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Sadacha Macca
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Re: What happened when haile selassie the coward made peace with waqo gutu the oromo lion?! in 1970

Post by Sadacha Macca » 02 Jan 2020, 17:23

TGAA wrote:
02 Jan 2020, 16:03
Facts please facts: Oromos were never educated than any group maybe more educated because of Missionary school.yes Oromo did not have their own writing alphabet so the learned Amharic just like any worst things happened in the countries that have practice democracy for a long time.Ethiopia didn't have a short cut to jump from feudalism to democracy is natural to through that. We don't have to find a scapegoat for our backwardness . Admit the past failures and move on.

You are speaking emotionally, and ranting, due to your internalized biases; you are not referencing any facts or sources. Read below:

''The general was very active in the National Literacy Campaign, which was conducted entirely in the Amharic language. The goal of the campaign was to spread literacy among Amharic speakers as well as literacy and Amharic language among non Amharic speakers. General Taddesse, who believed in the double mission of the literacy campaign, enthusiastically supported the Macha Tulama Association's Literacy program. This alarmed Prime Minister Akelilu Habte Wolde, who assumed General Taddesse to be an Amhara and therefore confided in him the educational policy of the Ethiopian government in these terms:

''It is good to say learn. However you must know who to teach. In terms of education, we have left behind the Oromo at least a century! If you think in terms of teaching the Oromos, remember they are vast [an ocean whose wave could flood us].

In other words, the prime minister told general taddesse biru to curtail the literacy campaign among the Oromos.''

State Building and Democratization in Africa: Faith, Hope, and Realities
edited by Kidane Mengisteab, Cyril Daddieh, Cyril K. Daddieh
Page 240

[this is also proven by the fact that, this shocking incident made taddesse birru join the macha tulama association, when he initially declined to join due to seeing it as a so called tribal movement!]

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Re: What happened when haile selassie the coward made peace with waqo gutu the oromo lion?! in 1970

Post by DefendTheTruth » 02 Jan 2020, 17:27

Sadacha Macca wrote:
02 Jan 2020, 15:41
DefendTheTruth wrote:
02 Jan 2020, 14:05
Sadacha Macca wrote:
01 Jan 2020, 17:47
TGAA wrote:
31 Dec 2019, 23:17
Your hero doesn't have time to be one he was Capuleting like a rabbit every three months . He had 17 girs and 20 boys... Do you think he got time to be a hero? I know you are is search of one,but your so called hero was Siadbares shoes shiner.. to compare a ragtag Somali's massager boy with Hailselasse shows your unevolved understanding of history.
is that why the coward haile selassie had to beg the white men for help to fight the oromos who only got old rifles and training/medical aid from somalia?
he had time to obviously led a rebellion that had 95 percent or more, of bale, in his armies hands.
siad barre gave him some old rifles, military training, and medical aid; that's literally all he got.
meanwhile haile selassie the midget begged the white man for advanced arms, training, and more, just to fight the oromos and somalis there.
everyone knows haile selassie was the white man's puppet in the region.
that's why no one cared when mengistu killed haile selassie and put his remains under a toilet.
I thought that you were claiming about having started to learn something to make sense out of your delusioned life. But seems now that you are someone who can't learn something.

Didn't you still listen to the advice of a wise man to your kinds:" "Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones"? You could have praised General Waqo Gutu, assuming you have got sufficient evidence to substantiate your claims, without reverting to badmouth HIM Hailesellassie, an internationally acllaimed statesman (he was once TIME-Magazine's Person of The Year). But you suffer from knowledge Deficiency Syndrome (KDS) and still not ready to infrom yourself.

"ለመሆኑ በትክክል የአጋሰስ ሥራ ሲሰሩ የኖሩ እነማን ናቸው? የጎበናን ወደ አካባቢያቸው ወደ ወለጋ መሄድ በስም ብቻ ሰምተው እንደ አጋሰስ ወርቅ ሲሸከሙ የነበሩት የእነዚህ ሰዎች አባቶች አልነበሩምን? የእነሱ ጉድ ሲሆን እንዲነገርም እንዲነሳም አይፈልጉም እንጂ የአፍሪካ የነጻነት ትግል በተጀመረበት ታሪካዊ ወቅት መጀመሪያ እንግሊዝን «ነይና ግዥን» ብለው ማመልከቻ የጻፉ፣ እንግሊዝ እምቢ ስትል ለኢጣሊያን ፋሽስት አጋሰስ ሆነው እንቁላል ሲሸከሙ የነበሩ የእነሱ አባቶች የወለጋ ገዢዎች አልነበሩም? በጥቁር አንበሳ ሥር ተሰብስበው የነበሩትን የኢትዮጵያ አርበኞች ያስፈጀስ ማነው? የኦነጋውያን አባቶች የወለጋ ገዢዎች አልነበሩምን?

Haile selassie was an epic failure. He tried to forcefully amhara-ize everyone, and ended up creating more resentment and more rebellions.
His government DELIBERATELY made sure oromos remained poor and under-educated, just because they feared the larger numbers of the oromos, and had they received a modern education, they would have easily became the governmental power?
Do you want me to post the awakening moment of taddesse biru when he was told by the minister of haile selassie, ''it's good to say learn, but the oromos are AN OCEAN, WHO CAN FLOOD US.''
basically saying: keep them illiterate, poor and under-educated, so that they do not pose a threat to our grip on power.
His dogs ate better meals than millions of ethiopians, and they ate the best food while tens of thousands, if not more, starved to DEATH in wollo and elsewhere.
Who cares if he got so called time's man of the year? Does that feed an ethiopian, does that provide a job for an ethiopian, does that provide clean running water to an ethiopian, the list goes on?
do you think the white man [their elites, rather] would be objective and criticize one of their loyal puppets who served them very well/their geo-political interests?
Someone might have said ''it's good to say learn, but the oromos are AN OCEAN, WHO CAN FLOOD US.'' and as such it remains an individual opinion of those who were part of the government or even not associated with the government.

I have read this (similar) claim in a book written by an Oromo scholar. If you want to make yourself a credible intellectual and raise an intellectually founded proposition then there are few things that you should ask yourself:

who wrote it? Who interpreted it? Who told it? In which context was it all done?

These are few of the critical situational (circumstantial) issues that need to be clarified and corroborated.

After such things are clarified then still you need to asnwer one critical question, like I said before. Was it an isolated and individual view or an institutionalised and policy based imposition by the state?

Just simply because someone said somewhere something (advocating or condemning/denouncing) can't be taken as a sufficient proof to base a valid and universally acceptable opinion agains or for something. This is an objectivity (validity) issue to be answered.

Oromos could have been disadvantaged, relatively speaking, but to claim that they were totally discriminated against in the country doesn't bear a hot water, simply because there were many Oromos who were also part and parcel of the Ethiopian government since it was created in its today's shape.

You can use such claims to mobilize the youth who don't ask any much critical questions of what they hear, but it will not lead you to win an argument on the independent and wider public. And always think about these issues before you come to a public forum and make some claims, for the sake of your own credibility.

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Re: What happened when haile selassie the coward made peace with waqo gutu the oromo lion?! in 1970

Post by TGAA » 02 Jan 2020, 18:33

As they say "pot calling the kettle black" Look at this sentence
"who assumed General Taddesse to be an Amhara and therefore "confided "in him the educational policy of the Ethiopian government in these terms" any historian can use this as a prime source to indicate as the Haile Selasse had a policy particularly to disadvantage Oromos.were there directives from from the Ministry of Education that was particularly geared to disadvantage Oromos ? There were none. Ethiopia being one of more than one hundred and fifty countries such as USA that followed "E pluribus Unum" out of many one" it has pursued a policy of to Make Amharic as a national language, there is nothing unique abut that as long as it applies to all. That was the case in Ethiopia under Hileslasse . you are making an argument there was a policy designed against Oromo Ethiopians , there was none and you don't have any evidence to support that .

Sadacha Macca
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Re: What happened when haile selassie the coward made peace with waqo gutu the oromo lion?! in 1970

Post by Sadacha Macca » 03 Jan 2020, 13:14

DefendTheTruth wrote:
02 Jan 2020, 17:27
Sadacha Macca wrote:
02 Jan 2020, 15:41
DefendTheTruth wrote:
02 Jan 2020, 14:05
Sadacha Macca wrote:
01 Jan 2020, 17:47
TGAA wrote:
31 Dec 2019, 23:17
Your hero doesn't have time to be one he was Capuleting like a rabbit every three months . He had 17 girs and 20 boys... Do you think he got time to be a hero? I know you are is search of one,but your so called hero was Siadbares shoes shiner.. to compare a ragtag Somali's massager boy with Hailselasse shows your unevolved understanding of history.
is that why the coward haile selassie had to beg the white men for help to fight the oromos who only got old rifles and training/medical aid from somalia?
he had time to obviously led a rebellion that had 95 percent or more, of bale, in his armies hands.
siad barre gave him some old rifles, military training, and medical aid; that's literally all he got.
meanwhile haile selassie the midget begged the white man for advanced arms, training, and more, just to fight the oromos and somalis there.
everyone knows haile selassie was the white man's puppet in the region.
that's why no one cared when mengistu killed haile selassie and put his remains under a toilet.
I thought that you were claiming about having started to learn something to make sense out of your delusioned life. But seems now that you are someone who can't learn something.

Didn't you still listen to the advice of a wise man to your kinds:" "Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones"? You could have praised General Waqo Gutu, assuming you have got sufficient evidence to substantiate your claims, without reverting to badmouth HIM Hailesellassie, an internationally acllaimed statesman (he was once TIME-Magazine's Person of The Year). But you suffer from knowledge Deficiency Syndrome (KDS) and still not ready to infrom yourself.

"ለመሆኑ በትክክል የአጋሰስ ሥራ ሲሰሩ የኖሩ እነማን ናቸው? የጎበናን ወደ አካባቢያቸው ወደ ወለጋ መሄድ በስም ብቻ ሰምተው እንደ አጋሰስ ወርቅ ሲሸከሙ የነበሩት የእነዚህ ሰዎች አባቶች አልነበሩምን? የእነሱ ጉድ ሲሆን እንዲነገርም እንዲነሳም አይፈልጉም እንጂ የአፍሪካ የነጻነት ትግል በተጀመረበት ታሪካዊ ወቅት መጀመሪያ እንግሊዝን «ነይና ግዥን» ብለው ማመልከቻ የጻፉ፣ እንግሊዝ እምቢ ስትል ለኢጣሊያን ፋሽስት አጋሰስ ሆነው እንቁላል ሲሸከሙ የነበሩ የእነሱ አባቶች የወለጋ ገዢዎች አልነበሩም? በጥቁር አንበሳ ሥር ተሰብስበው የነበሩትን የኢትዮጵያ አርበኞች ያስፈጀስ ማነው? የኦነጋውያን አባቶች የወለጋ ገዢዎች አልነበሩምን?

Haile selassie was an epic failure. He tried to forcefully amhara-ize everyone, and ended up creating more resentment and more rebellions.
His government DELIBERATELY made sure oromos remained poor and under-educated, just because they feared the larger numbers of the oromos, and had they received a modern education, they would have easily became the governmental power?
Do you want me to post the awakening moment of taddesse biru when he was told by the minister of haile selassie, ''it's good to say learn, but the oromos are AN OCEAN, WHO CAN FLOOD US.''
basically saying: keep them illiterate, poor and under-educated, so that they do not pose a threat to our grip on power.
His dogs ate better meals than millions of ethiopians, and they ate the best food while tens of thousands, if not more, starved to DEATH in wollo and elsewhere.
Who cares if he got so called time's man of the year? Does that feed an ethiopian, does that provide a job for an ethiopian, does that provide clean running water to an ethiopian, the list goes on?
do you think the white man [their elites, rather] would be objective and criticize one of their loyal puppets who served them very well/their geo-political interests?
Someone might have said ''it's good to say learn, but the oromos are AN OCEAN, WHO CAN FLOOD US.'' and as such it remains an individual opinion of those who were part of the government or even not associated with the government.

I have read this (similar) claim in a book written by an Oromo scholar. If you want to make yourself a credible intellectual and raise an intellectually founded proposition then there are few things that you should ask yourself:

who wrote it? Who interpreted it? Who told it? In which context was it all done?

These are few of the critical situational (circumstantial) issues that need to be clarified and corroborated.

After such things are clarified then still you need to asnwer one critical question, like I said before. Was it an isolated and individual view or an institutionalised and policy based imposition by the state?

Just simply because someone said somewhere something (advocating or condemning/denouncing) can't be taken as a sufficient proof to base a valid and universally acceptable opinion agains or for something. This is an objectivity (validity) issue to be answered.

Oromos could have been disadvantaged, relatively speaking, but to claim that they were totally discriminated against in the country doesn't bear a hot water, simply because there were many Oromos who were also part and parcel of the Ethiopian government since it was created in its today's shape.

You can use such claims to mobilize the youth who don't ask any much critical questions of what they hear, but it will not lead you to win an argument on the independent and wider public. And always think about these issues before you come to a public forum and make some claims, for the sake of your own credibility.

One would have to be in denial, or engaged in self deception, to assume that this belief of the minister was his alone.
Had haile selassie not also been of that belief, logic says, he would not have opposed so vehemently, the formation of the macha tulama self help association whose goals were developing oromo lands, building schools, roads, hospitals, clinics, spreading literacy, minamen, etc.
he would not have ordered haile mariam gamada, an intellectual and not a rebel or ''shifta,'' to be tortured to death for writing on oromo history and their struggle, same thing he did to frame mamo mazemir, the list goes on.
i think your internal bias and love for haile selassie the coward, makes you incapable of being impartial.

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Re: What happened when haile selassie the coward made peace with waqo gutu the oromo lion?! in 1970

Post by DefendTheTruth » 03 Jan 2020, 15:11

Sadacha Macca wrote:
03 Jan 2020, 13:14

One would have to be in denial, or engaged in self deception, to assume that this belief of the minister was his alone.
Had haile selassie not also been of that belief, logic says, he would not have opposed so vehemently, the formation of the macha tulama self help association whose goals were developing oromo lands, building schools, roads, hospitals, clinics, spreading literacy, minamen, etc.
he would not have ordered haile mariam gamada, an intellectual and not a rebel or ''shifta,'' to be tortured to death for writing on oromo history and their struggle, same thing he did to frame mamo mazemir, the list goes on.
i think your internal bias and love for haile selassie the coward, makes you incapable of being impartial.
Self deception is when you had something that could nearly shows what you claim is official. When you don't have that sort of evidence it remains your wild assumption. The minister could have well entertained that sort of view, but to extrapolate that to be a policy issue is pure and wishful propaganda.

The banning of Mecha-Tulema Association could have been percipitated simply out a fear that today's EPP is having: self-assertion and autonomy could be in order, but taking that out of proportion and abuse your right to create a sort of competing entities in the name of authonomy may endanger the well-being of the nation as a whole. In today's Ethiopia our younth can't go out to visit a university in the so called autonomous regions outside of theirs and come back safely, any more. At least no more guaranteed. Some of those who are instigating such havoc have ironically went abroad to gain education in a foreign country without any kind of concern for their safety. After coming back or from the base they built abroad they are making the lives of those young men and women unbearble in their own country. Do you think that behaviour should be encouraged?

I am not condoning the banning itself, but still the banning could have been not only by the hands of those who you are trying to incriminate as a purely external imposition. Oromos were part and parcel of the whole system and the whole time. Do you think the Amharas,as an example, didn't face any injustice the whole time of the existence of the Ethiopian state?

In every democratic system today there is, unfortunately, a form of torture, it suffice to mention Guantanamo detention center, which is mostly reported in the media as a torturing center. Does that mean America is discriminating against a given group of people? Not that I know of.

Sadacha Macca
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Re: What happened when haile selassie the coward made peace with waqo gutu the oromo lion?! in 1970

Post by Sadacha Macca » 05 Jan 2020, 18:29

DefendTheTruth wrote:
03 Jan 2020, 15:11
Sadacha Macca wrote:
03 Jan 2020, 13:14

One would have to be in denial, or engaged in self deception, to assume that this belief of the minister was his alone.
Had haile selassie not also been of that belief, logic says, he would not have opposed so vehemently, the formation of the macha tulama self help association whose goals were developing oromo lands, building schools, roads, hospitals, clinics, spreading literacy, minamen, etc.
he would not have ordered haile mariam gamada, an intellectual and not a rebel or ''shifta,'' to be tortured to death for writing on oromo history and their struggle, same thing he did to frame mamo mazemir, the list goes on.
i think your internal bias and love for haile selassie the coward, makes you incapable of being impartial.
Self deception is when you had something that could nearly shows what you claim is official. When you don't have that sort of evidence it remains your wild assumption. The minister could have well entertained that sort of view, but to extrapolate that to be a policy issue is pure and wishful propaganda.

The banning of Mecha-Tulema Association could have been percipitated simply out a fear that today's EPP is having: self-assertion and autonomy could be in order, but taking that out of proportion and abuse your right to create a sort of competing entities in the name of authonomy may endanger the well-being of the nation as a whole. In today's Ethiopia our younth can't go out to visit a university in the so called autonomous regions outside of theirs and come back safely, any more. At least no more guaranteed. Some of those who are instigating such havoc have ironically went abroad to gain education in a foreign country without any kind of concern for their safety. After coming back or from the base they built abroad they are making the lives of those young men and women unbearble in their own country. Do you think that behaviour should be encouraged?

I am not condoning the banning itself, but still the banning could have been not only by the hands of those who you are trying to incriminate as a purely external imposition. Oromos were part and parcel of the whole system and the whole time. Do you think the Amharas,as an example, didn't face any injustice the whole time of the existence of the Ethiopian state?

In every democratic system today there is, unfortunately, a form of torture, it suffice to mention Guantanamo detention center, which is mostly reported in the media as a torturing center. Does that mean America is discriminating against a given group of people? Not that I know of.
Ha! You think that is his belief only, as if he would have a policy that would somehow, perhaps, contradict or be opposed to that of the hegemonic emperor, haile selassie. As if haile selassie would tolerate that, LOL. It's as if you are insulting the intelligence of us all, while showing your intenral biases that would never allow you to be impartial in this case.

One would be foolish to assume that, the Amhara elites did not see Oromo nationalism/Oromo Nationalists, as a threat to their grip on power.
Actions speak louder than words, as the age old adage goes; so we ignore the words and look at the actions:
1] the targeting of peaceful and civic Oromo organizations.
2] the framing of oromo nationalists for crimes, to ''justify'' killing them, torturing them, and other actions to neutralize them.
3] banning an oromo org. dedicated to educating their people, and uplifting them, and teaching them to be self sufficient; is an act that speaks volumes. It shows that someone powerful then, did not want oromos to do so. It's easier to suppress and subjugate a poor, backwards, and under-educated nation; than it is to oppress and subjugate an educated, conscious, and aware nation- adelem ende?

To even bring up America, in comparison to Ethiopia, is a sick joke my brother. I need not elaborate on that.

I did not blame Amaras in general, at all, I acknowledge they were just as poor as the rest of ethiopia, if not poorer in some cases; but they were not made into landless tenants forced to be extorted for most of their crops produce, as oromos in the south were.
and if we compare the number of oromos who worked from within the oppressive systems of the past, to the ones who suffered as a result of it; it's staggering. So yes, some oromos were ''part and parcel'' of the systems of the past; but the vast majority derived NO benefits from it, kind sir.

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Re: What happened when haile selassie the coward made peace with waqo gutu the oromo lion?! in 1970

Post by Degnet » 05 Jan 2020, 19:24

Sadacha Macca wrote:
02 Jan 2020, 15:49
TGAA wrote:
02 Jan 2020, 12:18
Mr Sadacha, under Haile Selasses regime there were insurrections, of course, in different part of the country. From Tigray , Goggam , Bale etc, but as I said they were insurrections caused by maladministration etc. The insurrection in Goggam led by Belay Zeleke was put down using helicopters, the tigrian insurrection after Hail Selasses return from Europe was put down by British help these are facts that happened – what I resent is when political propaganda is presented as historical facts. As usual some facts that devalue your political agenda is played down as insignificant while you pail on unsubstantiated political propaganda to portray the struggle between the central government and the peripheries in terms of colonial and anti-colonial terms. Your source of reference by itself proves what I have stated so far ( which caters to jawarian anti Ethiopian ideological bent. So yes there were insurrections in Bale and they definitely had a cause to fight for but to portray this movement in colonial and anti colonial terms is foolhardy . If you have facts to support give me a reference which is independent to sink my teeth into .
If there were insurrections all over, it shows how much of a failure his government was.
It's simple: his government was an epic failure. They deliberately marginalized oromos, kept them poor, and under-educated.
When Oromos began to form their own self help associations, to build roads, schools, clinics, minamen, haile selassie feared this and sought a way to frame them for crimes and disband the macha tulama self help assoc. not to mention the torturing and killing of oromo intellectuals, such haile mariam gamada, were done on his orders. Oromos who never waged a violent struggle, but were still targeted.
Thus, making him an enemy of the Oromos. If we were to calculate the damage his regime did to oromos in terms of money, it may very well be in the billions.
Kerekereh hulu ye sewn aemero kemadkem alfo yemiametaw tekem yelem

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Re: What happened when haile selassie the coward made peace with waqo gutu the oromo lion?! in 1970

Post by Rtt » 06 Jan 2020, 15:59

Bete Gojjam wrote:
02 Jan 2020, 12:24
TGAA you are a idiot you cannot spell one of the greatest part of Amhara Gojam :roll:
TGAA wrote:
02 Jan 2020, 12:18
Mr Sadacha, under Haile Selasses regime there were insurrections, of course, in different part of the country. From Tigray , Goggam , Bale etc, but as I said they were insurrections caused by maladministration etc. The insurrection in Goggam led by Belay Zeleke was put down using helicopters, the tigrian insurrection after Hail Selasses return from Europe was put down by British help these are facts that happened – what I resent is when political propaganda is presented as historical facts. As usual some facts that devalue your political agenda is played down as insignificant while you pail on unsubstantiated political propaganda to portray the struggle between the central government and the peripheries in terms of colonial and anti-colonial terms. Your source of reference by itself proves what I have stated so far ( which caters to jawarian anti Ethiopian ideological bent. So yes there were insurrections in Bale and they definitely had a cause to fight for but to portray this movement in colonial and anti colonial terms is foolhardy . If you have facts to support give me a reference which is independent to sink my teeth into .
Out of all the Amahra zones, Gojam is the weakest! You have neither the culture or the history to be proud as the others :lol:

The argoba people, Wag himara Agaws and the Kemise Oromos inside Amahra region are much better than the ethinc Amahra Gojames :mrgreen: the non Amahra groups are better than you in your own region. They both have the History and culture, when combined, are much better than you :lol:

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Joined: 28 Dec 2019, 14:24

Re: What happened when haile selassie the coward made peace with waqo gutu the oromo lion?! in 1970

Post by tlel » 06 Jan 2020, 17:01


don't bother, these like Sadacha Macca, people come with different topic trying to distract you, they don't come up with topic just like that. They are doing what they are told to distract Ethiopian people so that we don't see what is on the ground. Demo he names himself Mecha trying to say Mecha Tulama, he is not, Mecha Tulama today he is being tricked he is going to be destroyed if he doesn't hold hands with their brothers and sisters. mecha is the most beautiful people who have the art of war, sticks, etc. In fact one of my dreams is because the Oromos know how to play with stick, teach Japanes Aikido to Oromos, the most artistic graceful play fight which already Oromos do with their magnificent horses. I think they are nearing danger believing enemies pushing them away from their brothers and sisters Ethiopoians by certain fanatics. That being said, I have finally figured out why certain Ethiopians never come to media teaching forgiveness, advice etc, it is because there might be some organizing group supporte by foreign countries trying to tear the country apart these groups along with tplf/shabia want to form Abyssinia, the same group like Jawar forming Islamic Oromia. Let us make history Ethiopians and identify enemies within you and once again like Minilik/H/selassie save Ethiopia those working against Ethiopia re working with foreigners against you.

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Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: What happened when haile selassie the coward made peace with waqo gutu the oromo lion?! in 1970

Post by TGAA » 06 Jan 2020, 20:07

I am with you buddy --- let us be practical -- let our action speak . one thing is sure whether good or evil only by their action the make their own reality. At this time the evil group is doing everything it can to weaken and destroy Ethiopia. Our focus should be the evil doers as you say weyanes and jewar genocidal army of keeros. So we have to zero in and destroy who are trying to destroy US. we can deal with the nose camp within in due course. one doesn't headbutt with a family member while some one is trying to break in into one's home . First you neutralized the intruder who want to destroy you then you will have a good chat with the family member later on . jawar and weyane are the enemy the rest is easy.

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