YAY wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 12:55Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት የልቦን።
Awash wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 11:05Listen to this joker. The burden of proof is on your tyrants to prove someone's guilt beyond the reasonable doubt in a court of law. It's already been 15 years in one of your tyrants' gulags. Ooops, I forgot; your tyrant's don't even have a constitition. My bad.![]()
Maybe you should provide the records from your kangaroo court if you even have that.YAY wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 10:04Dear Awash: Show your evidence that what you claimed is true
There is no trap or "crap" here. I am asking you to show the evidence you can produce that Dr. Fitsum was put to jail because of "TeHadisso". STOP sayingShow it, now. That is all.I thought you knew everything about your tyrants doings, enough to defend their savagery at every level.
Awash wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 09:15YOYO,
I thought you knew everything about your tyrants doings, enough to defend their savagery at every level. The doctor is jailed for his faith, an orthodox bible study movement known as "tehadiso". Not a crime by any stretch of imagination. Only a savage regime would find that a crime punishable by imprisonment since 2004. Don't give me that "in time of war" crap.
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
Listen to this joker, trying so hard to defend the indefensible. The tyrants have locked up an upstanding citizen in gulags for 15 years and have not produced any evidence of a crime. Let's see your evidence of a crime that has landed the good doctor in your prison for 15 years. It should be a public record. You can't just have somebody disappeare for 15 years without a conviction of a crime, can you? Oh, of course you can; you're a mafia like junta, not a normal government.
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
Dear Awash: Why are going around in circles? I asked you for evidence to discover the truth
You said,
You said,
All you have to do is produce evidence that the doctor was jailed for his faith. If you can't do that, just take your statement back, and correct yourself.The doctor is jailed for his faith, an orthodox bible study movement known as "tehadiso".
Awash wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 13:47Listen to this joker, trying so hard to defend the indefensible. The tyrants have locked up an upstanding citizen in gulags for 15 years and have not produced any evidence of a crime. Let's see your evidence of a crime that has landed the good doctor in your prison for 15 years. It should be a public record. You can't just have somebody disappeare for 15 years without a conviction of a crime, can you? Oh, of course you can; you're a mafia like junta, not a normal government.
YAY wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 12:55Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት የልቦን።
Awash wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 11:05Listen to this joker. The burden of proof is on your tyrants to prove someone's guilt beyond the reasonable doubt in a court of law. It's already been 15 years in one of your tyrants' gulags. Ooops, I forgot; your tyrant's don't even have a constitition. My bad.![]()
Maybe you should provide the records from your kangaroo court if you even have that.YAY wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 10:04Dear Awash: Show your evidence that what you claimed is true
There is no trap or "crap" here. I am asking you to show the evidence you can produce that Dr. Fitsum was put to jail because of "TeHadisso". STOP sayingShow it, now. That is all.I thought you knew everything about your tyrants doings, enough to defend their savagery at every level.
Awash wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 09:15YOYO,
I thought you knew everything about your tyrants doings, enough to defend their savagery at every level. The doctor is jailed for his faith, an orthodox bible study movement known as "tehadiso". Not a crime by any stretch of imagination. Only a savage regime would find that a crime punishable by imprisonment since 2004. Don't give me that "in time of war" crap.
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
You and your tyrant regime should produce evidence of the crime he is alleged to have committed. Your vehement attempt to shift the burden of proof from your tyrannical regime proves you have no legitimate reason to justify the imprisonment of a highly educated, well respected and loved individual for over 15 years without trail or visitation rights. You must be out of your freakin' mind to demand reason of imprisonment from someone other than the savage tyrants who imprisoned him. What kind of logic is that? Are you out of your mind and in need of psychiatric help?
I'm ordering a writ of habeas corpus
I'm ordering a writ of habeas corpus
YAY wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 15:13Dear Awash: Why are going around in circles? I asked you for evidence to discover the truth
You said,All you have to do is produce evidence that the doctor was jailed for his faith. If you can't take your statement back, and correct yourself.The doctor is jailed for his faith, an orthodox bible study movement known as "tehadiso".
Awash wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 13:47Listen to this joker, trying so hard to defend the indefensible. The tyrants have locked up an upstanding citizen in gulags for 15 years and have not produced any evidence of a crime. Let's see your evidence of a crime that has landed the good doctor in your prison for 15 years. It should be a public record. You can't just have somebody disappeare for 15 years without a conviction of a crime, can you? Oh, of course you can; you're a mafia like junta, not a normal government.
YAY wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 12:55Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት የልቦን።
Awash wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 11:05Listen to this joker. The burden of proof is on your tyrants to prove someone's guilt beyond the reasonable doubt in a court of law. It's already been 15 years in one of your tyrants' gulags. Ooops, I forgot; your tyrant's don't even have a constitition. My bad.![]()
Maybe you should provide the records from your kangaroo court if you even have that.YAY wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 10:04Dear Awash: Show your evidence that what you claimed is true
There is no trap or "crap" here. I am asking you to show the evidence you can produce that Dr. Fitsum was put to jail because of "TeHadisso". STOP sayingShow it, now. That is all.I thought you knew everything about your tyrants doings, enough to defend their savagery at every level.
Awash wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 09:15YOYO,
I thought you knew everything about your tyrants doings, enough to defend their savagery at every level. The doctor is jailed for his faith, an orthodox bible study movement known as "tehadiso". Not a crime by any stretch of imagination. Only a savage regime would find that a crime punishable by imprisonment since 2004. Don't give me that "in time of war" crap.
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
Dear Awash: ትኽ እንተበልካ ከም ማዕጺድ ኢኻ
ንሓቂ ኪእምመን ፍቓደኛ ዘይኮነ ሰብእ ከማኻ ይአልቦን። ኵሉ ህዝቢ ይዕዘበካ እዩ ዝሀሎ። እብየትካ ኪበንን እዩ ኩሉ።
ንሓቂ ኪእምመን ፍቓደኛ ዘይኮነ ሰብእ ከማኻ ይአልቦን። ኵሉ ህዝቢ ይዕዘበካ እዩ ዝሀሎ። እብየትካ ኪበንን እዩ ኩሉ።
Last edited by YAY on 15 Aug 2019, 22:41, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
Did you say ሓቂ? Joker, the truth is your tyrants are holding upstanding citizens ingulags.
I'm ordering a writ of habeas corpus on Dr. GebreNgus. (If you don't know what a writ is, look it up)
No ifs or buts. you and your tyrants are hereby ordered to produce Dr. GebreNgus forthwith.

P.S. save your guaila, dankira for your dancing stooges.
Did you say ሓቂ? Joker, the truth is your tyrants are holding upstanding citizens ingulags.
I'm ordering a writ of habeas corpus on Dr. GebreNgus. (If you don't know what a writ is, look it up)
No ifs or buts. you and your tyrants are hereby ordered to produce Dr. GebreNgus forthwith.

P.S. save your guaila, dankira for your dancing stooges.
YAY wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 16:07Dear Awash: ትኽ እንተበልካ ከም ማዕጺድ ኢኻ
ንሓቂ ኪእምመን ፍቓደኛ ዘይኮነ ሰብእ ከማኻ ይአልቦን። ኵሉ ህዝቢ ይዕዘበካ እዩ ዝሀሎ። እብየትካ ኪበንን እዩ ኩሉ።
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
https://eritreanprisoners.blogspot.com/ ... Kx9l6ZUYpMFree Eritrean Prisoners
Unfiltered Notes: The Insanity Of Jailing The Only Psychiatrist In The Country
By T Stephanos, September 22, 2007
Dr. Fitsum Ghebrenegus was the only psychiatrist in Eritrea until his disappearance in November, 2004. I don't believe the country had one since either. The regime, of course, does not burden itself with legal matters and never bothers to justify any of its actions through a court of law. Since it routinely victimizes all segments of Eritrean society without cause, the best guess is that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his positive engagement with the youth through his church. The destructive jealousy and violent reaction of the ruling elite to anything it perceives as competition for people's mind share - and that of the youth in particular - is causing irreparable damage to the nation. Its culture of militarism heavily depends on the continued enslavement of youth trapped into forced military service that has no limits.
Dr. Fitsum's efforts and many like his, no matter how noble and how beneficial to the long term health of the nation, must therefore be stopped according to the perverted logic the regime uses to deepen its reign of terror. The unjust and yet unexplained imprisonment of Dr. Fitsum has thus denied the country the services of its only psychiatrist. Given the wanton destruction of Eritrea's social fabric unleashed by this regime, the services of Dr. Fitsum and his profession is actually something the nation, and particularly the ruling elite, could have benefited from.
The disappearance of Dr. Fitsum and the thousands more like him is not just criminal. It is insane as well. But the lunacy extends well beyond the confines of the ruling elite. People who should know better nonchalantly shrug off these massive disappearances. "gele reKiblom kKewn alowo (he must have found something on them)", many say, with disturbing approval of acts of terror that a sane mind and a humane heart would never tolerate.
It appears Eritrea, as a nation, has gone mad. Nothing seems to outrage Eritreans anymore. As one of the poorest countries on the planet, precious resources are squandered to build prisons to lock up innocent and highly productive people. Assuming 5000 prisoners have been locked up for 5 years, Eritrea has been robbed of 25,000 man-years of productivity so far. Include the estimated 10,000 former recruits who fled to Ethiopia and other parts of the world into account and the loss is 10,000 man-years of productivity every year. As big and damaging these numbers are for this small nation, they are perceived to be on the low side.
The loss is exacerbated even more when the remaining productive labor and other resources are diverted to support and finance armed groups of neighboring countries while Eritrea spirals down into the abyss of material, mental and spiritual poverty. What is it going to take for Eritreans to be outraged enough to say NO MORE!? For positive and peaceful change to take place, the the insanity of "gele reKiblom kKewn alowo" has to stop.
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/a ... AXC8UecIY0From school to the grave, military service tears families apart in Eritrea
Indefinite national service is causing heartache and fuelling migration to Europe
Sally Hayden in Kampala. about 11 hours ago
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
In case you are not knowledgable about Writ of Habeas Corpus:
https://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-p ... orpus.html
Here is a good source:Habeas corpus is a recourse in law through which a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment to a court and request that the court order the custodian of the person, usually a prison official, to bring the prisoner to court, to determine whether the detention is lawful.
https://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-p ... orpus.html
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
Watch "ATV: 'እምቢ ሳዋ ኣይንወርድን!' - ናይ ደገፍ መልእኽቲ ካብ ተማሃሮ: ኣብያተ ቤ/ትምህርቲ 2ይ ደረጃ ሳንጀርጆ - መንደፈራን: ቤ/ት ባርካ፡ ኣስመራን" on YouTube
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።[/quote]
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።[/quote]
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
by Awash » Today, 16:45
Did you say ሓቂ? Joker, the truth is your tyrants are holding upstanding citizens ingulags.
I'm ordering a writ of habeas corpus on Dr. GebreNgus. (If you don't know what a writ is, look it up)
No ifs or buts. you and your tyrants are hereby ordered to produce Dr. GebreNgus forthwith.
Last edited by YAY on 13 Aug 2019, 22:57, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
Awash wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 18:12https://eritreanprisoners.blogspot.com/ ... Kx9l6ZUYpMFree Eritrean Prisoners
Unfiltered Notes: The Insanity Of Jailing The Only Psychiatrist In The Country
By T Stephanos, September 22, 2007
Dr. Fitsum Ghebrenegus was the only psychiatrist in Eritrea until his disappearance in November, 2004. I don't believe the country had one since either. The regime, of course, does not burden itself with legal matters and never bothers to justify any of its actions through a court of law. Since it routinely victimizes all segments of Eritrean society without cause, the best guess is that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his positive engagement with the youth through his church. The destructive jealousy and violent reaction of the ruling elite to anything it perceives as competition for people's mind share - and that of the youth in particular - is causing irreparable damage to the nation. Its culture of militarism heavily depends on the continued enslavement of youth trapped into forced military service that has no limits.
Dr. Fitsum's efforts and many like his, no matter how noble and how beneficial to the long term health of the nation, must therefore be stopped according to the perverted logic the regime uses to deepen its reign of terror. The unjust and yet unexplained imprisonment of Dr. Fitsum has thus denied the country the services of its only psychiatrist. Given the wanton destruction of Eritrea's social fabric unleashed by this regime, the services of Dr. Fitsum and his profession is actually something the nation, and particularly the ruling elite, could have benefited from.
The disappearance of Dr. Fitsum and the thousands more like him is not just criminal. It is insane as well. But the lunacy extends well beyond the confines of the ruling elite. People who should know better nonchalantly shrug off these massive disappearances. "gele reKiblom kKewn alowo (he must have found something on them)", many say, with disturbing approval of acts of terror that a sane mind and a humane heart would never tolerate.
It appears Eritrea, as a nation, has gone mad. Nothing seems to outrage Eritreans anymore. As one of the poorest countries on the planet, precious resources are squandered to build prisons to lock up innocent and highly productive people. Assuming 5000 prisoners have been locked up for 5 years, Eritrea has been robbed of 25,000 man-years of productivity so far. Include the estimated 10,000 former recruits who fled to Ethiopia and other parts of the world into account and the loss is 10,000 man-years of productivity every year. As big and damaging these numbers are for this small nation, they are perceived to be on the low side.
The loss is exacerbated even more when the remaining productive labor and other resources are diverted to support and finance armed groups of neighboring countries while Eritrea spirals down into the abyss of material, mental and spiritual poverty. What is it going to take for Eritreans to be outraged enough to say NO MORE!? For positive and peaceful change to take place, the the insanity of "gele reKiblom kKewn alowo" has to stop.
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
Awash wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 19:40https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/a ... AXC8UecIY0From school to the grave, military service tears families apart in Eritrea
Indefinite national service is causing heartache and fuelling migration to Europe
Sally Hayden in Kampala. about 11 hours ago
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
Awash wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 21:43In case you are not knowledgable about Writ of Habeas Corpus:Here is a good source:Habeas corpus is a recourse in law through which a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment to a court and request that the court order the custodian of the person, usually a prison official, to bring the prisoner to court, to determine whether the detention is lawful.
https://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-p ... orpus.html
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please. እምቢ ናብ ሳውዋ ኣይንወርድን ምብሃል ትምኒትካ ወይ ድሌትካ ምግላጽ እዩ። ኣነ ዝጸልእ፡ ሓቂ ከይሓዝካ ሓቂ ከምዘሎካ ጌርካ ምዝራብ እዩ።
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please. እምቢ ናብ ሳውዋ ኣይንወርድን ምብሃል ትምኒትካ ወይ ድሌትካ ምግላጽ እዩ። ኣነ ዝጸልእ፡ ሓቂ ከይሓዝካ ሓቂ ከምዘሎካ ጌርካ ምዝራብ እዩ።
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
If a man disappeares and is languishing in your gulag for 15 years, you have an obligation to produce the body.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
If a man disappeares and is languishing in your gulag for 15 years, you have an obligation to produce the body.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
YAY wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 22:43Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
Awash wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 21:43In case you are not knowledgable about Writ of Habeas Corpus:Here is a good source:Habeas corpus is a recourse in law through which a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment to a court and request that the court order the custodian of the person, usually a prison official, to bring the prisoner to court, to determine whether the detention is lawful.
https://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-p ... orpus.html
https://eritreanprisoners.blogspot.com/ ... Kx9l6ZUYpMFree Eritrean Prisoners
Unfiltered Notes: The Insanity Of Jailing The Only Psychiatrist In The Country
By T Stephanos, September 22, 2007
Dr. Fitsum Ghebrenegus was the only psychiatrist in Eritrea until his disappearance in November, 2004. I don't believe the country had one since either. The regime, of course, does not burden itself with legal matters and never bothers to justify any of its actions through a court of law. Since it routinely victimizes all segments of Eritrean society without cause, the best guess is that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his positive engagement with the youth through his church. The destructive jealousy and violent reaction of the ruling elite to anything it perceives as competition for people's mind share - and that of the youth in particular - is causing irreparable damage to the nation. Its culture of militarism heavily depends on the continued enslavement of youth trapped into forced military service that has no limits.
Dr. Fitsum's efforts and many like his, no matter how noble and how beneficial to the long term health of the nation, must therefore be stopped according to the perverted logic the regime uses to deepen its reign of terror. The unjust and yet unexplained imprisonment of Dr. Fitsum has thus denied the country the services of its only psychiatrist. Given the wanton destruction of Eritrea's social fabric unleashed by this regime, the services of Dr. Fitsum and his profession is actually something the nation, and particularly the ruling elite, could have benefited from.
The disappearance of Dr. Fitsum and the thousands more like him is not just criminal. It is insane as well. But the lunacy extends well beyond the confines of the ruling elite. People who should know better nonchalantly shrug off these massive disappearances. "gele reKiblom kKewn alowo (he must have found something on them)", many say, with disturbing approval of acts of terror that a sane mind and a humane heart would never tolerate.
It appears Eritrea, as a nation, has gone mad. Nothing seems to outrage Eritreans anymore. As one of the poorest countries on the planet, precious resources are squandered to build prisons to lock up innocent and highly productive people. Assuming 5000 prisoners have been locked up for 5 years, Eritrea has been robbed of 25,000 man-years of productivity so far. Include the estimated 10,000 former recruits who fled to Ethiopia and other parts of the world into account and the loss is 10,000 man-years of productivity every year. As big and damaging these numbers are for this small nation, they are perceived to be on the low side.
The loss is exacerbated even more when the remaining productive labor and other resources are diverted to support and finance armed groups of neighboring countries while Eritrea spirals down into the abyss of material, mental and spiritual poverty. What is it going to take for Eritreans to be outraged enough to say NO MORE!? For positive and peaceful change to take place, the the insanity of "gele reKiblom kKewn alowo" has to stop.
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonius(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please. I didn't make Dr. Fitsum or anyone else disappear. Go ask those took him. What I am asking you is to show your evidence that he was arrested for his faith. Produce that evidence, Awash.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonius(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please. I didn't make Dr. Fitsum or anyone else disappear. Go ask those took him. What I am asking you is to show your evidence that he was arrested for his faith. Produce that evidence, Awash.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
Awash wrote: ↑14 Aug 2019, 02:24Mush mush,
If a man disappeares and is languishing in your gulag for 15 years, you have an obligation to produce the body.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።YAY wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 22:43Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
Awash wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 21:43In case you are not knowledgable about Writ of Habeas Corpus:Here is a good source:Habeas corpus is a recourse in law through which a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment to a court and request that the court order the custodian of the person, usually a prison official, to bring the prisoner to court, to determine whether the detention is lawful.
https://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-p ... orpus.htmlhttps://eritreanprisoners.blogspot.com/ ... Kx9l6ZUYpMFree Eritrean Prisoners
Unfiltered Notes: The Insanity Of Jailing The Only Psychiatrist In The Country
By T Stephanos, September 22, 2007
Dr. Fitsum Ghebrenegus was the only psychiatrist in Eritrea until his disappearance in November, 2004. I don't believe the country had one since either. The regime, of course, does not burden itself with legal matters and never bothers to justify any of its actions through a court of law. Since it routinely victimizes all segments of Eritrean society without cause, the best guess is that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his positive engagement with the youth through his church. The destructive jealousy and violent reaction of the ruling elite to anything it perceives as competition for people's mind share - and that of the youth in particular - is causing irreparable damage to the nation. Its culture of militarism heavily depends on the continued enslavement of youth trapped into forced military service that has no limits.
Dr. Fitsum's efforts and many like his, no matter how noble and how beneficial to the long term health of the nation, must therefore be stopped according to the perverted logic the regime uses to deepen its reign of terror. The unjust and yet unexplained imprisonment of Dr. Fitsum has thus denied the country the services of its only psychiatrist. Given the wanton destruction of Eritrea's social fabric unleashed by this regime, the services of Dr. Fitsum and his profession is actually something the nation, and particularly the ruling elite, could have benefited from.
The disappearance of Dr. Fitsum and the thousands more like him is not just criminal. It is insane as well. But the lunacy extends well beyond the confines of the ruling elite. People who should know better nonchalantly shrug off these massive disappearances. "gele reKiblom kKewn alowo (he must have found something on them)", many say, with disturbing approval of acts of terror that a sane mind and a humane heart would never tolerate.
It appears Eritrea, as a nation, has gone mad. Nothing seems to outrage Eritreans anymore. As one of the poorest countries on the planet, precious resources are squandered to build prisons to lock up innocent and highly productive people. Assuming 5000 prisoners have been locked up for 5 years, Eritrea has been robbed of 25,000 man-years of productivity so far. Include the estimated 10,000 former recruits who fled to Ethiopia and other parts of the world into account and the loss is 10,000 man-years of productivity every year. As big and damaging these numbers are for this small nation, they are perceived to be on the low side.
The loss is exacerbated even more when the remaining productive labor and other resources are diverted to support and finance armed groups of neighboring countries while Eritrea spirals down into the abyss of material, mental and spiritual poverty. What is it going to take for Eritreans to be outraged enough to say NO MORE!? For positive and peaceful change to take place, the the insanity of "gele reKiblom kKewn alowo" has to stop.
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
Writ of habeas corpus. Produce the body of your victims in your gulags, mushmush higdef mendef.

YAY wrote: ↑14 Aug 2019, 04:04Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonius(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please. I didn't make Dr. Fitsum or anyone else disappear. Go ask those took him. What I am asking you is to show your evidence that he was arrested for his faith. Produce that evidence, Awash.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
Awash wrote: ↑14 Aug 2019, 02:24Mush mush,
If a man disappeares and is languishing in your gulag for 15 years, you have an obligation to produce the body.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።YAY wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 22:43Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
Awash wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 21:43In case you are not knowledgable about Writ of Habeas Corpus:Here is a good source:Habeas corpus is a recourse in law through which a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment to a court and request that the court order the custodian of the person, usually a prison official, to bring the prisoner to court, to determine whether the detention is lawful.
https://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-p ... orpus.htmlhttps://eritreanprisoners.blogspot.com/ ... Kx9l6ZUYpMFree Eritrean Prisoners
Unfiltered Notes: The Insanity Of Jailing The Only Psychiatrist In The Country
By T Stephanos, September 22, 2007
Dr. Fitsum Ghebrenegus was the only psychiatrist in Eritrea until his disappearance in November, 2004. I don't believe the country had one since either. The regime, of course, does not burden itself with legal matters and never bothers to justify any of its actions through a court of law. Since it routinely victimizes all segments of Eritrean society without cause, the best guess is that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his positive engagement with the youth through his church. The destructive jealousy and violent reaction of the ruling elite to anything it perceives as competition for people's mind share - and that of the youth in particular - is causing irreparable damage to the nation. Its culture of militarism heavily depends on the continued enslavement of youth trapped into forced military service that has no limits.
Dr. Fitsum's efforts and many like his, no matter how noble and how beneficial to the long term health of the nation, must therefore be stopped according to the perverted logic the regime uses to deepen its reign of terror. The unjust and yet unexplained imprisonment of Dr. Fitsum has thus denied the country the services of its only psychiatrist. Given the wanton destruction of Eritrea's social fabric unleashed by this regime, the services of Dr. Fitsum and his profession is actually something the nation, and particularly the ruling elite, could have benefited from.
The disappearance of Dr. Fitsum and the thousands more like him is not just criminal. It is insane as well. But the lunacy extends well beyond the confines of the ruling elite. People who should know better nonchalantly shrug off these massive disappearances. "gele reKiblom kKewn alowo (he must have found something on them)", many say, with disturbing approval of acts of terror that a sane mind and a humane heart would never tolerate.
It appears Eritrea, as a nation, has gone mad. Nothing seems to outrage Eritreans anymore. As one of the poorest countries on the planet, precious resources are squandered to build prisons to lock up innocent and highly productive people. Assuming 5000 prisoners have been locked up for 5 years, Eritrea has been robbed of 25,000 man-years of productivity so far. Include the estimated 10,000 former recruits who fled to Ethiopia and other parts of the world into account and the loss is 10,000 man-years of productivity every year. As big and damaging these numbers are for this small nation, they are perceived to be on the low side.
The loss is exacerbated even more when the remaining productive labor and other resources are diverted to support and finance armed groups of neighboring countries while Eritrea spirals down into the abyss of material, mental and spiritual poverty. What is it going to take for Eritreans to be outraged enough to say NO MORE!? For positive and peaceful change to take place, the the insanity of "gele reKiblom kKewn alowo" has to stop.
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
Dear Awash: The AP news item you posted was based on HRW's report; and here is my opinion on it
Eritrea(ns) appreciate the views and opinions of others on how to handle Eritrean problems. Ultimately, however, it is up to Eritrea(ns) to choose what opinions to consider or reject. The Government of Eritrea acknowledges that a lot of things, including human and political rights, need improvement in Eritrea. With regard to human rights, the Government has chosen the U.N. Human Rights Council's Periodic Review Program based on dialogue with partners.
Traditionally, HRW's method of dealing with Eritrea is based on only putting pressure on Eritrean Government, and not helping or working with Eritrea as a partner, as the UN Declaration on Human Rights recommends. The Government of Eritrea has so far shunned HRW until it changes its approach of focusing on human rights as a political instrument. HRW asks donors and partners to financially assist Eritrea implement programs, but tells them that they "should not contribute" to activities outside of its recommendations. HRW needs to come down to ground level from acting like a know-it-all medical doctor prescribing medication to a patient, Eritrea.
As usual, the recent HRW Study on Eritrea is defective in methodology. HRW did not conduct the research in Eritrea. Instead they interviewed 73 Eritreans+18 "Eritrean academics, activists, and experts"= 91 persons (including 4 females) in Sudan, Ethiopia, Italy, and Switzerland. HRW met the interviewees with the help of "community interlocutors".
Human Rights Watch... reimbursed the costs of transportation... and also provided modest meal stipends.... "This report is not intended to be a comprehensive assessment of education in Eritrea.... Also, the report focuses on abuses in secondary schools only...." HRW does not think of praises or complements.
HRW has failed to gather the views of those who see something positive in National Service, which makes this Study one-sided and not a proper diagnosis of human rights related to the National Service, secondary schools, and education/teachers in Eritrea. One wonders if HRW really thinks that if Eritrea signed peace with Etiyopiya, then, everything has to be changed immediately like flipping a light switch? On the grand scale of things, the indefinite National Service must end, but does HRW think that that could be done without a smooth transition from war-footing to peaceful living? Incredibly simplistic!
https://www.hrw.org/report/2019/08/08/t ... -restricts
Eritrea(ns) appreciate the views and opinions of others on how to handle Eritrean problems. Ultimately, however, it is up to Eritrea(ns) to choose what opinions to consider or reject. The Government of Eritrea acknowledges that a lot of things, including human and political rights, need improvement in Eritrea. With regard to human rights, the Government has chosen the U.N. Human Rights Council's Periodic Review Program based on dialogue with partners.
Traditionally, HRW's method of dealing with Eritrea is based on only putting pressure on Eritrean Government, and not helping or working with Eritrea as a partner, as the UN Declaration on Human Rights recommends. The Government of Eritrea has so far shunned HRW until it changes its approach of focusing on human rights as a political instrument. HRW asks donors and partners to financially assist Eritrea implement programs, but tells them that they "should not contribute" to activities outside of its recommendations. HRW needs to come down to ground level from acting like a know-it-all medical doctor prescribing medication to a patient, Eritrea.
As usual, the recent HRW Study on Eritrea is defective in methodology. HRW did not conduct the research in Eritrea. Instead they interviewed 73 Eritreans+18 "Eritrean academics, activists, and experts"= 91 persons (including 4 females) in Sudan, Ethiopia, Italy, and Switzerland. HRW met the interviewees with the help of "community interlocutors".
Human Rights Watch... reimbursed the costs of transportation... and also provided modest meal stipends.... "This report is not intended to be a comprehensive assessment of education in Eritrea.... Also, the report focuses on abuses in secondary schools only...." HRW does not think of praises or complements.
HRW has failed to gather the views of those who see something positive in National Service, which makes this Study one-sided and not a proper diagnosis of human rights related to the National Service, secondary schools, and education/teachers in Eritrea. One wonders if HRW really thinks that if Eritrea signed peace with Etiyopiya, then, everything has to be changed immediately like flipping a light switch? On the grand scale of things, the indefinite National Service must end, but does HRW think that that could be done without a smooth transition from war-footing to peaceful living? Incredibly simplistic!
https://www.hrw.org/report/2019/08/08/t ... -restricts
Last edited by YAY on 14 Aug 2019, 04:44, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Eritrea high schools are repressed
Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonius(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please. I didn't make Dr. Fitsum or anyone else disappear. Go ask those who took him. What I am asking you is to show your evidence that he was arrested for his faith. Produce that evidence, Awash. I am not HGDEF. Go ask your bodies or Writ of habeas corpus to those who took them.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonius(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please. I didn't make Dr. Fitsum or anyone else disappear. Go ask those who took him. What I am asking you is to show your evidence that he was arrested for his faith. Produce that evidence, Awash. I am not HGDEF. Go ask your bodies or Writ of habeas corpus to those who took them.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
Awash wrote: ↑14 Aug 2019, 04:19Writ of habeas corpus. Produce the body of your victims in your gulags, mushmush higdef mendef.
YAY wrote: ↑14 Aug 2019, 04:04Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonius(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please. I didn't make Dr. Fitsum or anyone else disappear. Go ask those took him. What I am asking you is to show your evidence that he was arrested for his faith. Produce that evidence, Awash.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
Awash wrote: ↑14 Aug 2019, 02:24Mush mush,
If a man disappeares and is languishing in your gulag for 15 years, you have an obligation to produce the body.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።YAY wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 22:43Dear Awash: Whoever claims something is true, (s)he has the burden to prove that it is true
If the Government claims Dr. Fitsum is guilty of a crime, it has the burden of proof for its claims. Ask the Government for information, if you want. On the other hand, if Awash claims that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his activities in the "TeHadisso" or renewal within the Eritrean Orthodox Christian Church under Abune Antonios(?), which you did, then, the burden of proof lies on nobody else but Awash. Constitution or no constitution, show your proof please.
ምዕጥዕጥ፡ ፍሕትሕት፡ ጥውይውይ የልቦን።
Awash wrote: ↑13 Aug 2019, 21:43In case you are not knowledgable about Writ of Habeas Corpus:Here is a good source:Habeas corpus is a recourse in law through which a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment to a court and request that the court order the custodian of the person, usually a prison official, to bring the prisoner to court, to determine whether the detention is lawful.
https://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-p ... orpus.htmlhttps://eritreanprisoners.blogspot.com/ ... Kx9l6ZUYpMFree Eritrean Prisoners
Unfiltered Notes: The Insanity Of Jailing The Only Psychiatrist In The Country
By T Stephanos, September 22, 2007
Dr. Fitsum Ghebrenegus was the only psychiatrist in Eritrea until his disappearance in November, 2004. I don't believe the country had one since either. The regime, of course, does not burden itself with legal matters and never bothers to justify any of its actions through a court of law. Since it routinely victimizes all segments of Eritrean society without cause, the best guess is that Dr. Fitsum was jailed for his positive engagement with the youth through his church. The destructive jealousy and violent reaction of the ruling elite to anything it perceives as competition for people's mind share - and that of the youth in particular - is causing irreparable damage to the nation. Its culture of militarism heavily depends on the continued enslavement of youth trapped into forced military service that has no limits.
Dr. Fitsum's efforts and many like his, no matter how noble and how beneficial to the long term health of the nation, must therefore be stopped according to the perverted logic the regime uses to deepen its reign of terror. The unjust and yet unexplained imprisonment of Dr. Fitsum has thus denied the country the services of its only psychiatrist. Given the wanton destruction of Eritrea's social fabric unleashed by this regime, the services of Dr. Fitsum and his profession is actually something the nation, and particularly the ruling elite, could have benefited from.
The disappearance of Dr. Fitsum and the thousands more like him is not just criminal. It is insane as well. But the lunacy extends well beyond the confines of the ruling elite. People who should know better nonchalantly shrug off these massive disappearances. "gele reKiblom kKewn alowo (he must have found something on them)", many say, with disturbing approval of acts of terror that a sane mind and a humane heart would never tolerate.
It appears Eritrea, as a nation, has gone mad. Nothing seems to outrage Eritreans anymore. As one of the poorest countries on the planet, precious resources are squandered to build prisons to lock up innocent and highly productive people. Assuming 5000 prisoners have been locked up for 5 years, Eritrea has been robbed of 25,000 man-years of productivity so far. Include the estimated 10,000 former recruits who fled to Ethiopia and other parts of the world into account and the loss is 10,000 man-years of productivity every year. As big and damaging these numbers are for this small nation, they are perceived to be on the low side.
The loss is exacerbated even more when the remaining productive labor and other resources are diverted to support and finance armed groups of neighboring countries while Eritrea spirals down into the abyss of material, mental and spiritual poverty. What is it going to take for Eritreans to be outraged enough to say NO MORE!? For positive and peaceful change to take place, the the insanity of "gele reKiblom kKewn alowo" has to stop.
Last edited by YAY on 14 Aug 2019, 04:46, edited 1 time in total.