Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
Sadacha the agame: it is just bulllshiiit. Amazingly we Amaras are gifted to convince and deflate our adversaries’ empty bravado. We will not list all credentials regarding amara, just few are enough to put your empty words in the garbage.
First: gallas and agames are always complaining about Amaras. Gallas are still saying they were massacred in millions century ago. How could it happen? If gallas were brave, how that happened.?
Second: agames went to the bush not to fight gallas but Amaras, why? How is gallas bravery narrated here?
Third: years ago thousand gallas were died in irrecha without any single bullet fired. How can you elaborate this? How can you associate with bravery?
Third: the former PM, Hailemariam Desalegn witnessed, amara was the sole reason for his resignation. And he also explained weyane was on big trouble not because of gallas but due to the indomitable Amaras. But you and your likes tell the opposite. How can you relate this with gallas’ bravery?
Fourth: can you enumerate any wars gallas conquered Amaras? Zero!! We Amaras could eliminate gallas from the face of the earth while we were at the throne. Couldn’t we? Even Minilk could easily wiped out them from the earth, who could stop him? Haileselase also could do the same. But amara is not that much full of malice.
Oh shiiit , the list can go on. You see we, Amaras are full of grace and magnanimity.
First: gallas and agames are always complaining about Amaras. Gallas are still saying they were massacred in millions century ago. How could it happen? If gallas were brave, how that happened.?
Second: agames went to the bush not to fight gallas but Amaras, why? How is gallas bravery narrated here?
Third: years ago thousand gallas were died in irrecha without any single bullet fired. How can you elaborate this? How can you associate with bravery?
Third: the former PM, Hailemariam Desalegn witnessed, amara was the sole reason for his resignation. And he also explained weyane was on big trouble not because of gallas but due to the indomitable Amaras. But you and your likes tell the opposite. How can you relate this with gallas’ bravery?
Fourth: can you enumerate any wars gallas conquered Amaras? Zero!! We Amaras could eliminate gallas from the face of the earth while we were at the throne. Couldn’t we? Even Minilk could easily wiped out them from the earth, who could stop him? Haileselase also could do the same. But amara is not that much full of malice.
Oh shiiit , the list can go on. You see we, Amaras are full of grace and magnanimity.
Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
The killing of Christian's and Amharas last month was orchestrated by the wahabi group riding on the back of illiterate Gallas.
Gallas are illiterate and imatture animals who have yet to learn that when you struggle for political cause, you don't kill innocent civilians. Gallas committed one such error.
Instead of learning from it, they stand behind the wahabi group that is riding on them when the political Game become hot. What Eskinder did was trying to implicate the Jawar wahabi clique and government enablers. Yet, the illiterate Gallas are the one who are reacting so much.
In conclusion the average Galla needs at least a century to understand and consume what is being committed on his/name.
In the end, Eskinder successfully implicated Jawar and his wahabi cliques. Jawar will now restrain himself from ordering a killing on innocent cibilians, else both him and opdo officials will be summoned to Hague like mollosovice.
Gallas are illiterate and imatture animals who have yet to learn that when you struggle for political cause, you don't kill innocent civilians. Gallas committed one such error.
Instead of learning from it, they stand behind the wahabi group that is riding on them when the political Game become hot. What Eskinder did was trying to implicate the Jawar wahabi clique and government enablers. Yet, the illiterate Gallas are the one who are reacting so much.
In conclusion the average Galla needs at least a century to understand and consume what is being committed on his/name.
In the end, Eskinder successfully implicated Jawar and his wahabi cliques. Jawar will now restrain himself from ordering a killing on innocent cibilians, else both him and opdo officials will be summoned to Hague like mollosovice.
Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
Slow down Buda Woyane - I repeat, you’re a subhuman maggoot who doesn’t even qualify to l!ck the boots of an ordinary Oromo. KIFU!
TembienLiberation wrote: ↑10 Dec 2019, 02:06Selamiyee Anchi yegeeemash ye Giim Galla lij,
Do you think we the Royal family be keep quite when Galla Rotten Rats are destroying Ethiopia that we founded with our bloods?
Do you think Boottiaam Galla can claim the city Amhara and Gurage built? How come Giiim Kirfatam Galla livng in Addis Ababa which make only lesss than 1% can claim Addis Ababa, or do you think we also be Giiim Yegeema Galla chinkilat like yours?!
Feeesam GallaBellow is Original Galla before Amhara men found and civilized you. Now most Gallas look like Amhara because our forefathers made all of these Galla slave ladies pregnant:
Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
Idiot - Hate doesn’t have religion but it can hide behind one. The mother of all hatreds is woyaneism which has its roots buried in hedonistic paganism and alien communism. And you have Oromo extremism that doesn’t have any specific religious domain. It could have Muslim, evangelical, pagan or Waaq elements. Then you have Amhara extremism that hides behind Ethiopian orthodox Christianity. What they all have in common is ignorance and hatred. So, don’t try to target specific groups of people, which happens to be one of TPLFits obsolete but sinister tactics.
present wrote: ↑09 Dec 2019, 23:50Hey buddy,
I guess you don't differentiate wahabis from ordinary Muslims.
There is something called ISIS! If you don't know![]()
Selam/ wrote: ↑09 Dec 2019, 23:42Are you trying to insult the Muslim community? You’re nuts.
present wrote: ↑09 Dec 2019, 21:59Wahabi,![]()
First of all you wahabis don't represent Oromo. You don't represent my family. We are pro Ethiopians just like majority of Oromos.
Second of all, I don't remember wahabi olfs fought with Ethiopians and defeated Ethiopainsactually they tried it Kemese and Shewa and they run like a little bit'ch with their wahabi books abandoned
Wahabi when are you going to stop hiding behind Oromo and come out in open and SAY jawarakuber![]()
Sadacha Macca wrote: ↑09 Dec 2019, 21:52All the oromo hating cadres on here can do is talk sh1t online. In real life they beg the white man for help against oromos the same way eskinder and co., does.
Oromos on the other hand, stood up and on their own, with no white mans help; made tplf pack its bags and head back home.
Thus freeing oromos and even the ungrateful oromo haters like eskinder and people like him/them.
Just like at adwa. Italians ran away scared from oromo warriors mostly they didn't mention fearing amara or agames. Oromos are warriors par excellence and their large blessed and ENVIED lands prove it, and their history too.
Let the donkeys on thia forum bray all they want as the oromo lions march on!
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Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
Christian fundamentalist terrorist sister belaynesh;present wrote: ↑10 Dec 2019, 00:53Islamic state of Oromia sadacha.... are you heading to your night shift work at McDonald's? Work hard, wahabi![]()
I am on this side chilln.....
Anyway--- Don't forget to Come back home and say " Jawarakuber"
Your Isis as's is history already
Your tplf brothers hiding in mekele hotel that your other boss aka Geriba su'cks their di'ck for..... are history as well! No wahabism in Ethiopia!
No ascarisism.... in Ethiopia. An Ascari in Addis tries so hard to sound pro Ethiopian or lovey... lovey Ethiopia!! He knows, otherwise, he will end his fckn life! He bad mouths Ethiopians! Those old days when people used to let them say and do whatever are long Gone!
I love it when I meet an Ascari in Addis and he talks about "LOVE", Unity, and how great is it to be in Ethiopia!
Ethiopia is hell for those that hate her!!
Temebien and Enderta are Pro Ethiopians!!
If you think I am Tembein, great! After all I am Ethiopian!!
Here is my LOVELY KING: who died for All Ethiopians!
Sadacha Macca wrote: ↑10 Dec 2019, 00:40present wrote: ↑10 Dec 2019, 00:22Islamic state of Oromia Sadacha ISIS,
You got your behind whipped. Just chill
Okay..... okay.... I believe your ugly wahabi face. I don't believe former prime mister Haile Mariam.![]()
How many more churchs do you plan to burn?
How many innocent Christians do you plan to kill?
You fckn animal Isis
Now screem out loud: "jawarawakuber"
Sadacha Macca wrote: ↑10 Dec 2019, 00:08Retarded sister belaynesh aka portlandia aka the habitual liar,present wrote: ↑09 Dec 2019, 23:59Islamic state of Oromia sadacha
You ISIS. You never spoke against the killing innocent Ethiopian ethincs by Jawarian wahabi/Isis qeros. Of course not! I would not expect you. Your God Jawar didn't either!!
How many Christian Ethiopains blood did you drink. Is that what you are proud of? You animal. Why don't face the army instead? Why don't face the fanos instead![]()
The whole Ethiopians know who kicked out tplf back to dedebit? The powerful Ethiopians did it. Not wahabis. Pro Ethiopians did it. Not ISIS!
Former prime minster Haile Mariam said "Amara chased tplf out, tplf left Addis because of the Amara warrior"
Well, we the diaspora warrior as well fought for 27 years. While there was no qero, zerma, fano, ejeto, etc craps
Now keep bit'chn
Sadacha Macca wrote: ↑09 Dec 2019, 23:45
Obboletti belaynesh, aka portlandia aka tarik:
Stick to posting reggae songs and rasta stuff.
This is beyond your comprehension.
Islamic State, jawar blah blah, is all nonsense and irrelevant and nonexistent. Religion has nothing to do with Oromo politics or history.
Repeating a lie a million times won't make it true.
It just shows how immature and stupid you are.
Oromos already showed the country what they're made of. They freed the entire country. Qeerroo and of course pressure applied by fano and other Ethiopians who were inspired by the fearlessness of oromos.
And you can post a million insults and nonsensical posts and it would not change historical facts.
Deep down your hatred of oromos wont allow you to give them any credit. Too bad, we don't need it because we know and the world knows who did what.
1. There's no isis in Ethiopia. There's no religious element to oromo struggle, politics, etc.
It's a secular movement that encompasses oromo from all religions from orthodox to protestant to Muslim to traditional religion adherents.
Insults that you use just show you lost the debate or argument before it started. If we were debating before a crowd or audience, you'd lose 1000 votes to 0votes for you. Just ask anyone observing this exchange here.
Did you condemn the killings of agaws and qemants in amhara state. They were burnt alive, from women to elderly to kids; that's terrorism indeed.
What about them killing oromo students from woldia university to gondar.
What about the cold blooded massacres of gumuz kids women and men?? That's terrorism indeed.
Everyone from tplf cadres to news outlets internationally know it was oromo who chased them.
Meles the midget already said if oromos struggle and fight, forget the army even Africa cannot handle them.
Amara and other Ethiopians didn't rise up until Oromos did and their roles were secondary. Diaspora cannot liberate anything from across the sea. That's just more retarded nonsense from u.
From geographically to demographically, no one is in a better position to exert pressure on any government in Ethiopia, than oromos.
Christian fundamentalist terrorist tplf member sister belaynesh who supports the killing of innocent agaw, qemant, oromo students and more;
1. Quoting the former puppet of tplf, who was an ally of the same tplf you claim to hate and so on; proves me right. No one who claims to oppose tplf would quote them, their puppets or their allies.
If you at least quoted someone not associated with tplf, you may have had a chance at being credible.
2. This is my last response to you at least for tonight. My advice: be proud of tigray as abdel aziz and halafi and pastor degnet are.
Tigrayans are our brothers and sisters- the peaceful ones of course, not the ones with the blood of oromos or other Ethiopians on their hands.
Tigrayans have a very rich culture, language, brave warriors, generous to guests, beautiful women, I can praise them from an objective and impartial point of view all night.
So there's no shame in being Tegaru. Tigrayans and oromos are cool. Chiger yelem as long as tplf isn't involved.
Their music is also top notch. We love tigrina music in my family. We switch between oromo somali afar and tegaru music.
Nobody here believes you are Amara. The pretending is useless. Be proud of your rich tigrayan heritage and history.
It's easy to ignore your claims and analyze what agendas you support, to expose your lies of being half amara half oromo;
1. You ignore those who insult oromos but get mad when tigrayans are insulted. Nothing wrong there if you're just defending your people. You never defended oromos as tarik (perhaps you are tarik), tembien liberation and others, insulted all oromos. A true oromo defends his own whether it be verbally or physically if need be. But you can't feel that because you ain't one of us Oromos.
2. Your unhealthy obsession with eritreans is typical of tplf cadres not oromos, amaras or others in Ethiopia. Amara leaders and commonfolk showed much love to wedi jegena President Isayas when he came to visit. Oromos gave him a horse a spear and food and welcomed him with open arms.
We love Eritrea. My cousin married an Eritrean woman and i know other oromos with eritrean wives too. Nothing wrong with that.
It's good that you finally admit what we've all known all along: that you're an agame and NOT an Amara or Oromo. Good. Garii dha. Nothing wrong with that.
Might as well admit what everyone knows because no Amara or Non Tigrayan Ethiopian is as obsessed with hating eritreans as agame tplf cyber cadres are.
Tembien is another tplf cyber troll whose goal is to provoke oromos to insult Amaras. It's as plain as day. She is a cyber jegna like you and your other digital woyane tegadalays. When she insults oromos, the people you falsely claim to belong to, you are quiet. But if someone mentions Eritrea or eritreans in a positive light... Or mentions your beloved agame people; there you are with the same recycled insults and responses.
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Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
Agame mado, and miss rock the recently exposed agame cyber troll who's probably another account that sister absent aka obboletti belaynesh uses;
It's pointless to pretend that you're an Amara guys. Nobody literally... Nobody believes y'all. It's pointless to deceive yourself.
You guys along with your agame sister belaynesh from tembien, and/or Enderta, desperately wants me and other Oromos to insult ordinary peace loving Amaras.
I refuse. Instead on every post I will make it clear that my responses and insults are towards individuals and NOT entire ethnicities.
The Amara elitist rulers of the past, from menelik to the midget emperor haile selassie, never represented Amaras in general.
The average Amara remained as poor as their fellow countrymen and women, all over Ethiopia and in some cases were poorer.
They represented their own individual interests and ambitions which is to rule by force and accumulate loot. As the age old adage goes, "absolute power corrupts absolutely".
Since the Oromo masses, with their large blessed and ENVIED land, and superior numbers and history of warfare, were seen as the biggest threats to the power of consecutive rulers of Ethiopia, they were targeted and marginalized.
However, the past is over, today's Oromos are too united and politically savvy, to be oppressed by anyone ever again and if another dictatorship arises it will be another round of Oromo revolution that will shake Ethiopia to the core.
And this is what has our enemies like miss rock, agame mado, sister absent aka obboletti belaynesh, and countless other trolls online and offline; scared to death.
It's pointless to pretend that you're an Amara guys. Nobody literally... Nobody believes y'all. It's pointless to deceive yourself.
You guys along with your agame sister belaynesh from tembien, and/or Enderta, desperately wants me and other Oromos to insult ordinary peace loving Amaras.
I refuse. Instead on every post I will make it clear that my responses and insults are towards individuals and NOT entire ethnicities.
The Amara elitist rulers of the past, from menelik to the midget emperor haile selassie, never represented Amaras in general.
The average Amara remained as poor as their fellow countrymen and women, all over Ethiopia and in some cases were poorer.
They represented their own individual interests and ambitions which is to rule by force and accumulate loot. As the age old adage goes, "absolute power corrupts absolutely".
Since the Oromo masses, with their large blessed and ENVIED land, and superior numbers and history of warfare, were seen as the biggest threats to the power of consecutive rulers of Ethiopia, they were targeted and marginalized.
However, the past is over, today's Oromos are too united and politically savvy, to be oppressed by anyone ever again and if another dictatorship arises it will be another round of Oromo revolution that will shake Ethiopia to the core.
And this is what has our enemies like miss rock, agame mado, sister absent aka obboletti belaynesh, and countless other trolls online and offline; scared to death.
Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
Sadacha the agame: that is non of your business to vomit about amaras. No body want your preaching. All amaras love our kings to the bone. All gallas are similar in one thing when they hear about their identity and history- They all say " the past is over". Well this is not the answer. You better shut your mouth and obey us. fk you agame biiitchhhhh!!
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Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
Agame Mado:Abaymado wrote: ↑10 Dec 2019, 15:13Sadacha the agame: that is non of your business to vomit about amaras. No body want your preaching. All amaras love our kings to the bone. All gallas are similar in one thing when they hear about their identity and history- They all say " the past is over". Well this is not the answer. You better shut your mouth and obey us. fk you agame biiitchhhhh!!
As long as share a country, for better or worse, I can discuss ANY ruler of Ethiopia and there's NOTHING you can do about it.
You cannot do anything to the Oromo lions, whether it be the battlefield of ideas and intellectual discourse, OR the physical battlefields.
This is what makes you so angry and have this blind hatred of anything Oromos. Like it or not, Oromos are the backbone of Ethiopia
If we go, bye bye Ethiopia. So you better recognize kid!!
Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
Really? Ask Belay Zeleke’s or Lij Iyasus’s Lineages. Read about the oppression and Serfdom in North Shoa during the kings time. So, don’t tell me everything was smooth back then for all Amharas. Bull crap!
Abaymado wrote: ↑10 Dec 2019, 15:13Sadacha the agame: that is non of your business to vomit about amaras. No body want your preaching. All amaras love our kings to the bone. All gallas are similar in one thing when they hear about their identity and history- They all say " the past is over". Well this is not the answer. You better shut your mouth and obey us. fk you agame biiitchhhhh!!
Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
Misraq wrote: ↑10 Dec 2019, 06:48The killing of Christian's and Amharas last month was orchestrated by the wahabi group riding on the back of illiterate Gallas.
Gallas are illiterate and imatture animals who have yet to learn that when you struggle for political cause, you don't kill innocent civilians. Gallas committed one such error.
Instead of learning from it, they stand behind the wahabi group that is riding on them when the political Game become hot. What Eskinder did was trying to implicate the Jawar wahabi clique and government enablers. Yet, the illiterate Gallas are the one who are reacting so much.
In conclusion the average Galla needs at least a century to understand and consume what is being committed on his/name.
In the end, Eskinder successfully implicated Jawar and his wahabi cliques. Jawar will now restrain himself from ordering a killing on innocent cibilians, else both him and opdo officials will be summoned to Hague like mollosovice.
Honorable Jimmy,
Are you sure you did not play your part in the recent unfortunate incident by vomiting your hatred from behind your computer screen while eating big Mac??? History will remember agames for implanting ethnic tensions among the people of Ethiopia for 27 long years. Unfortunately people like you are also fueling and feeding the tension from the streets of DC. If you keep calling names to the people of Oromo, you are definitely creating lack of trust between the two brotherly people of Oromo and Amhara as Amhara....I just hope that the people of Oromo differentiate between the God fearing people of Amhara and MacDonald's Big Mac consumers from the streets of DC.
By the way, I don't understand as to why you are still saying "Gallas are illiterate and imatture animals "... How do you think that we help to build trust between the two brotherly people while you are calling names to the people of Oromo and vomiting your hatred ??? If you have an issue with Obbo Jawar and Queerooo lions, it is on thing. But to call the over 40 million people of Oromo names is something many people are having hard time to understand...
Well... I understand that you are trying to display your excessive superiority complexity on the people of Oromo. Guess what???? History is completely changed and it is a new day. The people of Oromo are now in the position to decide their own destiny and fate by themselves unlike the old times.
Regardless... the people of Oromo will keep marching while the consumers of big Mac from the streets of DC bark like mad dogs..
May God bless Ethiopia and the people of Ethiopia.
Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF
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Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
Brother Hawzen,
Miss Rock is an angry agame, no doubt, she already exposed herself when she insulted Eritreans and said tigrayans can conquer eritrea.
Did she not, a few months back, call for an eritrean-amhara alliance to counter the alleged oromo-tigrayan alliance?
Now what changed? Perhaps she expected Obbo/President Isayas to send his strong army to somehow bring Amaras back to power? [LOOOL which would never happen]
Why would an Amara say such a thing? Perhaps she'd like to see them fight, because she thinks she can benefit from it [if she happens to be, by some miracle, an actual Amara?]
But most likely she is another agame cyber troll.
I do not care what she says about Oromos because she knows what we can do, we chased away her uncles, and can easily handle her if she tries us in real life.
Miss Rock is an angry agame, no doubt, she already exposed herself when she insulted Eritreans and said tigrayans can conquer eritrea.
Did she not, a few months back, call for an eritrean-amhara alliance to counter the alleged oromo-tigrayan alliance?
Now what changed? Perhaps she expected Obbo/President Isayas to send his strong army to somehow bring Amaras back to power? [LOOOL which would never happen]
Why would an Amara say such a thing? Perhaps she'd like to see them fight, because she thinks she can benefit from it [if she happens to be, by some miracle, an actual Amara?]
But most likely she is another agame cyber troll.
I do not care what she says about Oromos because she knows what we can do, we chased away her uncles, and can easily handle her if she tries us in real life.
Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
at the end of the day hate won't take us anywhere ... Ethiopia that the old guard loves had gone for good. Federalist forces will win at he end or we are in trouble. Eskinder Nega won't go far .... he may bark but he will never bite.
Ethiopia is country huge with many stake holders ... her fate is determined by these stake holders !!! You can bark all day ... which is fine
Ethiopia is country huge with many stake holders ... her fate is determined by these stake holders !!! You can bark all day ... which is fine
Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
Brother Sadacha,Sadacha Macca wrote: ↑10 Dec 2019, 21:30Brother Hawzen,
Miss Rock is an angry agame, no doubt, she already exposed herself when she insulted Eritreans and said tigrayans can conquer eritrea.
Did she not, a few months back, call for an eritrean-amhara alliance to counter the alleged oromo-tigrayan alliance?
Now what changed? Perhaps she expected Obbo/President Isayas to send his strong army to somehow bring Amaras back to power? [LOOOL which would never happen]
Why would an Amara say such a thing? Perhaps she'd like to see them fight, because she thinks she can benefit from it [if she happens to be, by some miracle, an actual Amara?]
But most likely she is another agame cyber troll.
I do not care what she says about Oromos because she knows what we can do, we chased away her uncles, and can easily handle her if she tries us in real life.
I think you might be right. Miss Rock

I think Eritrea and Amhara having alliance against agames is always wonderful idea. However, Eritrea will never ever interfere between the two brotherly people of Oromo and Amhara. First and foremost, the people of Amhara and Oromo are brothers. Second it is impossible to make any alliance between the people of Oromo and Agame. The other day OLF made my day when not only they rejected agames invitation to Mekelle "to save Ethiopia

Anyway, I think you have raised good point. I used to call Honorable Jimmy because I thought he is from Amhara. I will keep my eyes to watch the trend of her behaviors further to assure that she is in fact Miss Rock from Wukro

May God bless the people of Ethiopia!
May God bless the Nobel Prize Winner, the Honorable Prime Minister Dr. Abby Ahmed.
Dedebit is always dedeb
R.I.P Abay Tigray and TPLF
Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
Honourable Hawzen,
You are agame yourself since Hawzein is in Tigray. secondly, mis saddullla travelled to mekele to beg halafi-mitri and aziza to help for the effort to disloage Abiy Ahmed. Sadulla and most oromo missed being shggged by getachew assefa. We all know real substance Oromos are Wellega Orommos and Shoa oromos. OLF is welega oromo and refused to go to Mekelle which i admire them for the principle they showed. the arsi, bale and harer gallas are coward animals who still crave being shggged by agame and gitachew asefa. Sadulla is arsi ormo
You are agame yourself since Hawzein is in Tigray. secondly, mis saddullla travelled to mekele to beg halafi-mitri and aziza to help for the effort to disloage Abiy Ahmed. Sadulla and most oromo missed being shggged by getachew assefa. We all know real substance Oromos are Wellega Orommos and Shoa oromos. OLF is welega oromo and refused to go to Mekelle which i admire them for the principle they showed. the arsi, bale and harer gallas are coward animals who still crave being shggged by agame and gitachew asefa. Sadulla is arsi ormo
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Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
Miss rock the angry agame lady;
First of all, no one cares who or what you think a "real oromo," is, since you've already exposed yourself to be an enemy of all Oromos regardless of what part of Oromoland they're from.
Secondly, I am not from arsi, but if i were, there's nothing wrong with it and unlike you and your agame cyber troll friends; I'd never hide my origins.
My clan is Macca and if you knew anything about Oromo, then you'd know Macca lives in Wallaga, Jimma, Illubabor, in small numbers in Benishangul Gumuz and around the capital city Finfinne/Addis Ababa.
I belong to the same clan as the PM, Lamma, and Dawud Ibsa.
Just some quick knowledge for you.
First of all, no one cares who or what you think a "real oromo," is, since you've already exposed yourself to be an enemy of all Oromos regardless of what part of Oromoland they're from.
Secondly, I am not from arsi, but if i were, there's nothing wrong with it and unlike you and your agame cyber troll friends; I'd never hide my origins.
My clan is Macca and if you knew anything about Oromo, then you'd know Macca lives in Wallaga, Jimma, Illubabor, in small numbers in Benishangul Gumuz and around the capital city Finfinne/Addis Ababa.
I belong to the same clan as the PM, Lamma, and Dawud Ibsa.
Just some quick knowledge for you.
Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
We know you missed getachews abuse. That is why you went to mekelle. If you were really from the same clan as Dawd ibssa or Abiy Ahmed, you wouldn't have travelled to mekelle to pay tribute to Debreporno
We know you missed getachews abuse. That is why you went to mekelle. If you were really from the same clan as Dawd ibssa or Abiy Ahmed, you wouldn't have travelled to mekelle to pay tribute to Debreporno
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Re: Eskinder’s , hooligans and UN
Angry agame sister miss rock who no longer pretends to be Amara:
Nonsense. Also why would i go visit your uncles in mekelle when i can just ask you, their nephew, about how they're doing?
Be like "eshi. Family selam new?"
Nonsense. Also why would i go visit your uncles in mekelle when i can just ask you, their nephew, about how they're doing?
Be like "eshi. Family selam new?"