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Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Cigar » 23 Oct 2019, 18:46

Wow, what the hell is going on in ethiopia?
It seems no matter who leads the country there will be millions and millions of people who wouldn't approve a leader as long as he/she doesn't come from their tribe.
Sorry to say it, but it looks like its fate is going to be like Yugoslavia.
When the f**k are you people going to take your freaking tribe association out of your minds and be happy with a leader who can unite your whole country, so long it is not from the cowards, thugs and thieves tegarus.
You are giving Egypt a hint to take advantage of your division and bomb your dam people.
And believe me if you are successful in building the dam and having a friend in Eritrea who is going to allow you to have access to the sea, lives of your population from all the region will change for the better and this 100 different ethnic group will calm down.
Just a friendly advice from a friend of only the peace loving ethiopians, if there are any that is.

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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Zmeselo » 23 Oct 2019, 19:25

(BBC) - Protesters in eastern Ethiopia have burnt copies of a new book by prime minister and Nobel Peace Prize winner Abiy Ahmed in a show of solidarity with an opposition media activist.

Jawar Mohammed had said the government was removing security from his home in the capital, which officials denied.

This triggered protests outside his compound and elsewhere in the country.

Despite being praised for his reforms the prime minister has struggled to contain growing ethnic rivalries.

The police have disputed that security was withdrawn, but Mr Jawar's statement fuelled some frustrations with the government.

In the capital, Addis Ababa, supporters offered to act as Mr Jawar's security detail and protesters were heard shouting: "Down, down, Abiy." The book burning took place in the town of Dadar.

Copies of Mr Abiy's book, Medemer, which was published on Saturday, have been distributed across the country. It focuses on the prime minister's political philosophy as well as his vision for Ethiopia.

Huge following

Mr Jawar used his media platform, Oromo Media Network (OMN), to report on the 2016-18 wave of anti-government protests under the previous Prime Minister, Hailemariam Desalegn.

During those protests OMN gained a huge following among people in the Oromo community, Ethiopia's largest ethnic group, who have felt politically and economically marginalised.

At that time the Ethiopian-born journalist was based in the US, where he is a citizen.

But he returned to Ethiopia after Mr Abiy took power in April last year and started introducing reforms.

In a flurry of activity in 2018, Mr Abiy freed thousands of political prisoners, ended a state of emergency and unbanned numerous political parties.

The prime minister has allowed more media freedom in a country that human rights groups had previously condemned for its repression of journalists.

Peace problems

Previously, the authoritarian state had kept a lid on tensions between Ethiopia's numerous ethnic communities. But many of those tensions have spilled over into open conflict.

The prime minister, who is himself Oromo, has been accused of ignoring the interests of some groups.

Despite returning from exile, Mr Jawar has been critical of Mr Abiy.

This may have irked the prime minister.
Those media owners who don't have Ethiopian passports are playing both ways,
Mr Abiy was quoted as saying in parliament by Reuters news agency.
When there is peace you are playing here, and when we are in trouble you [are] not here.
Many saw this as a criticism of the OMN chief.

Mr Abiy was awarded the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize earlier this month for resolving Ethiopia's border conflict with Eritrea, and promoting peace and reconciliation in his own country and in the region.


Counter demo. against Jawar:

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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Zmeselo » 23 Oct 2019, 19:42

It's a dilemma.

It seems that people love the PM, but hate the EPRDF.

Was it right of Abyi, to keep the EPRDF intact? Maybe, he should've started a new party; now that the dominant party within the EPRDF (the TPLF) is comatose. A new party that satisfies the Qeero & Jawar, who did the heavy lifting in getting rid of the weyane. He kept the flag with the weyane emblem on, he is treating the weyane gangsters with kid gloves until now etc.

Just speculating. Where an I going wrong, here?

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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 23 Oct 2019, 19:48

Zmeselo wrote:
23 Oct 2019, 19:42
It's a dilemma.

It seems that people love the PM, but hate the EPRDF.

Was it right of Abyi, to keep the EPRDF intact? Maybe, he should've started a new party; now that the dominant party within the EPRDF (the TPLF) is comatose. A new party that satisfies the Qeero & Jawar, who did the heavy lifting in getting rid of the weyane. He kept the flag with the weyane emblem on, he is treating the weyane gangsters with kid gloves until now etc.

Just speculating. Where an I going wrong, here?
It ain't the woyane they are against this time it rather is the country itself. Short of swallowing the country and remaking it in the image that they think of what it should be like, nothing seem to be the answer, unfortunately. As of now, they do control the majority of meaningful political and military power in the country, tho.

Sadacha Macca
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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Sadacha Macca » 23 Oct 2019, 19:50

It's best if Eritreans minded their own business. The last time you were involved, you brought TPLF to power and that didn't work out well for anyone including Eritreans.
Keep in mind Ethiopia was initially created to serve the interests of elites in Europe and not those of the peoples forced to be apart of that brutal empire.
It was created by, for and is sustained by, European imperialists. Facts.

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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Zmeselo » 23 Oct 2019, 20:13

Where do you see any involvement, here?

Or is it, "don't talk!"?
Sadacha Macca wrote:
23 Oct 2019, 19:50
It's best if Eritreans minded their own business. The last time you were involved, you brought TPLF to power and that didn't work out well for anyone including Eritreans.
Keep in mind Ethiopia was initially created to serve the interests of elites in Europe and not those of the peoples forced to be apart of that brutal empire.
It was created by, for and is sustained by, European imperialists. Facts.
Last edited by Zmeselo on 23 Oct 2019, 20:15, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Za-Ilmaknun » 23 Oct 2019, 20:13

The PM in his address to the house yesterday said, about 2000 people died when protesting to change the brutal TPLF regime that he was part of running. He was elected to lead the country (not a particular ethic enclave) by the support of a party that Jawar considers as mortal enemy and, as such he has been struggling to balance the two forces. However, as most observers would attest, the political, security and economic powers have been abruptly shifting hands from that of TPLF to OLF. But for the likes of Jawar, it still ain't enough. All the rest of us must disappear or else be turned to slaves for him to get his orgy. This young man does seem to have over inflated image of himself and of his enablers. The party that the PM chairs let loose the beast outta the cage and now it is going to bit them back.

In all of these, things are getting closer to that critical mass where in one side has to come out as a real winner. When such happens, we certainly will have clarity as to which side is with the country. So far so much deception and empty talks but now it is at the leap stage.

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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by opmerc » 23 Oct 2019, 20:28

Cigar, if you don't appreciate someone telling you how to run Eritrea or how Eritreans should behave, then it's best that you extend that on those around you.

But for discussions sake, this is what actual democracy looks like. A country doesn't go from thousands of years of monarch rule and decades of authoritarian rule to, all of a sudden, everyone is a responsible mature adult that exercises their rights while being respectfully limited by responsibilities. No one is immune from hot-headed and impressionable young crowds acting like burning and looting is an acceptable form of political speech. Everyone has this problem when you're not keeping the peace with a barrel of a gun.

There are also countries with much more seasoned democracies and much smaller fault-lines than ours electing ethno-fascists to office. Look at India, the largest democracy on earth, many European countries, Israel, US etc. In fact Ethiopia has it much better than some of those countries because the person sitting all the way at the top is working to end such a system not trying to make it worse and there are millions that support him in doing so.

So relax, Ethiopia will be fine. I actually think this event is not all that negative because it shows the government angling to finally tackle Jawar. It also forces those within ODP to take clear and public sides (they are either with Dr. Abiy or with Jawar) and this will result in the culling of anti-medemer characters from ODP before it merges with others into EPP.

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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Aurora » 23 Oct 2019, 20:33

Abiy is the man. Give the man the chance to make the difference.

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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Cigar » 23 Oct 2019, 22:35

Opmerc, would you be courageous and unbiased enough to tell the millions of your filthy agames who put their ugly fingers in Eritrea's affairs every freaking day to put corks in their a*as holes and ugly mouths?
Stop acting like miss manners you scum bag. Unlike your busht*ties friends, atleast I am not advocating to divide the peace loving Ethiopians.
Yes unlike your hasadat brothers, I am not wishing bad to your country.
And stop changing nicks.
I believe you are trying to shut me off, because you have your own agenda aka tribe to promote. And that is what I am saying, you dumb as*ses need to stop for your your 85 % poor population sake, who do not know that you are stomping on their empty stomachs.
Is that wrong?
If it is, then the next time you see one of your nasty brother talk about Eritrea, tell them to shut the f**k up.
And you too do like wise (shut the hell up) with your other nick.

Sam Ebalalehu
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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Sam Ebalalehu » 23 Oct 2019, 22:43

No, Cigar Ethiopia definitely has hope. What you are hearing now about Ethiopia should not be a surprise. Ethiopians of every ethnic group have been taught for nearly thirty years that the Amharas, whom the great majority of them do not manage to have three meals a day, only the Amharas had been the reason of their misery. Multitude of opportunist ethnic politicians made a living by singling out the Amharas as evil . Just yesterday the TPLF wrote a propaganda saying the Temketegnas, meaning the Amharas, are coming back. It seems the poor Amharas do not get a break. Now, the TPLF seems trying to gallop the Jawar wagon in hope of dominating Ethiopian politics once again.
It will never happen. Ethiopians have clearly understood there are some Ethiopians who use their uninformed, ill educated, young to promote themselves. Jawar definitely is one of them. He is the dangerous one because he likes to mix religion and politics.
One thing should not be overlooked: Jawar is overrated. If not for the Lemma team Querro would not have become a formidable force.
If Jawar and his army Querro choose to go against the Abiy regime, they will become dinosaurs pretty soon.
Cigar, do not underestimate the political knowhow of Abiy. And more than that do not underestimate the Ethiopians determination to keep their country intact. They have a medal to prove it : they survived nearly three decades of TPLF rule.

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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by opmerc » 23 Oct 2019, 23:05

Cigar wrote:
23 Oct 2019, 22:35
Opmerc, would you be courageous and unbiased enough to tell the millions of your filthy agames who put their ugly fingers in Eritrea's affairs every freaking day to put corks in their a*as holes and ugly mouths?
Stop acting like miss manners you scum bag. Unlike your busht*ties friends, atleast I am not advocating to divide the peace loving Ethiopians.
Yes unlike your hasadat brothers, I am not wishing bad to your country.
And stop changing nicks.
I believe you are trying to shut me off, because you have your own agenda aka tribe to promote. And that is what I am saying, you dumb as*ses need to stop for your your 85 % poor population sake, who do not know that you are stomping on their empty stomachs.
Is that wrong?
If it is, then the next time you see one of your nasty brother talk about Eritrea, tell them to shut the f**k up.
And you too do like wise (shut the hell up) with your other nick.
You have me confused with someone else. This is my only account. I only observe and comment during particularly tense moments in the country. Otherwise I'm not all too bothered by what is said or how the rest of you spend your time on this site. So I have no need for multiple accounts.

If you have a problem with 'agames' go direct your issues at them, why should I be your messenger? I don't agree with your message or characterization, so I'm certainly not helping you spread it. My problem is with TPLF and those that think like them politically, not any people in Tigray. We can all dislike TPLF together and work to see them collapse but anything outside of that, you are on your own.

And to be perfectly honest with you, I don't spend a single solitary second of my day worrying about who is meddling in Eritrea's affairs. I leave Eritreans to go and handle that. I addressed your actions here because you chose to talk about an issue in my country like you have an equal stake in it. You don't. And your framing was not very constructive either. So if you are not helping me or my country I'd rather you be quiet.

So yes that's my agenda. I was only being polite about it assuming you had a modicum of decency. Of course you can go ahead and prove me wrong and keep at it. Doesn't change much in the end.

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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Dawi » 24 Oct 2019, 00:10

Sadacha Macca wrote:
23 Oct 2019, 19:50
It's best if Eritreans minded their own business. The last time you were involved, you brought TPLF to power and that didn't work out well for anyone including Eritreans.
Keep in mind Ethiopia was initially created to serve the interests of elites in Europe and not those of the peoples forced to be apart of that brutal empire.
It was created by, for and is sustained by, European imperialists. Facts.

What an inferior n**igger you're?

You're not better than the colonial Eritreans mental sets you're criticizing in this forum. The secessionists divided our country 20 something years ago, now Cigar scribbled a thread to hoodwink us with some stupid comment as a "lost" friend.

Let me tell you something, my ancestors created Ethiopia a long time ago; even in the last 150 years they shaped the territory of Ethiopia themselves. It is something I/we know growing up, our grand fathers paid a price to keep us free.

Keep talking like the missionary trained Oromo periphery slaves you're!


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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Digital Weyane » 24 Oct 2019, 01:17

opmerc wrote:
23 Oct 2019, 23:05

And to be perfectly honest with you, I don't spend a single solitary second of my day worrying about who is meddling in Eritrea's affairs. I leave Eritreans to go and handle that.
It is comments like this that makes my blood boil. In our TPLF community, the path to peace and stability means acknowledging that what bothers the TPLF community does not just exist in the minds of Digital Weyane like me. It is real. We see Shabiya's hands all over the illegal overthrow of our TPLF leaders. The Ethiopian community has the duty and the obligation to meddle in Eritreans' affairs to exact revenge against the Eritreans for killing our 27 years young Weyanay democracy.

For the last 10 years, we Digital Weyane have been busy on this forum informing Ethiopians about the issues in Eritrea, hoping they would join hands with us to save our Weyanay democracy from Eritrean plotted conspiracies.

If you would like to see the return of Weyanay democracy in Ethiopia, join us in our cyber war against Eritreans, because that is the true definition of Ethiopian patriotism. Not meddling in Eritrean affairs is complicity. You're either with us, or against us! :evil:

Sadacha Macca
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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Sadacha Macca » 24 Oct 2019, 13:35

Dawi wrote:
24 Oct 2019, 00:10
Sadacha Macca wrote:
23 Oct 2019, 19:50
It's best if Eritreans minded their own business. The last time you were involved, you brought TPLF to power and that didn't work out well for anyone including Eritreans.
Keep in mind Ethiopia was initially created to serve the interests of elites in Europe and not those of the peoples forced to be apart of that brutal empire.
It was created by, for and is sustained by, European imperialists. Facts.

What an inferior n**igger you're?

You're not better than the colonial Eritreans mental sets you're criticizing in this forum. The secessionists divided our country 20 something years ago, now Cigar scribbled a thread to hoodwink us with some stupid comment as a "lost" friend.

Let me tell you something, my ancestors created Ethiopia a long time ago; even in the last 150 years they shaped the territory of Ethiopia themselves. It is something I/we know growing up, our grand fathers paid a price to keep us free.

Keep talking like the missionary trained Oromo periphery slaves you're!



The truth hurts to the point that you became furious and probably cried as you typed that response.
Anyways. Like it or not, menelik could not have made his empire that became synonymous with war, human misery, hunger, etc, without European involvement from firearms to actual military generals helping him with tactics.
"We" claim to be anti colonialism but Ethiopia itself is a product of it, the european elites wanted access to those resources in the south and trusted menelik to share the loot.
I don't like to discuss the past too much but history is what it is

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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Dawi » 24 Oct 2019, 16:15

Sadacha Macca wrote:
24 Oct 2019, 13:35
The truth hurts to the point that you became furious and probably cried as you typed that response.
Anyways. Like it or not, menelik could not have made his empire that became synonymous with war, human misery, hunger, etc, without European involvement from firearms to actual military generals helping him with tactics.
"We" claim to be anti colonialism but Ethiopia itself is a product of it, the european elites wanted access to those resources in the south and trusted menelik to share the loot.
I don't like to discuss the past too much but history is what it is

If I am a little upset, it's because my grand father was a Neftegna; he wasn't Amara/Tigre either. My father saw his dad leave AA to fight the Italians when he was 16. That was the last time he saw him. My dad Inherited large parcel of land in the middle of AA from his father. He didn't believe in selling land so he leased few plots for nominal yearly payment until the Derg came and all land was nationalized. We lived a modest life. So, I know a little bit of what I am talking about.

Menelik built a nation like any other Europeans; nothing more or less. No need to depreciate that achievement by Ethiopians.

Europeans can't help Menelik to defeat their own; if that is what you're thinking.

FYI, Gun powder was created by the Chinese in the 9th century; so if modifications are made by others so be it.

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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Ethoash » 24 Oct 2019, 16:38

Dawi wrote:
24 Oct 2019, 16:15

Menelik built a nation like any other Europeans; nothing more or less. No need to depreciate that achievement by Ethiopians.

Europeans can't help Menelik to defeat their own; if that is what you're thinking.

FYI, Gun powder was created by the Chinese in the 9th century; so if modifications are made by others so be it.

do u read king Menelik history ? or u just say whatever come to your mouth ... Ethiopia existed before king Menelik the proof was king Menelik defeated Italy because the whole Ethiopia help him out.. all Ethiopia have different king but they were all together like fed state.then as soon as king Menelik win the war of Adawa and got fresh Gun he turn the gun on those people who help him to win the war.. had all regional king survived by now we would have joined with fed in our own free will. not with Gun.. KIng Menelik broken what was prefect fed state..

anyhow the sin of Kin gMenelik still we paying ... Eritrean he sold it , Djibouti he sold it , Nile river he sold if for free. even so he ask help from other regional king when king of Golden state ask him help fighting the Egypt king menelik refused to help and the Egypt or Sudanese win.. and the king died and king Menelik take over .. this guy did not even wait for his turn king golden have to arrest him few times..

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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Degnet » 24 Oct 2019, 17:00

Digital Weyane wrote:
24 Oct 2019, 01:17
opmerc wrote:
23 Oct 2019, 23:05

And to be perfectly honest with you, I don't spend a single solitary second of my day worrying about who is meddling in Eritrea's affairs. I leave Eritreans to go and handle that.
It is comments like this that makes my blood boil. In our TPLF community, the path to peace and stability means acknowledging that what bothers the TPLF community does not just exist in the minds of Digital Weyane like me. It is real. We see Shabiya's hands all over the illegal overthrow of our TPLF leaders. The Ethiopian community has the duty and the obligation to meddle in Eritreans' affairs to exact revenge against the Eritreans for killing our 27 years young Weyanay democracy.

For the last 10 years, we Digital Weyane have been busy on this forum informing Ethiopians about the issues in Eritrea, hoping they would join hands with us to save our Weyanay democracy from Eritrean plotted conspiracies.

If you would like to see the return of Weyanay democracy in Ethiopia, join us in our cyber war against Eritreans, because that is the true definition of Ethiopian patriotism. Not meddling in Eritrean affairs is complicity. You're either with us, or against us! :evil:
This guy is another dirty one,idiot.Enezih chemlakochen lematfat kehone enem ke ante gar negn.He has no any identity nega teba ye ergo zenb.These are the people I dislike most,be sew aemero mechawet.I have never seen such people,there were great people in pagan Rome.

Sadacha Macca
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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Sadacha Macca » 24 Oct 2019, 18:51

Dawi wrote:
24 Oct 2019, 16:15
Sadacha Macca wrote:
24 Oct 2019, 13:35
The truth hurts to the point that you became furious and probably cried as you typed that response.
Anyways. Like it or not, menelik could not have made his empire that became synonymous with war, human misery, hunger, etc, without European involvement from firearms to actual military generals helping him with tactics.
"We" claim to be anti colonialism but Ethiopia itself is a product of it, the european elites wanted access to those resources in the south and trusted menelik to share the loot.
I don't like to discuss the past too much but history is what it is

If I am a little upset, it's because my grand father was a Neftegna; he wasn't Amara/Tigre either. My father saw his dad leave AA to fight the Italians when he was 16. That was the last time he saw him. My dad Inherited large parcel of land in the middle of AA from his father. He didn't believe in selling land so he leased few plots for nominal yearly payment until the Derg came and all land was nationalized. We lived a modest life. So, I know a little bit of what I am talking about.

Menelik built a nation like any other Europeans; nothing more or less. No need to depreciate that achievement by Ethiopians.

Europeans can't help Menelik to defeat their own; if that is what you're thinking.

FYI, Gun powder was created by the Chinese in the 9th century; so if modifications are made by others so be it.


That's cool but your grandfather or father fighting Italians doesn't disprove the points I've made.
That's also an issue many of us share- the inability to have an intellectual discourse without getting overly emotional and resorting to insults.
Most Ethiopians who discuss politics are overly dramatic and emotional like a bollywood film.

If a state in Africa was created by brute force and to primarily serve European instead of indigenous African interests; do NOT foolishly expect us ALL to think that's a good thing.
The amount of damage the european funded conquest of the south by menelik... Can NOT even be expressed verbally. Especially in oromoland where their cultural practices were banned and many were enslaved, turned into serfs, etc.
As taddesse birru alluded.... Oromo poverty in the south can directly be linked to the appropriation of their lands by menelik.
When he said this hurtful truth... The elites of his time were angry just like you.....keep that in mind

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Re: Ethiopia has no hope to be a stable country.

Post by Dawi » 26 Oct 2019, 01:32

Ethoash wrote:
24 Oct 2019, 16:38
as soon as king Menelik win the war of Adawa and got fresh Gun he turn the gun on those people who help him to win the war.. had all regional king survived by now we would have joined with fed in our own free will. not with Gun.. KIng Menelik broken what was prefect fed state..

anyhow the sin of Kin gMenelik still we paying ... Eritrean he sold it , Djibouti he sold it , Nile river he sold if for free. even so he ask help from other regional king when king of Golden state ask him help fighting the Egypt king menelik refused to help and the Egypt or Sudanese win.. and the king died and king Menelik take over .. this guy did not even wait for his turn king golden have to arrest him few times..
Without organized Army? How?

Menelik did what others did to build a nation. He used multi-ethnic army to do that.

Sold Eritrea? You can say Meles did same few years ago in the same breath but, that is assuming TPLF was capable or not?

Could it be Menelik was a realist; probably new his capabilities not to go all the way to the Red Sea?

Sold Nile River? C'mon! Is Dr. Abiy negotiating in Russia to buy the river back as we speak then? :P

Menelik didn't build Ankober/Amara land by exploiting others; we are all in the same boat; he assembled the best of what Ethiopia had to offer then to win the war and kept an African nation free. Oromos were major part of his assemble not special cases of "retards" as Sadacha claims here; what we need to do now is move forward & build on that foundation.

Menelik was nice but, wasn't naive; new his limitations, deciding to expand Southwards where the Colonialists were the weakest to build the only independent Africa. Your Monday morning quarterbacking of the genius of the world known African hero & leader Menelik is laughable.

You guys keep dwelling on the weaknesses of Menelik for the rest of your lousy lives.

Jawar keeps doing that stupidity and is guaranteed to go down sooner of later.

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