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Abe Abraham
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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by Abe Abraham » 11 Dec 2019, 17:10

EthioRedSea wrote:
11 Dec 2019, 15:01
Tigrigna and Amharic are descendants of Geez. The Amhara are one of the semetic people. The Amhara and Tigrayns of Ethiopia are the same people. The Amhara were Geez speakers and speak Geez in the Church. The new comers are Oromo or The Galla.

Tigray and Amhara do not like each other because of one of them always has dominnated Ethiopian politics. There has been power struggle, which sometimes ended in favour of the Amhara and other times in favour of Tigrayans (includes Seraye, Akule Guzay and Hammassen).

Every community who uses Geez or has used Geez is agazian be definition. It is not only TigrayTigrign but also Gondar, Gojam, Wollo, Shewa.
Tigrigna is a language and culture while Tigray is a specific geographic area. Don't mix everything with everything.

Naga Tuma
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Joined: 24 Apr 2007, 00:27

Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by Naga Tuma » 12 Dec 2019, 03:48

Ethoash wrote:
10 Dec 2019, 07:47
አንተ ቱና

በመጀመሪያ ቋንቋ አላወቅም ትርጉም እፈልጋለሁ አልክ ሲነገርህ አቃቂር ታወጣለህ

እንዳንተን አይነቱን የግዜ ሌቦት የሞት ቅጣት ቢፈረድባቸው አግባብ ነው ። የሚሉ ቡዙ ወንድሞቻቸው፤ አባቶቻቸው የሞቱባቸው በኢህፓ ይፋረዱሀል። አሁን እግዛብሔር ያሳያቹሁ ምን ልዩነት አለው አንዱ ወዝ አደር አለ ሌላው ላብ አደር አለ።

የዝንብ ጠንጋራ እኮ እናወቃለን የብሔር ፤ ብሔረተስብ ትርጉሙ ልክ ስላልሆነ የብሔሮች መብት መቅረት አለብት የሚል እስክስታ ዳርዳሩን ነቅተንበታል

እስቲ አንተ ይህንን የአማርኛ ቃል በእንግሊዘኛ ተርጉምልኝ

አየር ወለድ ።።። የአየር ላይ ወልደት ብለህ እንዳታርፈው

airborne pls translate in Amhric ?

ቋንቋ በየግዜው የሚያድግና የሚቀያየር ነው ። ለምሳሌ ሙስና። ለምን ተብሎ ነው ጉቦ ሙስና የተባለበት ጉቦ የሚለው ምን ጎድሎት ነው። ግን ስዓት ማንንም አይጠብቅም ይገስግሳል ቋንቋም እንዲሁ

እኔ ነኝ ጥፋተኛ ከአንተ ጋራ አፍ መካፈቴ ። ሆረርም ነቅቶብህ ጌዜ አታባክን በቃላቶች ጫወታ ብሌ ዝም አለ። እንደኔ ከሆነ ሆረር የግዕዝን ቋንቋ የተማረ ይመስለኛል ግዜውን በቋንቋ ትምህርት አባክኖ አሁን የሚያወቀውን ነገር በነፃ ማካፈል የሚፈልግ አይመስልም እኔ ፪፭ ዓመት የለፋሁበትን ስራ ፈተቼ የተቀመጥኩበትን የማይረባ ድግሬ በቋንቋ የካበትኩበትን በነፃማ አልስጥም ብሌ የእግዥሀብሔርን የትርጉም ሚስጥር ልክ እንደኮካኮላ ቅመም ሚስጥር ይዤ መቃብር እወርዳለሁ የሚል ይመስለኛል።

ውይ ከጉራጌ አልሆንኩ ወይ ከአማራ አልሆንኩኝም ቋንቋ አጥንቼ አሁን እሱና ሌላ አንድ ሁለት ሰዎች ይሆናሉ ግዕዝን የሚችሉት። እኔ ከሆረር ምክሬ ለምን ግዕዝን በእንተርኔት አታስተምርም ይህ ነው ምርጫህ ምን ይታወቃል ለአሜሪካኖችም ካስተማርካቸው ትንሽ ገንዘብ አግኝተህ ታርፍ ይሆናል ። ውይም በአጠቃላይ ትርጉም የለንም እያልን የእንግሊዘኛ ቋንቋ የምንጠቀምውን ቃላት ትርጉም በግዕዝ በመስጠት የእለት ገቢህን አግኝ እንጂ እንደዚህ እወቀት ህ እንደቋሻሻ ውሃ መንገድ ላይ ሲደፋ ማየት አልፍልግም። ለምሳሌ ኮፒተር ለሚለው ትርጉም ፈልግ። ኢንተርኔት ለሚለው ለመሳስሉት ትርጉም ፈልግ።

ያ አጭበርባይ ምስራቅ ። ከየትኛው ኪሲ ግዕዝን እንዳወጣው ገርሞኛል ። እስቲ ልጥበቅ ምናልባት ምስራቅ ምናልባት የራስ መከላከል መልስ ሊስጥ ስለሚችል።
ኣንተ ታጥቦ ጭቃ

የዉሻ ጫወታህን ሂድ እና ከዉሾችህ ጋር ተጫወት። ስታለከልክ እሰማሃለሁ። ክልሎችህን እንደ ፌዴራሎች ሳይሆን እንደ ሃገሮች ስታይ ነዉ ህብረብሄር የምትለዉ። ወይ እንደዛ ታስባለህ ወይ እንደዛ የምያስቡትን ኣልሰማህም።



I remember the old days of "don't listen to your mind, listen to mine."

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by Horus » 12 Dec 2019, 03:54

abe Abraham

what are you trying to communicate? What does Arabic has to do with Geez? What does hameru ha has to do Seb and Sew? You are mixed up ? Do you know what Sa means? Do you know what Ba means? I do. Good day !!!

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Joined: 31 Jan 2019, 15:33

Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by Rtt » 12 Dec 2019, 15:10

EthioRedSea wrote:
11 Dec 2019, 15:01
Tigrigna and Amharic are descendants of Geez. The Amhara are one of the semetic people. The Amhara and Tigrayns of Ethiopia are the same people. The Amhara were Geez speakers and speak Geez in the Church. The new comers are Oromo or The Galla.

Tigray and Amhara do not like each other because of one of them always has dominnated Ethiopian politics. There has been power struggle, which sometimes ended in favour of the Amhara and other times in favour of Tigrayans (includes Seraye, Akule Guzay and Hammassen).

Every community who uses Geez or has used Geez is agazian be definition. It is not only TigrayTigrign but also Gondar, Gojam, Wollo, Shewa.
But Amahric and Tigray languges( or any other languge for that matter) didn't decend from Ge'ez. Your claim is based on an old belive that is, well, old!

Let me make it simple for you, Ge'ez is not the common ancestor for all Ethio semetic languges. It doesn't even have any dialect and most of all, it's dead, together with its original tribe who spoke it. Those original Ge'ez speaking Axumite didn't had any descendent, all of them were either killed or assimilated. So claiming to be because your church kept it from being completely extinct is like me, an Ethiopian black person, claiming to be a direct descendant of the Romans because I joined a Catholic Church or school who uses Latin.

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by NHD » 12 Dec 2019, 17:04

Abe Abraham wrote:
11 Dec 2019, 17:03
ዛሬ " ሒዝብ " ( ኣሕዛብ plural / ሓ= ሃመሩ ሓ ) in modern Arabic means party ( parties). ኣረቦች በቑርኣንም የሚገኝ ቃል ከኛ ስለ ወሰዱት ካንተ የጠቀስከውን ትርጉም የተሳሰረ ነው ።
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
bing! AEGAME :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by EthioRedSea » 12 Dec 2019, 17:38

Are you serious?? Make some reading about semetic languages, you will find out Tigrigna and Amharic are developed from Geez. Geez is pervasive in all semetic langages: arabic, hebrew, armiac. Tigrigna is okder than Amharic as it is similar to Armaic, an old syrian semetic language, with which The Holy Bible was written.

Please read the following to start with:

The Semitic languages, previously also named Syro-Arabian languages, are a branch of the Afroasiatic language family originating in the Middle East that are spoken by more than 330 million people across much of Western Asia, North Africa and the Horn of Africa, as well as in often large immigrant and expatriate communities in North America, Europe and Australasia. The terminology was first used in the 1780s by members of the Göttingen School of History, who derived the name from Shem, one of the three sons of Noah in the Book of Genesis.

The most widely spoken Semitic languages today are (numbers given are for native speakers only) Arabic (300 million), Amharic (22 million), Tigrinya (7 million),Hebrew (~5 million native/L1 speakers),Tigre (~1.05 million), Aramaic (575,000 to 1 million largely Assyrian fluent speakers) and Maltese (483,000 speakers).

Semitic languages occur in written form from a very early historical date, with East Semitic Akkadian and Eblaite texts (written in a script adapted from Sumerian [ deleted ]) appearing from the 30th century BCE and the 25th century BCE in Mesopotamia and the northern Levant respectively. The only earlier attested languages are Sumerian, Elamite (2800 BCE to 550 BCE) (both language isolates), Egyptian and unclassified Lullubi from the 30th century BCE.

Most scripts used to write Semitic languages are abjads – a type of alphabetic script that omits some or all of the vowels, which is feasible for these languages because the consonants in the Semitic languages are the primary carriers of meaning. Among them are the Ugaritic, Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic, and South Arabian alphabets. The Ge'ez script, used for writing the Semitic languages of Ethiopia and Eritrea, is technically an abugida – a modified abjad in which vowels are notated using diacritic marks added to the consonants at all times, in contrast with other Semitic languages which indicate diacritics based on need or for introductory purposes. Maltese is the only Semitic language written in the Latin script and the only Semitic language to be an official language of the European Union.

The Semitic languages are notable for their nonconcatenative morphology. That is, word roots are not themselves syllables or words, but instead are isolated sets of consonants (usually three, making a so-called triliteral root). Words are composed out of roots not so much by adding prefixes or suffixes, but rather by filling in the vowels between the root consonants (although prefixes and suffixes are often added as well). For example, in Arabic, the root meaning "write" has the form k-t-b. From this root, words are formed by filling in the vowels and sometimes adding additional consonants, e.g. كتاب kitāb "book", كتب kutub "books", كاتب kātib "writer", كتّاب kuttāb "writers", كتب kataba "he wrote", يكتب yaktubu "he writes", etc.

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by EthioRedSea » 12 Dec 2019, 17:49

The following map illustrates the spread of semitic languages

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by EthioRedSea » 12 Dec 2019, 18:00

Geez is still used by The Ethiopian Orthodox Church. It is thus not extinct. It might be necessary for Ethiopians to revive Geez by introducing it as an option in high schools. There are undergraduate Geez progemmes at the universitis of Gondar and Mekelle.

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by simbe11 » 12 Dec 2019, 21:40

ሕዝቦች ማለት ነው፥፥
The word "Hzib" itself is plural. How would you make a double plural?
This is just a TPLF made up word with no meaning!!!!

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by Horus » 12 Dec 2019, 23:18

simbe11 wrote:
12 Dec 2019, 21:40
ሕዝቦች ማለት ነው፥፥
The word "Hzib" itself is plural. How would you make a double plural?
This is just a TPLF made up word with no meaning!!!!
ትክክል ነው ። ሰው (ሰብ) ነጠላ አንድ ሰው ማለት ነው። ሰብ" ከሚለው የግዕዝ ነጠላ ስም ሕዝብ ብሎ ያበዛዋል ። ሕዝብ ራሱ ፕሉራል ስም ነው። ሕዝቦች ልክ መጽሃፍቶች እንደ ሚለው ስህተት ነው። መጻህፍት ራሱ ፕሉራል ስም ነው። ለምሳሌ people of the world are, not peoples of the world. We say the American people are, not the American peoples are, so on.

ሕዝቦች የሚለው ቃል በሁለት መንገድ የተሳሳተ ነው፤ ከእስታሊን እስከ ዋለልኝ እስከ ዎያኔ ማለት ነው። ሕዝቦች ከብሄር ያነሰ መብት እንዴ ሊኖራቸው ይችላል? ብሎም ትርጉም የለሽ ሕዝብ የሚላቸው ካታጎሪ ነው ።

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by simbe11 » 13 Dec 2019, 10:35

Horus wrote:
12 Dec 2019, 23:18
simbe11 wrote:
12 Dec 2019, 21:40
ሕዝቦች ማለት ነው፥፥
The word "Hzib" itself is plural. How would you make a double plural?
This is just a TPLF made up word with no meaning!!!!
ትክክል ነው ። ሰው (ሰብ) ነጠላ አንድ ሰው ማለት ነው። ሰብ" ከሚለው የግዕዝ ነጠላ ስም ሕዝብ ብሎ ያበዛዋል ። ሕዝብ ራሱ ፕሉራል ስም ነው። ሕዝቦች ልክ መጽሃፍቶች እንደ ሚለው ስህተት ነው። መጻህፍት ራሱ ፕሉራል ስም ነው። ለምሳሌ people of the world are, not peoples of the world. We say the American people are, not the American peoples are, so on.

ሕዝቦች የሚለው ቃል በሁለት መንገድ የተሳሳተ ነው፤ ከእስታሊን እስከ ዋለልኝ እስከ ዎያኔ ማለት ነው። ሕዝቦች ከብሄር ያነሰ መብት እንዴ ሊኖራቸው ይችላል? ብሎም ትርጉም የለሽ ሕዝብ የሚላቸው ካታጎሪ ነው ።
That's exactly right. The 60s thugs are making up things to confuse us.
TPLF used it for its evil deeds. The term, Hizboch, is used to show that we are different.

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by Rtt » 13 Dec 2019, 15:16

EthioRedSea wrote:
12 Dec 2019, 17:49
The following map illustrates the spread of semitic languages

Abe Abraham
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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by Abe Abraham » 13 Dec 2019, 16:48

Horus wrote:
12 Dec 2019, 03:54
abe Abraham

what are you trying to communicate? What does Arabic has to do with Geez? What does hameru ha has to do Seb and Sew? You are mixed up ? Do you know what Sa means? Do you know what Ba means? I do. Good day !!!

I never said that seb and sew had anything to do with hameru ha. I mentioned hameru ha to point out how Hizb is pronounced on one side in Amharic and on the other side in both Tigrigna and Arabic. There are some Arabic words like Hizb,MusHaf and Birhan that the Arabs borrowed from us. That is how Arabic is related to our languages. Once again my focus was on Hizb not on seb and sew.

There is no disagreement between you and me. I supported your view that Hizb means among others a group of people and then I went further to add my contribution by stating that modern Arabs today use Hizb to mean party ( political ) which is related to the definition that you gave.

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by EthioRedSea » 13 Dec 2019, 18:56

The information you have brought is made by Amhara intelectuals and is false as this does not explain the similarity between Tigrigna and Armaic. We believ Armaic is the origin for all semitic languages. Geez, Amharic, Tigrigna and Guraghe languages are semitic. Tigrigna and Guraghe speakers are related to Middle Eastern people. Most Amhara do also. This is genetically proven and our culure (Semitc Ethiopian ) is ralted with Asians.We are asians and blacks- a mixture.
Most family names of Pakistan, Afgahnistan and Bangladesh are related to Tigrigna and Geez. So do most Arabic and yemen names. We should not be ashamed of our semitic roots.

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by YAY » 13 Dec 2019, 19:21

Dear Naga Tuma: Very good questions, but why did you ask: what motivated you to ask these questions?

It would have been better if we knew what confusions you encountered about these terms. Terms like , ግዕዝ, ኣግዓዚ, እግዚኣብሔር እግዚእ, እግዚኦ, and ብሔር, have been in use for centuries. However, I find--in my readings-- ህብረብሄር or ኅብረ-ብሔር a relatively recently (a few years or decades) coined term; and has appeared in frequent use probably in the last 40 years; and more so since EPRDF started discussing "the need" of uniting its coalition members into one united party. I find it confusing more now, when different people seem to mean different things by the same term. I also want you to take note that such longstanding words/terms could change their conceptualization/meaning over time. One word could also have several meanings, and different persons could get into arguments (and often confuse others) on the definition of certain term/word. Regardless, though, this is a good opportunity to clarify what ህብረብሄር or ኅብረ-ብሔር means to whom, and when.

Let us try to bring our knowledge of these terms to the same level. For that reason, I directed my efforts towards what authoritative people (persons who studied them better than the average person) have written about some or all of these words/terms. I researched various sources of information---primarily dictionaries---and I will share my findings here. After that, I shall endeavor into getting samples of how different persons utilize ህብረብሄር or ኅብረ-ብሔር in their writings, and in what sense. Bear with me, please. I will present here a few things at a time, without much opinions:

[1] According to ... 5%E1%8B%9D
ግዕዝ = ("the free") ከዐማርኛ ከትግሪኛ ከዕብራይስጥ ከዐረቢ አንድነት ያለው ኢትዮጵያ ብሔረ አግዐዚ በተባለች ጊዜ ቋንቋውም ግዕዝ ተባለ በነፃነት በጌትነት እየ ተስፋፋ የሚጓዝ ማለትነው (ግዕዘ ተጓዘ ቀስ እያለ ሔደ ([ግዕዝ])።
[2] According to August Dillman.(1899). Ethiopic Grammar. 2nd ed.,1907, London.
ሕዝብ ("nation"); p. 37.
አሕዛብ ("nations"); p. 37.

ብሔር ("land", "country", "the earth") p. 231.
ብሔር ("land") p.297, 312
ብሔራት ( "lands") p. 297.
በሓውርት ( "lands") p. 81
እምነ ርሑቅ ብሔር ጥቀ = "from a very far country" p.473.

ግዕዝና = "emancipation"; p. 260.
አግዓዚ , or sometimes አጋዕዚ; p. 91.

እግዚአ ኲሉ ("the lord of all"); p. 362.
እግዚእ ("lord") p. 312.
አጋእዝት ("lords"); p. 107.

መሬት ("earth", "dust of the ground") p. 231
ሀገር ("city", [district, country... ] p. 286.

ማኅበር ("association", "congregation"); p. 294.
ማኅበራን ("associates", "colleagues") p.294.

ሕቡር = "coloured" p. 236.
ዘሕብር = "speckled"; p. 470
ዘሕብረ ጸዐዳ = "spotted with white"; p. 470
ዘሕብረ ሐመድ = "ash-coloured" . p. 470.

Naga Tuma wrote:
09 Dec 2019, 04:33
ብሄር የሚለዉ ቃል መሰረቱ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ነዉ? ከሆነ ትርጉሙ ምንድነው? ህብረብሄር ትርጉም ኣለዉ?

ሌላ ያለኝ ጥያቄ ግዕዝ፣ ኣጋዚ፣ እግዝዮ፣ እና እግዝኣብሄር ይገናኛሉ?

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by Horus » 13 Dec 2019, 23:27

አቤ አብራህም፣

እሺ ተቀብያለሁ !


ጥሩ ሊስት ይዘሃል።

ነገሩ ብዙ ቦታ ይወስደናል እንጂ ሁሉም የተያያዙ ናቸው።

እኔ ድሮ አጋዚ ማለት ነጻ ሕዝብ ማለት ነው የሚል አንብቤ ነበር ግ ን ሌላ ማረጋገጫ የለኝም። በእኔ ግምት ራስ ገዝ፤ ራስ ገዥ የነበሩ ሕዝቦች ራሳቸውን ነጻ ሕዝብ ይሉ ሰለነበር ይመስላል ፤ ፍሪ ፒፕል እንዲሉ ማለት ነው ።

አጋዝ አጋእዝ፣ ጌታ ወይም ሎርድ ማለት ነው የሚለው ትክክል ነው ። ዛሬም ቢሆን ገዥ፣ ነጋሲ፣ ንጉስ፣ ንግስት፣ የሚሉት ስሞች የገዝ፣ የጋዝ ዝርያዎች ናቸው።

ሕብረ ቀለም ማለትም ብዙ ቀለሞች አብረው ሆነው ማለት ነው ። አብረ፣ አብሮ ፣ ሃብሮ ፣ ህብረት ፣ ብሄር ሁሉም ያው ማህበር ማለት ነው።

ህብረ ብሄር የህብር ህብር ማለት የማህበራት ማህበር ማለት ነው

አግዚኦ እግዚአብሄር በአጭሩ (አስጽሮ ቃል) ለማለት ይመስለኛል ።

ብሄር አገር ወይም መሬት ቢባል የሕዝቡ አጠቃቀም ነው ዛሬስ ቢሆን አገር የት ነው ሲባል መሬት ነው ሚያመልክት ። ለምሳሌ አገር የሚነሳው ገር፣ ጋር ከሚል ስር ነው ፤ ፈጠጋር ፣ ፈጠገር ይባል እንደ ነበረው ። ደሞ ጋራ፣ የጋራ፣ የጋርዮሽ ብለን የህብረት፣ የብሄር ቃል እናረገዋለን ።

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by DefendTheTruth » 15 Dec 2019, 14:54

Horus wrote:
12 Dec 2019, 23:18
simbe11 wrote:
12 Dec 2019, 21:40
ሕዝቦች ማለት ነው፥፥
The word "Hzib" itself is plural. How would you make a double plural?
This is just a TPLF made up word with no meaning!!!!
ትክክል ነው ። ሰው (ሰብ) ነጠላ አንድ ሰው ማለት ነው። ሰብ" ከሚለው የግዕዝ ነጠላ ስም ሕዝብ ብሎ ያበዛዋል ። ሕዝብ ራሱ ፕሉራል ስም ነው። ሕዝቦች ልክ መጽሃፍቶች እንደ ሚለው ስህተት ነው። መጻህፍት ራሱ ፕሉራል ስም ነው። ለምሳሌ people of the world are, not peoples of the world. We say the American people are, not the American peoples are, so on.

ሕዝቦች የሚለው ቃል በሁለት መንገድ የተሳሳተ ነው፤ ከእስታሊን እስከ ዋለልኝ እስከ ዎያኔ ማለት ነው። ሕዝቦች ከብሄር ያነሰ መብት እንዴ ሊኖራቸው ይችላል? ብሎም ትርጉም የለሽ ሕዝብ የሚላቸው ካታጎሪ ነው ።
Ye Oromo Hizb na Ye Amara Hizb and lay seteru men lebalu new? Hizboch aydelem?

I think the word peoples is as such grammatically not incorrect.

A set is a collection of elements, as such it is a plural in meaning (more than 1). Of course there is also an empty set and a set of just 1 element.

People is a collection of individuals, as such a set of individuals. But we can have many different sets. Yes we say the American people, the Ethiopian people, the Brazilian people. But if we want to refer to all of them at once then I thought we say the American, the Ethiopian and the Brazilian Peoples. What should be wrong with that?

There are the Oromo people, there are the Amhara people, the Guraghe people and these are peoples of Ethiopia and can be called together part of the Ethiopian People. That is why we call the Ethiopian Peoples (here we are reffering to the different sets, not the whole set at once.

Well, both English and Amharic are my second and third lanuages respectively, still it seems to me that there is some confusion here.

My orientation is this: a set is a collection, and there can be many different sets. I think it is grammatically not correct to say many different people instead of different peoples.

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by YAY » 15 Dec 2019, 15:24

Dear All: Additional information on the Ge'ez/Ge'iz words/terms
[3] According to Hiob Ludolfi. (1661). Lexicon Aethiopico-Latinum ex Omribus Libri Impressis መዝገበ ቃላት ዘልሳነ ግዕዝ... ...London.

ብሔር = (1) earth, extended space, location, field, rural, country, province, land, place.

ብሔር = (2) humans, race, tribe, people, nation, natives, etc. living in certain area of land.

ብሔር = (3) plural: በሓውርት : ብሔራት = nations;

ገዝአ or ገዘአ = dominate, master, ruler, lord, governor, despot, autocrat, emperor, employer;

እግዚአብሔር = the lord of the world and regions;

ግዝአት or ግዝኣት = dominion, rule, sovereignty, lordship, absolute ownership
Last edited by YAY on 15 Dec 2019, 20:15, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by YAY » 15 Dec 2019, 20:02

Dear Naga Tuma: More Ge'ez/Ge'iz terms related to your question(s)

[4] According to August Dillmann.(1899). ETHIOPIC GRAMMAR.2nd ed. by Carl Bezold, translated by James A. Crichton. London: Williams & Norgate, 1907.

ሀገር = city, country; አህጉር or አህጉራት= cities, [countries];
ሀገሪት = [town], townspeople;
ሑቡር = coloured, [combination of various colors]
ሑብረት = coloured decoration; ሑብረታት = coloured decorations;
ሕብር = colour;
ኅብር = incantation;
ኅቡረ = all together, together;
ሓቅል = [rural] field, አሕቃላት = districts;
ሕዝብ = nation, land; አሕዛብ= nations;
ሕዝበ እስራኤል = the people of Israel;
ሕዝብየ = my people;
ሕዝብ ዐቢየ = a great nation;
ህየንተ ሕዝብ = for the people;
አሕዛብ ብዙኃን = many people;
ማኅበር = association, congregation;
ማኅበራን = associates, colleagues;
ምድር = earth, land;
ብሔር = land; people [of a certain land];
አተዉ ብሔሮሙ = they returned/[entered] to their own land;
ነገድ = race, [tribe]; አንጋድ or አንጋዳት = races, [tribes];
እግዚእ or ግዜእ = lord, Lord;
እግዚእና = dominion, superiority;
እግዚእ ዘቤት = lord of the house;
ገራህት = [agricultural] field, ገራውህ = fields;
ግዕዝ'ና = emancipation;
ፈንዎቱ አግዔዘ = to let him go free;
እግዚአብሔር = the supreme (lord of the earth, [or the land]);

Naga Tuma wrote:
09 Dec 2019, 04:33
ብሄር የሚለዉ ቃል መሰረቱ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ነዉ? ከሆነ ትርጉሙ ምንድነው? ህብረብሄር ትርጉም ኣለዉ?

ሌላ ያለኝ ጥያቄ ግዕዝ፣ ኣጋዚ፣ እግዝዮ፣ እና እግዝኣብሄር ይገናኛሉ?
Last edited by YAY on 25 Dec 2019, 02:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ጥያቄ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ለምታዉቁ

Post by YAY » 15 Dec 2019, 20:26

Dear Naga Tuma: The last batch of Ge'ez/Ge'iz (and other related languages') terms related to your question(s)

[5] According to Wolf Leslau. (2006). Comparative Dictionary of Geʻez (Classical Ethiopic): Geʻez-English, English- Geʻez. Weisbaden.

ge'za ግዕዘ, (yeg'az [ይግዐዝ]), ge'za ግእዘ = 'move, change residence, depart, encamp, pitch camp, march into, go on a trip'; p. 175.

'ag'aza [አግዐዘ (ይአግዕዝ)] = 'transfer, transport, remove, make wander, send to exile, banish'; p. 175.

taga'aza [ተገእዐዘ] = 'be transported (much baggage)' ; p. 175.

ge'uz [ግእዑዝ ] = 'removed' ga'az [ገእዐዝ], ga`z [ጋእዕዝ] 'baggage, camp, artisans of the camp, servants'; p. 175.

gwa'zo [ጐዕዞ], gwa`az [ጐእዐዝ], gwa`z [ጐዐዝ] = baggage (of an army), caravan that follows an army (family, animals, equipment)'; p. 175.

ge'z [ግዕዝ] = 'journey, wandering, walk'; p. 175.

gwe'z [ጕዕዝ] = 'a day's journey'; p. 175.

gu'zo [ጉዕዞ], gwe'zo [ጕዕዞ] = 'traveling(n), a day's march, stage'; p. 175.

ge'zat [ግዕዘት] = 'migration, transition'; p. 175.

`ag'azi [ኣግዓዚ] = act, part, of `ag`aza [ኣግዓዘ]; p. 175.

meg`az [ምግዓዝ] = 'setting out, departure'; p. 175.

ge'iza ግዕዘ = 'become free, be set free, be emancipated'; p. 175.

`ag'aza [ኣግዓዘ], `age'za [ኣግዕዘ] = 'set free, make free, be made free, be set at liberty, free oneself'; p. 175.

tege'za [ተግዕዘ], taga'aza [ተገዓዘ] = 'set free, make free, send forth free (a slave); p. 175.

taga'eza [ተጋዕዘ] = 'become free'; p. 175.

ga'azi [ገዓዚ] = 'free' p.175.

ge'uz [ግዑዝ] = 'free, freeman, one who is set free'; p. 175.

(lessana ge'z [ልሳነ ግዕዝ] = 'the Ge'ez language'); p. 175.

(behera ge'z [ብሔረ ግዕዝ] = 'Ethiopia'); p. 175.

ge'zat [ግዕዘት] = 'being set free' (n); p. 175.

ge'zan [ግዕዛን] = 'freedom, manumission, liberation'; p. 176.

ge'ezenna [ግዕዝን'ና] = 'liberation from slavery, status of freedom'; p. 176.

`ag'az [ኣግዓዝ] `ag'azi [ኣግዓዚ] = 'freeman, free man, master, Ethiopian' p.176.

ኣግዓዚት = 'free woman'; p. 176.

ብሔረ ኣግዓዚ = 'Ethiopia', 'the land of the free' p. 176.

`ag'ezo gabr [ኣግዕዞ ገብር] = 'manimission, lit. 'setting free of a slave'; p. 176.

`ag'azay [ኣግዓዛይ] `aga"zay [ኣጋዕዛይ] = 'free, freeman'; p. 176.

habara ሓበረ = 'dye, adorn, decorate, clean, polish, scrub'; p.224

mah(e)bar መኅበር = [one who does habara ሓበረ (?)]; p. 338

`ahbara [ኣሕበረ] = 'scour, clean, polish, color, paint'; p. 224

hebr [ኅብር] = 'color, ink, complexion, beauty, appearance, kind, spot, skin rash'; p.224

mhbr [ምሕብር], 'amahbara አማኅበረ = 'assemble together, associate, join, unite; p. 338.

Naga Tuma wrote:
09 Dec 2019, 04:33
ብሄር የሚለዉ ቃል መሰረቱ ግዕዝ ቋንቋ ነዉ? ከሆነ ትርጉሙ ምንድነው? ህብረብሄር ትርጉም ኣለዉ?

ሌላ ያለኝ ጥያቄ ግዕዝ፣ ኣጋዚ፣ እግዝዮ፣ እና እግዝኣብሄር ይገናኛሉ?

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