Fiyameta » 27 Feb 2023, 12:30

Successful-Diaspora-Tegaru :oops: :oops:

Posts: 3989
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by Meleket » 22 Mar 2023, 06:05

ዘሜ Zmeselo 'ዓቢ ሰብ' ወዲ ዓበይቲ፡ አቶ ተስፋ ድራር'ከ ዕዉት ዲያቦራ ክንብሎም ንኽእል'ዶ፧ :mrgreen: ... 76386.html

” ጤፍ ከአሜሪካ ወደ ኢትዮጵያ መላክ እፈልጋለሁ” አቶ ተስፋ ድራር የአሜሪካ የጤፍ ገበሬ
March 20, 2023 – Konjit Sitotaw
“ጤፍ ከአሜሪካ ወደ ኢትዮጵያ መላክ እፈልጋለሁ” አቶ ተስፋ ድራር የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ የጤፍ ገበሬ፡፡

ዛሬ ዛሬ የጤፍ ዱቄትም ሆነ ጥሬ የጤፍ ምርት በተለያዩ የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ መደብሮች ውስጥ ማግኘት እንግዳ አይደለም።

ከኢትዮጵያውያኑ እና ከኤርትራውያን ሌላ ጤፍ የሚመገቡ የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ነዋሪዎችም በርካቶች ናቸው።

እዡኣ ዋዕሮ'ከ ምስቶም ዕዉታት ክትኣቱ ትኽእል'ዶ :mrgreen:

Posts: 6859
Joined: 28 Feb 2013, 17:55

Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by sesame » 22 Mar 2023, 07:35

Somaliman wrote:
25 Feb 2023, 09:19
Here's the latest successful diaspora Eritrean who needs to be added to the list, albeit not known to many of you!
Smallman :lol: :lol: , don't be too sure that he is not an Agame. You see, every Agame who has sought refuge in Europe in the last 20 years has claimed to be an Eritrean. :lol: :lol:

Posts: 3989
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by Meleket » 22 Mar 2023, 08:57

ዘሜ Zmeselo 'ዓቢ ሰብ' ወዲ ዓበይቲ፡ እዡኣ ሓፍትና'ከ ካብ ዕዉታት ዳያስቦራ ትምደብ'ዶ፧ እንዳ ኪዳነ ኣድጎይ . . . ከረን . . . ይስማዕ'ዶ ኣሎ፧ :mrgreen:
Haben Girma

Born July 29, 1988 (age 34) Oakland, California, U.S.

Education Lewis and Clark College (BA), Harvard University (JD)

Occupation(s) Lawyer, Disability rights advocate

Website Official website

Haben Girma (born July 29, 1988)[1][2] is an American disability rights advocate, and the first deafblind graduate of Harvard Law School.[3][4][2]

Early life and education
Girma was born in Oakland, California in 1988 to an Eritrean immigrant family. Her father Girma Kidane Adgoy was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and her mother Saba Gebreyesus was born in Asmera, Eritrea.[5][6] Her mother fled Eritrea to Sudan among many other Ethiopian/Eritrean refugees in 1983 during the Eritrean War of Independence and Ethiopian Civil War. Her mother met her father, an Eritrean born and raised in Addis, in California.[2] Haben's parents are fluent in three languages; Tigrinya, Amharic, and English.

Girma lost her vision and hearing as a result of an unknown progressive condition beginning in early childhood.[1] She retains 1% of her sight.[7]
Growing up in the United States, Girma benefited from civil rights laws including the Americans with Disabilities Act.[2] She also had accessible technology, such as a digital Braille device—something her elder brother Mussie Gebre, who is also deafblind, did not have access to in Eritrea.[2] She graduated from Skyline High School, a mainstream public school, in 2006.[8]

At the age of 15, Girma traveled to Mali to do volunteer work, building schools with buildOn.[9]

Girma attended Lewis & Clark College, where she successfully advocated for her legal rights to accommodations in the school cafeteria.[10] She graduated from Lewis & Clark magna [deleted] laude in 2010.[11] She then became the first deafblind student to attend and graduate from Harvard Law School, earning her J.D. in 2013.[10]

In 2013, Girma joined Disability Rights Advocates (DRA) in Berkeley, California as a Skadden Fellow. She worked there from 2015 to 2016 as a staff attorney, working on behalf of people with disabilities.[4][3]

Girma says she became a lawyer in part to help increase access to books and other digital information for persons with disabilities.[12] She now works to change attitudes about disability around the world, including the development of accessible digital services: "Digital information is just ones and zeroes...It can be converted into any kind of format. And those people who develop these services—programmers, technology designers—they have an incredible power to increase access for people with disabilities. And I hope they use it."[2]

While working for DRA in July 2014, Haben represented the National Federation of the Blind and a blind Vermont resident in a lawsuit against Scribd for allegedly failing to provide access to blind readers, in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.[13] Scribd moved to dismiss, arguing that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) only applied to physical locations. In March 2015, the U.S. District Court of Vermont ruled that the ADA covered online businesses as well. A settlement agreement was reached, with Scribd agreeing to provide content accessible to blind readers by the end of 2017.[14]

In 2014, Girma gave a talk at TEDxBaltimore.[15] She confronted TED for not readily providing captions for all of their recorded TEDx talks, including her own.[16]

In January 2015, Girma was appointed to the national board of trustees for the Helen Keller Services for the Blind.[17]

On July 20, 2015, Girma met with US President Barack Obama at the White House to highlight the importance of accessible technology.[2] She provided introductory remarks on the occasion, the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.[18]

In April 2016, Girma left DRA to take up non-litigation advocacy full-time.[19]

In June 2016, Girma gave a talk on accessible design at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference.[20][21]

In 2018, the Washington Post published an op-ed by Girma directed at the Texas State Board of Education, which had voted to remove Helen Keller from the social studies curriculum. The board ultimately reversed its decision.[22][23]

In August 2019, she released a memoir, Haben: The Deafblind Woman Who Conquered Harvard Law.[24][25]

Personal life
Girma enjoys participating in physical activities including surfing, rock climbing, kayaking, cycling, and dancing.[11][1]

Girma uses the assistance of a guide dog. She was matched with her first dog, a German Shepherd named Maxine, by The Seeing Eye in 2009. After Maxine's death in 2018, she adopted Mylo, another German Shepherd.[26][27]

Awards and recognition
• 2013 – Recognized by the Obama administration as a Champion of Change[28]
• 2016 – Forbes 30 Under 30, Law & Policy[29]
• 2016 – Top 30 Thinkers Under 30, Pacific Standard[30]
• 2017 - Girma was cited as one of the Top 100 most influential Africans by New African magazine in 2017.[31]

ኣሜሪካ ተባረኪ ዬምንለው በምክንያት ነው! :mrgreen:

Posts: 3989
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by Meleket » 22 Mar 2023, 10:21

ዘሜ ዘሜ Zmeselo 'ዓቢ ሰብ' ወዲ ዓበይቲ፡ ከምዡይ ዝበለ ዕዉት ኤርትራዊ ንዝገብሮ ዛሎ መስተንክራዊ ስራሕ ደኣ ስለምንታይ ኢዩ ዛይሓበረና፧ ካን ኩዕሶ ተጻወቲ፡ ሽግለታ ዘወርቲ፡ ፋሽን ሸው ዘወንወን ዝብላ ጥራሕ ዲዩ ከላልዬና!

The Market for Teff has Expanded from the East African Diaspora to Health-conscious Consumers
Top 10 News / March 30, 2022 / By Editor

Teff, an ancient grain native to the Horn of Africa, has found new enthusiasts in the United States. It’s being cultivated in the American West and Midwest, where growers note its increasing appeal as a gluten-free “super food.” One of those farmers is Tesfa Drar, who grew up helping his parents raise teff in what is now Eritrea. Now his Selam Foods markets the iron-rich grain online, with a website sharing recipes for injera and the history of teff, one of the oldest domesticated plants. Tesfa cultivates the grain on more than 2,400 hectares of land here in Nevada, in Minnesota – where Selam Foods has its headquarters – and in six other states. His operation here in northwestern Nevada is near Winnemucca, a town that boasts 24-hour casinos as well as a farming community built on growing potatoes, alfalfa, wheat and corn. But now more farmers are moving to capitalize on the growing demand for gluten-free foods by planting teff.


ጅግና ወዲ ኤረ ስርሑ ምስክሩ፡
ተስፉ ድራር ጅግና ሓሪሱ ጽዒሩ፡
ረሓጹ ኣፍሲሱ “ሰላም ጣፍ” ማእሪሩ፡
ኣማሪካ ኰይኑስ ንሰብ ጣይታ ኣድሪሩ! :mrgreen:
ሰብ ፍሉይ ረብሓታት እስከ ተመሃሩ፡
ኣብ ልምዓት ውፈሩ ኣመና ኣይትግዓሩ!

Senior Member+
Posts: 33934
Joined: 30 Jul 2010, 20:43

Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by Zmeselo » 22 Mar 2023, 10:29

ንሓላልኩም ዉሰድዋ፡ እንዳ ቁማል

Digital Weyane
Posts: 9512
Joined: 19 Jun 2019, 21:45

Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by Digital Weyane » 22 Mar 2023, 10:46

ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ ዋይ :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Fiyameta wrote:
27 Feb 2023, 12:30
Successful-Diaspora-Tegaru :oops: :oops:

Posts: 3989
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 05:08

Re: Successful-Diaspora-Eritreans

Post by Meleket » 22 Mar 2023, 10:54

Meleket wrote:
22 Mar 2023, 10:21
ዘሜ ዘሜ Zmeselo 'ዓቢ ሰብ' ወዲ ዓበይቲ፡ ከምዡይ ዝበለ ዕዉት ኤርትራዊ ንዝገብሮ ዛሎ መስተንክራዊ ስራሕ ደኣ ስለምንታይ ኢዩ ዛይሓበረና፧ ካን ኩዕሶ ተጻወቲ፡ ሽግለታ ዘወርቲ፡ ፋሽን ሸው ዘወንወን ዝብላ ጥራሕ ዲዩ ከላልዬና!

The Market for Teff has Expanded from the East African Diaspora to Health-conscious Consumers
Top 10 News / March 30, 2022 / By Editor

Teff, an ancient grain native to the Horn of Africa, has found new enthusiasts in the United States. It’s being cultivated in the American West and Midwest, where growers note its increasing appeal as a gluten-free “super food.” One of those farmers is Tesfa Drar, who grew up helping his parents raise teff in what is now Eritrea. Now his Selam Foods markets the iron-rich grain online, with a website sharing recipes for injera and the history of teff, one of the oldest domesticated plants. Tesfa cultivates the grain on more than 2,400 hectares of land here in Nevada, in Minnesota – where Selam Foods has its headquarters – and in six other states. His operation here in northwestern Nevada is near Winnemucca, a town that boasts 24-hour casinos as well as a farming community built on growing potatoes, alfalfa, wheat and corn. But now more farmers are moving to capitalize on the growing demand for gluten-free foods by planting teff.


ጅግና ወዲ ኤረ ስርሑ ምስክሩ፡
ተስፉ ድራር ጅግና ሓሪሱ ጽዒሩ፡
ረሓጹ ኣፍሲሱ “ሰላም ጣፍ” ማእሪሩ፡
ኣማሪካ ኰይኑስ ንሰብ ጣይታ ኣድሪሩ! :mrgreen:
ሰብ ፍሉይ ረብሓታት እስከ ተመሃሩ፡
ኣብ ልምዓት ውፈሩ ኣመና ኣይትግዓሩ!
ዘሜ ዘሜ Zmeselo 'ዓቢ ሰብ' ወዲ ዓበይቲ፡ ከምዡይ ዝበለ ዕዉት ኤርትራዊ ንዝገብሮ ዛሎ መስተንክራዊ ስራሕ ደኣ ስለምንታይ ኢዩ ዛይሓበረና፧ ካን ኩዕሶ ተጻወቲ፡ ሽግለታ ዘወርቲ፡ ፋሽን ሸው ዘወንወን ዝብላ ጥራሕ ዲዩ ከላልዬና! እዙኣ ኣይመለስካልናን ኢኻ። ናይ ሓበን ምኽንኒትካ ሰሚዕናዮ ኣሎና! ነዙኣ ዲኻ ትመርጽ ዛሎኻ ... an-beauty/

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